Naomi Healing


Savannah, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I am involved in Mail-Art becauseI enjoy encouraging creativity and expressing my own!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Naomi Healing
24 Monastery Road
Savanah, GA 31411

Comment Wall:

  • Medwolf

  • Maurizio Follin

    is a pleasure to do your knowledge

  • Samantha Bragg

    Hey Naomi! Thanks so much for your mail art! I am working on something to send you as we speak! :)
  • Medwolf

    thank you so much for the envelope of mail sending u something real soon
  • Jenn Grosso

    hola naomi! a little later, but better than never, welcome to the IUOMA!!!

    i'm working on some fun mail art and will send you a little hello soon... see you in the mail!!!
  • Elizabeth Mary Dismorr

    The little birds you draw with dresses on remind me of a book called 'the peacock party'. I don't know if you've ever read it, but i've been planning to buy it on amazon for a while now as the illustrations are so cool!
  • Elizabeth Mary Dismorr

    Yes, that's it - the Alan Aldbridge book. I used to love it when I was little. Well i really love your stamps and use of collage with them. I think they come out really well. Im just getting into rubber stamps now - looking for vintage ones on ebay at the moment!
  • Jenn Grosso

    i completely agree, creating art is always the high point in my days, and then sending it off for someone to discover in their mailbox is the icing on the cake!!! such fun to trade with you! xox
  • Samantha Bragg

    Hey Naomi! I just thought I'd stop by and let you know I got your package yesterday and was totally blown away! I started on yours so it will be on it way soon! :) It's been a blast trading with you by the way was that a trading card on the front? It's so pretty I didn't want to tamper with it!

  • Medwolf

    you are very welcome my friend
  • Test Tower

    Hi Naomi, glad to hear from you and thanks for being a friend. I shouldn't have said I would send something today - I'll be busy with some personal stuff - sorry. I will, however, send something in the next day or so though. I love the Haiku aspect of what you are doing. Sounds like a lot of fun. Nice to meet you, Test
  • Test Tower

    Okay Naomi, I managed to launch a Make-A-Wish Haiku postcard off to you - well, actually tomorrow morning it will be in the hands of the hard working and dedicated Postal Workers. Hope you like it and I'll be looking forward to your poetic response. Cheers my dear, Test
  • Samantha Bragg

    It's still a surprise to me! haha. I'm glad that it made it to you, with this crazy weather we've been getting I wasn't quite sure! It's been so fun to trade with you.. I've learned a lot and I hope as time progresses you will too! See you in the mail! :)
  • Elizabeth Mary Dismorr

    Thankyou so much for your postcard! I recieved it when I arrived back from morocco! I will be sending you something back soon.
  • Elizabeth Mary Dismorr

    p.s - I love the stamps you put on the back - where did you get them from?
  • Dewi

    Hello Naomi,
    If you ever need any drawing lessons/advice, you are welcome to ask away!
  • Anu

    Hi Naomi, so glad you liked the postcard :)
  • Jenn Grosso

    hola naomi! just received your very awesome mail art package! what a fabulous mail surprise!!! thank YOU!!! and i just loved your shrine house!

    i had put in the post last week a mail art envelop for you, you should be receiving it soon... but will put together in the next week or so another little something special for you. and maybe something for your mail art call on wishes and prayers. i completly love yoru theme!

    take good care
    jennlui xox
  • Ashazart

    Thank you!
  • Human Artist Vending Machine LTD

    thanks for the add. my newer stuff I been putting (IUOMA) on it..
  • David Aronson

    Thanx. It's nice to be appreciated. :-)
  • luis valera

    Hola Gracias por participar! visita
  • Medwolf

    CALL | Regina ATC | Regina ATC Celebrates 7 years; Show us your stuff! | MAR 31

    Submit 6 of your best cards by March 31, 2010 to: ATC Celebrates
    7, MacKenzie Art Gallery, 3475 Albert St., Regina, SK S4S 6X6.

    Please include: 1. Self-addressed & stamped, return-envelope 2.
    Brief statement: tell us a little about yourself & discuss your
    techniques and tools, and your image content 3. How to reach you:
    contact information and e-mail (so we can send you an invites & e-
    vites to the display)

    All cards submitted will be displayed in the Learning Centre at the
    MacKenzie Art Gallery; Please tell us if you DON’T want your work
    to posted on the web. Opening reception: Sat April 25, 2pm.
    Display Closing: August 2010, when you will receive 6 trades
    mailed back!
  • Rachel Fasig

    Hey Naomi: I sent you an ATC. Could you let me know when you get it?

    BTW: I like your Make-A-Wish Haiku project. I'll send you one.
  • Rachel Fasig

    Hi Naomi,

    I sent you my Haiku today along with "a little something" from my stash. Hope you can use it!

    I've been thinking about your post regarding the hateful, racist card you received. My posting the image and your Haiku, you proved how love/beauty/whatever-you-want-to-call-it, will always be stronger than hatred/ugliness/negativity because of its transforming nature.

    This was very inspiring for me. Thank you !
  • Michael Orr

    Learning to draw eh? Looks like you are doing just fine... Thanks for the card! All of my mailings are on hold till July. Sorry for the delay. I have a big show coming up and I need everything I've got. I won't forget ya, promise.
  • ivana rezek

    Memorable Movie Moments

    What is your favorite quote from a movie? Share it with the rest of us and illustrate it :)
    If you can't decide on an actual quote, you can also share a particular scene or even make an 'alternative' poster for your favorite movie.
    You can also add a short explanation about why this particular quote/scene/movie is important to you.

    Deadline: May 31st
    Size and technique free, no fee, no jury, no returns.
    Works will be documented on the blog and exhibited in a venue in Sarajevo in July, during the Sarajevo Film Festival when the entire town lives for the movies.
    If you provide your e-mail address, we will e-mail you the photos from the exhibition.
    Mail-art is hardly known in Bosnia, so please contributel and help us make a big mail-art show :)

    Mail your works to:

    Nataša Stanišić
    Asima Ferhatovića 1
    71000 Sarajevo
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • swinx

    mail art call:

    theme: "who I am"

    format: max. A 4, technique: free
    deadline: 31.12.2010
    no fee, no jury, no returns

    works should be send by post at the following address:

    Cindy Schmid, Gützkower Str. 70, 17489 Germany

    please insert name, surname, country, address + e-mail address [for notification of final documentation].

    exhibition: may 2011 in Greifswald, Germany and on my web-site:

    …and now show me, who you are…
  • Samantha Bragg

    Hope all is well with you! Sent some mail art your way... Hope it makes it there safely!
  • Samantha Bragg

    I am glad to be back and closer to family they've always bee really important to me. I get times though where I miss the feel of Colorado though. It became a second home and the beauty of nature and the mountains always astounded me. I'm glad for the experience I'll never forget it but at the same time.. I've missed my family and friends! I'm glad the mail art made it to you Some stuff has been getting torn apart in transit so you never know!
  • Medwolf

  • Samantha Bragg

    I got your wonderful package today! How lovely! I never imagined to get something so thoughtful- Thank you sooo soo much :) You outdid yourself Naomi!