Karen Champlin


Bellingham, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
1980 to 1983 and 2010 to 2013….2022 to ???
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Art is long…Life is short.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Karen Champlin
215 w holly st. B-31
Bellingham, Washington
98225 USA


Comment Wall:

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  • Inêz Oludé

    Hi Karen

    here you are




  • David Stafford

    Money, Stamps, Art or Blood...choices, choices...Let me think on these things...in the meantime...merry christmas, Karen...
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    :-) 'Glad it arrived, and let be discovered tomorrow as it is probably the mail art marked 28/365? Stamped for December 28...(me working with "365" a bit in advance so you may receive it for the holidays! ) and keep a look-out for yet another  new "haptic": "Coming to select mailboxes in your area soon"!

  • David Stafford

    I sent them out yesterday...no charge.
  • David Stafford

    You're welcome...I hope you find them useful.
  • David Stafford

    The most striking thing about these old Times is their all-encompassing cold war paranoia. That, and the odd ads for manufacturers (air conditioners, obscure mechanical devices, etc) which tells a tale about post-war America. We used to make things back then. The covers are really the best though. Illustrated portraits not photographs. The handful I have from the 70s are so flat and unremarkable in their desire to be contemporary. The covers from the 50s, on the other hand, are like your grandfather's watch, well-made, stolid, serious business.
  • Olivia Arrow

    Sounds great!
  • Olivia Arrow

    Yes, lets send at least within this week, the 7th can be our deadline. Is there a theme for the 3 ATCs? We live fairly close to each other, how funny!
  • Poison Label Productions

    a heaping helping of yuck is on its way!!!
  • Jennie Hinchcliff

    Hi there Karen! I just picked up your mail the other day from the PO...I'm a little backlogged with answering folks right now, since the holidays have come and gone. But it's great to hear from you! :-)
  • Bruno Cassaglia -networker

  • David Stafford

    Yes, very much. Thank upi. Karen
  • David Stafford

    41...so young...that adds another layer of dimensionality to your piece...
  • Jen Staggs

    OOhh- carving stamps is addicting...can't wait to see what you made.
  • Dr. Maie Yanni

    No Karen,

    Sorry for the misunderstanding,what I meant is I would like to send you my adress by email as I would not like it to be posted on the world wide web for privacy reasons and then we can actually exchange art by mail properly. That's why i sent you my email so we can confidentially exchange mailing adresses.Look forward to hearing from you,

    Best wishes,


  • Pamela Gerard

    Karen, I don't see anything from you in my pile of "received" so no......but would love to have something from you.
  • Jen Staggs

    I sent you a wee gifty to cheer you up- mailed it last week, should be there soon.
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Hi Karen, I saw your works..they are great! I am sure all will be well with the boekie...have no fear, better to have a laugh instead at the primal scream site.            In art it happens to lose the Muse now and then, artists have a life too..but Muses are like cats, they always return home...:-)))

    hang in there, let the work decant...I do that too, we have time!

    cheers and thank you for the friendship!

  • Austin Wills James


    I put an oversized collage card in the mail for you at the end of last week, using what I thought would be overkill on the postage. I'm starting to have doubts about if I used enough though. Just wanted to let you know so you could keep an eye out for it.



  • Austin Wills James

    I really hope you like it, it's the first piece I've done using that method.


  • Mary Jo Cartledgehayes

    I adore your self portrait; and I've been doing fabric / paper / trim / whatever postcards for a few years now, so I'm happy about the group as well. Nice to see you.
  • Jen Staggs

    KAREN!!  I LOVE this fiber piece you sent!!  Will post it in the Fiber Group asap.  How did you get the photos on fabric? Kinkos?  It is such a cool gift- you know my sensibilities so well- history, vintage clothes, hair and cars, fiber bits and bobs, perfection. Thank you so much, dear friend.  You are an obscenely talented lady!
  • Jen Staggs

    It is hanging in a special place by my desk.  I flip it over occasionally to give each side a chance to breathe.  It is definitely a muse for me! I can't thank you enough.
  • Olivia Arrow

    Beautiful ATCs! Thank you! Your's are coming soon!
  • Mary Jo Cartledgehayes

    I'm now following you on your blog.
  • Mary Jo Cartledgehayes

    I'm glad you have that place where you can be free. My best friend is bipolar; and I've observed how difficult it is. It's a life work, living with it, and other things have to come in second place. I'm severely ADHD, which half the world doesn't believe in and the other half thinks shouldn't affect what I can and can't do. If only ...
  • Mary Jo Cartledgehayes

    Oh, I totally understand the writing part. And thanks for your words about ADHD. It's enough to handle under normal circumstances, but when crises occur (like my dad's death last year) it goes into overdrive. I imagine it's similar for you. xo Boo
  • Austin Wills James

    Thank you for your latest pieces, as always I find them mystifying & inspiring. Having started a new job this last month, after 2 years of unemployment, I've had less time for mail-art creation & posting what I've recieved. Your kind words & encouragement really help me out on the days where it's seems that my panic disorder is going to get the better of me. I'm very honored to call you my friend.


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    YOU make the world a better place with your art, dear Karen! Thank you for such kind words, too, they really lifted my spirits today. What a beautiful surprise wrapped in wondrous purple tissue paper! TWO art works form you...thank you, thank you!

    I went on a search, and found "Good Thunder". 'Just south and a bit west of St Paul/Minn  ;-) There is no limit to the haptic moments of these works, and details of glorious discovery abound!

    ...going to post this at Haptic Poetry, for they are poetic! Thank you sweetie!


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    IMG455...they are ALL fantastic girl! But this one with the drive-in ticket is one of my favorites. The photo also reminds me of my dear aunt and uncle. They were like that then, now married 63 years, both are 93 years old and still dancing in Chicago! Thank you... more in the mail to you soon, too!
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Definitelt IMG455! That is Normal, illinois on the map piece! 'Been there, done that! Now I am really excited about this art work!
  • Olivia Arrow

    I'm so glad you liked them! Thanks for trading with me. :D
  • Em

    3 cards will be on their way to you tomorrow's mail.


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Yes! Yes! Yes! In the mail today, all by itself so I can enjoy it's beauty without much interference! Thank you so much, Karen...it is special, going to blog it ;-)

  • cheryl penn

    Hello :-) Did Posthet take it? Do you still want to do it? If you are so far into it do you REALLY want to give it up?  If you do - NO PROBLEM, let me know before everyone posts their stuff to you - although you could just forward it I suppose. Let me know - I DONT want you going nuts over X :-))
  • David Stafford

    Yeah, I'm not terribly happy with the design of the lino cut but I've been blocked, so to speak, printmaking wise and it just seemed more important to get this out, however imperfectly than to fuss over it. Anyhow...Viva la ATC....(these are my first, btw). Love them glassine envelopes. Adding that touch of philatelic prissiness.



  • Pamela Ashby Campbell

    I really look forward to trading art in the mail again. I just can't wait to start receiving mail.
  • Pamela Gerard

    Karen...I think I just sent you another card on Friday....love all our random trades...
  • Julie Ayres

  • Julie Ayres

    Sure! I'll send you some thing as soon as I can!
  • Pamela Ashby Campbell

    I recieved your collage today. One of my favorite things is old photo's. I really love it, thank-you.
  • Pamela Ashby Campbell

    Thank you for your help. Now I can send a message to thank her.
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Now that boekie is YOURS, Karen, you don't have to send it on to anyone!
    and THANK YOU for the special collages that you sent....having a nice mail art journey...pray that the road is long ;-) Agapi, Katerina xxxoooxxx
  • Julie Ayres

    Hello! I am just letting you know I just finished making some art for you and that I will be sending it to you tomorrow after school. Expect it soon! I hope you love it! ~
  • Bruno Cassaglia -networker

    thanks! bruno
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Hope you are warm and safe from the ice and snow in the Chicago area! Perhaps you don't have internet? electric? Please take care, sweetie, and know that we are thinking of you and  all those in dire straights with the weather! What a mess!
  • Hélène LAGACHE

  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Can I take a rain check? We're short handed here for the time being, and I've got a lot of catching up to do! But maybe in time for March we can be better staffed and ready for action a new way!


  • Julie Ayres

    You're welcome, I'm glad you like it. I am very excited to get the art!
  • Jen Staggs

    Hope you are well- I think of you often as your wonderful fiber/felt piece hangs in my office and smiles at me daily.  I flip it over from time to time to give both sides time to breathe.