Mail-Art Cafe

The Place where there is no specific theme. A real social group for you......

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  • Judy Skolnick

  • Judy Skolnick

    NOOOO SNOW.  Think spring!

  • Judy Skolnick

    Here we are

  • Judy Skolnick

    Think summer!

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    I was just watching a programme on the TV about making mince pies

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    I came by to have some of that hot choco :-)

    Remember that SNOW in D.C.? Beautiful in photos (the only place where snow should be ;-)

    Hi Judy, hi Susan, hi Rod...Holiday cheers!

  • Judy Skolnick

    Thanks for the cocoa looks really good and warm.  No repeat of 2 years ago 56 inches total it was unbelievable, they had to scoop it into trucks with backhoes and take it to the riverbanks to melt.  Only a little.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Just "a little" snow is nice for the holiday spirit...

  • chaponniere

  • chaponniere

    Café matinal chaud et fumant à Paris...sous l oeil de la police

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    I was in Venice for a month this Autumn, the hot chocolate there is heavenly. 


    some blue tea for my friends here and good weekend for all..

    fatima varella| estudio macromicro| brasil | creative commons license

  • Sara Morsey

    enjoy! GUILTY PLEASURES from Sara Morsey Outsider Art

  • Judy Skolnick

    Happy Holidays

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Holiday Greetings to all at the Cafe!


  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Thanks for the economy relevant card Kate. The turkey I bought today is big enough to share so if you're peckish please drop in... but you are expected to eat your sprouts too.  Am I allowed to say turkey to someone living in Greece?~)

    Huge holiday hugs to all cafe customers.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy holidays to you, Rod!

    Yes, on Christmas Day here we eat Turkey...(with lots of Greece ;-)

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Whew... glad that is over... anyone fancy a turkey sandwich?  There is one brussel's sprout in the bottom of a saucepan which, by it's presence, delays the washing up. More tea vicar?

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    On the Second Day of about two turtle doves?

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Come by the Cafe and I shall cut the Greek Vasilopita...let's see who gets the lucky coin...good luck in the New Year 2012!

  • E

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Veggie Shepherds Pie.
    Rod Summers/VEC

    This recipe has been in development for a long time, I made it exactly as here described last week (1 January 2012) and it was, for my taste perfect.

    This should feed four people.

    1 kilo potatoes.
    1 large tin or jar of carrots
    2 packs of vegetarian mince
    6 cm long piece of leek
    1 clove of garlic
    1 stick of celery
    5 Brussels sprouts
    3 small pieces of dried forest mushroom
    1 tin of tomatoes
    1 tin of tomato puree
    Olive oil and butter
    Salt and white and black pepper

    Notes:  My local supermarket offers three different types of veggie mince, they are all suitable for this recipe.
    The additions like the mushrooms and sprouts and celery are there in those proportions to enhance the flavour not to dominate it.

    Slice the leek finely and put the slices into a bowl of cold water for 30 minutes, stir around occasionally to allow any grit to fall from between the layers. Drain using a colander.

    Put the mushroom pieces in a bowl, cover with boiling water and allow to soak for 20 minutes.  Squeeze as much water from the pieces as possible then slice thinly.

    Clean and chop the celery into short pieces. Clean then slice the Brussels sprouts thinly discarding the base core. Drop the celery and sliced sprouts into a pan of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes then drain thoroughly.

    Strain the tin of tomatoes into a bowl using a sieve. Using your fingers break up the tomatoes removing any skin or tough stem core. Continue to allow to drain and the strained juice to settle. After 20 to 30 minutes carefully pour off the top layer of clear water leaving the tomato juice in the bowl.

    Peel and quarter the potatoes, wash thoroughly and boil in salted water for 20 minutes. Drain and return the pan to the heat to drive of excess moisture. Remove the pan from the heat add half of the tin of carrots, white pepper, a generous amount of butter and mash really well, add milk until the mash is smooth.

    Gently heat the oil and a knob of butter in a frying pan add the sliced leek and pressed garlic, cook very slowly for about 10 minutes. Add the sliced mushroom, celery and sprouts then stir in the veggie mince fry gently for a few minutes. Add the tomatoes and the tomato puree and the other half of the tin of carrots squishing the carrots between your fingers as you add them, stir well together. Now add the tomato juice, black pepper and salt to taste.

    Put the mince mixture into a casserole dish, pile the potato on top and, using a fork spread it so that it completely covers the mince.

    Bake in the middle of the oven at 180° C for about 30 minutes.

    Serve with home made green tomato chutney.

  • Ruud Janssen

    just one clove....? of garlic

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Yes Ruud, just the one, it's all related to getting the perfect balance of tastes, of course you could always use more garlic but then the balance would be altered and, as I wrote, this recipe has been developed over a long time. 

    PS I love garlic and tend always to use too much in other recipes!~)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Sounds delicious, Rod. I can't eat garlic, though I might add just a pinch of garlic salt instead of a glove of garlic. "vegetarian mince"? Won't a shepherd use minced lamb? ;-) A Greek shepherd would. (Although the Mediterranean diet is basically "vegetarian"). Might try making this on Monday...

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Ah, Dear Kate... in your case I would just leave out the garlic altogether... but then I hate garlic salt, it is a poor substitute.  In Iceland at my friends sheep farm  I use minced cooked lamb with some bread run through the mincer but here in the Netherlands lamb is very expensive and not very good (In my opinion as I have eaten splendid Icelandic lamb ¦~)) and so I tried to make an alternative using the processed vegetarian mince we can get from the supermarket, then after several tries I finally arrived at a very tasty meal.  The shepherd's pie I make in Iceland is very different in taste (mmmmmm) and much less fiddly to prepare.  I go up to Iceland for a short visit next month but then I'll be letting my friends cook for me, Helgi, the Viking for whom I write the sagas is a brilliant cook and his brother Darri is also cool in the kitchen.  My friend Ásta cooks Puffin for me but perhaps I had better not mention that :))))))

    In August I will go back to Iceland and visit the sheepfarm and will certainly cook shepherd's pie for them and, for sure, the chicken curry that the farmer's children like so much... they all came to visit me here in Maastricht just before Christmas and demanded chicken curry, I was more than happy to make it for them.

  • Rod Summers / VEC

  • Ruud Janssen

    looks delecious....!

  • Eduardo Cardoso

  • guillermo diaz gomez coello

    proyectos para el 2012

    Intercambio postal

    (Primera fase)


    Objetivo:            establecer un contacto con personas de la red postal  (no necesariamente  artista visual, puede ser cualquier persona que guste y disfrute del arte) mediante un intercambio postal ya sea por correo convencional o por electrónico.

    Mecánica:           envió una invitación abierta a la red de mail art y quien corresponda o me envié una postal y de acuerdo a como llegue esta ya sea por correo convencional o electrónico YO les reenviare una postal de mi autoría por el mismo medio ya sea por correo convencional o electrónico. Todas las postales que reciba serán expuestas en mi galería virtual GUIJARRO GALERIA

    Tema:                   libre

    Técnica:               libre

    Tamaño:              mínimo tamaño postal 4” x 6” máximo tamaño carta 8.5” x 13.5” para correo convencional y para el electrónico el equivalente a 90 dpi

    Fecha limite       febrero del 2013 (primera fase)

    Enviar a:              GUIJARRO

    Calle 46 # 790-15 x 131-A y 135

    Fracc. Villa Magna del Sur

    Mérida, Yucatán, México

    CP. 97285




    Galería virtual:  (en construcción)

    Para la segunda fase y dependiendo de la respuesta a la convocatoria hay varias opciones: una exposición en un espacio físico, un catalogo de todas las postales recibidas, un evento interactivo virtual.


    Arte correo mexicano

    (Primera fase)

    Objetivo:            crear un directorio de personas que estén dentro de la red de mail art o que estén interesadas en esta que sean mexicanos o residentes en México y también mexicanos viviendo en el extranjero.

    Mecánica:           envió una invitación abierta a la red de mail art y en especial a las personas que nacieron o vivan en México y también mexicanos que vivan en el extranjero para que me envíen sus datos para poder armar el directorio este directorio estará disponible en la galería virtual GUIJARRO GALERIA  además les reenviare una postal de mi autoría

    Datos para el directorio:              nombre

    Nick o seudónimo


    Correo electrónico

    Sitio web o blog


    Fecha limite       febrero del 2013 (primera fase)


    Enviar a:              GUIJARRO

    Calle 46 # 790-15 x 131-A y 135

    Frac. Villa Magna del Sur

    Mérida, Yucatán, México

    CP. 97285



    Galería virtual:  (en construcción)


    Para la segunda fase y dependiendo de la respuesta a la convocatoria hay varias opciones: un directorio de mail artistas mexicanos y o  un evento  interactivo virtual

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Eduardo Cardoso

    That shirt is wonderful! :D

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Anyone for some Irish coffee today?

    Happy St. Pat's Day...the Tall Greek Blue Grass has turned GREEN!

  • Eduardo Cardoso

    Hello everyone! I'm getting ready for a breakfast out on the streets. The sun shines on this morning. No signs of rain. But I feel like doing mail art all day long. :D

  • Eduardo Cardoso

    Hello everyone! it seems it passed a long time since I last came here. The Cafe is always inspiring. And even better if it is with mail art. Fancy a tea? 

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Because there is no performance group (except Tiziana’s poetry tree) I post this here. Went crazy this morning and did performance on DIVINE INSPIRATION with LAMP-SHADE as funny hat, a light BULB and SPECTACLES, first on my head and then on the floor because my youngest kitten interacted !!!

    See photos

  • Zois

    Superb, Gweedio!  Early this morning this was a treat to rise to.  Bravo, 2 hands clapping many times and bouncing Ben Cat in thanks for that!


  • Guido Vermeulen


  • Henning Mittendorf

    My Mail Art Café Dream...

    Greetings HeMi

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Thé hier or coffee break, collage from Robert Varlez in collaboration with Gaurko Bihar Atzetik.

    For those who do not get the subtle word play in French: Thé hier means tea yesterday but also tea pot

  • Eduardo Cardoso

    My drink of the moment: Home made Galão. HAHA! :P

    Galão - Milk with coffee. Very similar to caffè latte.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    This might be the group with the MOST members at IUOMA...

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    A home made strawberry smoothie and a 6 minute boiled egg for, shall I brew up the second pot of tea of the day... or should I get on with some work? Kate promised me cake...but not for breakfast;~)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    choco cake for your birthday, Rod...

    (did you already eat a piece???)

  • Rod Summers / VEC was to be expected Kate, it was scrumptious... cut me another (small) slice whilst I go and put the kettle on.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Did you have a good cup of tea, Rod?

    I was sipping Turkish tea during the storm we had this evening...

  • Bifidus Jones

    Ik zou een electricien willen worden.

  • CrackerJack Kid

    "Anybody in this group going to NYC for the September 29th (Sat) Artistamp Flash Party at NY Art Book Fair at P.S. 1 MOMA? All are invited!" Cheers, CrackerJack

  • ginny lloyd

    Artistamp Flash Party at NY Art Book Fair at P.S. 1 MOMA is at #A  - 5 to 5:15pm

    Tell your artistamp making friends - bring cameras

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    That's a long way to go for a lick of glue... heel ver weg!