exchange "faces"

Do you collect free post cards! Do you want to exchange them with one with a face on it? Then, send me as much as you want of any free post card you have or you can find and i will sent you back one with a face on it!

Please check for my new address!!!

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  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Received today 3/5/11

    from "E"

  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Thank you all for the very nice cards!!!!

  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    my face is on its way... 



  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Hi, I'm presented Viviana from Argentina. And I want to participate in the exchange of faces, with all of you.

    Thank you.

  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Welcome Viviana!

    I hope you enjoy "looking for free post cards" and making "Faces"!



  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    New received works are also posted on my blog!


  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Thank you for keep sending me your cards!

    Soon, you will receive more of my "Faces"!!!!

    Enjoy and have fun!!!


  • Louise Kiner

    Just posted a few more to you the other day, so keep an eye out for them:)


  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Nadine sent you a face from California! I love your site. Hope it gets to you.I'm very partial to faces.
  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Dear friends,

    thank you for keep posting me post cards!

    I am in Budapest for an exhibition and i 'll be back home on Monday!

    I hope my mail box will be full!!!

    have a wonderful sunshine day!

  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    new works have been added in the blog:

    Thank you for beeing so active!!!!

    Soon you will get on of my "face"!


  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    more received works from Julie, Guido, Nadine, Karin!!!

    Thank you all!!!


  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

  • Hélène LAGACHE

    After my travel in Portugal...:-)
  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Welcome to all new members!

    I hope you got the idea of "Exchange Faces" and want to exchange some with me!!!

    Look for free cards and ... create yourown face or just sent those cards to me and you will receive a new "face"!!!!



  • Amy Irwen

    Georgia, what an awsome! idea... anxious to get started...AND, i've always wanted a NEW FACE!!!! Amy Irwen
  • Karin Greenwood

    Me too !
  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Thank you for you comments!!!

    more cards are coming sooooooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a nice summer!

    Here it's really hot and all "faces" turn red because of the sun!!!!

    enjoy summer!!!!

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Got my face today (not mine actually) but a very interesting one. Will make another and send to you! Thanks- it's got me in the right mood.
  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Thank you Nadine!!!!

    i have got also some post cards but had no time to post them yet!

    But i will as soon as i can!!!!

    Summer is here and the sea is very atractive....... also nice wind for wind surfing....


  • Mim Golub Scalin

    I got a card from you today, Georgia. It's #83. I don't know how long it took to get here, but I'm so happy to receive it.
  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Mim, I didn't realize they were numbered! Mine is 192 Georgia_Again thanks!
  • Mim Golub Scalin

    To be honest, Nadine & Georgia, I think I never paid attention to any numbers on others I've received. I've found more to send to you, Georgia. I hope you still want them.
  • Alicia Starr

    good morning georgia. face on it's way. 


  • Alicia Starr

    p.s. my son attended school in Thessaloniki. Dear friends live in Patra. Beautiful country. Hope things can be resolved there. All the more reason for happy faces, right?
  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Dear friends,

    thank you for your cards you still keep senting me!

    and of course i keep paint free post cards and sent them.

    All cards have a number so i know how many i have paint and i hope i will rich the number of 500.

    About 200 have been posted and i still have about 150 including the one which i used the cards you have sent me.

    When i sent a card i pick one i like and i think much to the receiver.

    So the numbers are not in order!

    Also, as long you keep senting me cards, you will receive mine, even if it is again and again.....!


    And yes Alicia,

    all faces here are not smiling.... or smile but... it's not the same!

    We are all sad with the crisis situation and worried about our future....


    have a nice smiling day!


  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Please, let me know if i forgot to post a Face to any of you!
  • Karin Greenwood

    Hi Georgia, you might have sent one but I haven't recieved one back since May?
  • Alicia Starr

    yes, it is happening all over. My heart goes out to you and your/my fellow people.
  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Hi Karin!

    i did! i have sent you the last time ... and i remember also that i wrote your name on the card!!!!


    But don't worry! i will sent you another one!!!!

  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Thanks Alicia!

    Yesterday in Athens was like a war!!!!

    Even today you could smell the chemicals.....

    My sister lives in Athens and she was at the demostration.....

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Oh Georgia, our thoughts are with you and all of the Greek people. The reports look so terrible. I sent some more face cards to you, as hugs in the mail. Keep making face. kalimera to you, and I hope your day is good, for real.
  • Marcela Peral

    Hi Georgia... Argentine people can understand the situation. We'd also had such bad times and everything look endless!

    Here we don't hear any word from what happens in your country, no informations about what's going on also in Spain. The information is manipulated so as to let us know what is convenient to be known...

    I'll send another postcard soon... with a little smile I hope. 

  • Louise Kiner

    I would like to add, on a positive note, that Greece is host to the Special Olympics, which have been a great success. There could not be a better country to host such a wonderful event.
    A silver lining in hard times.
    Thinking of you, Georgia.
  • Alicia Starr

    sent you a card and will send others that are unaltered. again, Hearing about the chemicals in the air makes my skin crawl.

    i send you strength and good wishes.

  • Alicia Starr

    also Georgia, the 2004 Summer Olympics opening and closing ceremonies were the most thoughtful, historical and the most amazing I have ever seen. Tears of awe and wonder were rolling down my cheeks.
  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Dear friends,

    thank you very much for your comments and your support!

    Worst days are coming with many difficulties....

    But life goes on and we have to stay calm and strong!

    Thank you all for being so kind!


    Be creative!



  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Dear friends,

    thank you for the beautifull cards you keep senting me!

    You can see more of my received cards at my blog:

    Thank you!!!!!


  • Louise Kiner

    Hey Georgia,

    I received your "faces" card today. Thank you very much. And, thanks for the extra cards. I will be making some more "faces" with them.

  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Thank you Louise!!!!

    i am glad you received the cards!!!!


    Soon more cards are on the way!!!!!!

  • Carlos I. Botana

    Hello Georgia


  • E


    You can send me your face.


  • lorena lopez centell

    Great idea! I will send you a free post card from argentina! In a few days you will receive a miniprint that I  sent you the last week.Sorry for my bad english I hope you understand me!!!!!!!!
  • Amy Irwen

    Georgia....received (2) Exchange faces today..."Sexteto and Havana Club"...

    Super Cool!....thank you...Amy Irwen

  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Start work on faces to send to the group "Exchange of faces"


    Comienzo a trabajar en caras para enviar al grupo "Intercambio de  caras"


  • Georgia Grigoriadou


    thank you for your cards!!! i got them but i will post them later!

  • Georgia Grigoriadou


    Thank you for your cards!!! I got them!!!!


  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Hello my friends!

    finally i am back from holidays and i would like to thank you all for the cards you have sent me!

    It was a nice surprise when i came back and find my mail box full of cards!!!!


  • Georgia Grigoriadou

  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    from Amy Irwen