Conceptual Mail Art Projects

This is a place for listing mail art project ideas – however impossible, theoretical or incomplete they might be. Think of it as an archive or a dumping ground for projects that haven’t yet or cannot, practically speaking, be realised. Think of it also as a bank of ideas that may inspire  other mail artists. 

Me Mail Art

It seems - before mail artists played with/challenged the world's postal systems - there was W. Reginald Bray (1879-1939). An accountant, Bray took the British postal service to task and posted all kinds of items and even earned the nickname "The Human Letter" after posting himself the mail.

I'm wondering if irony factored into his thinking? His story has been documented in a book "The Englishman who Posted Himself and Other Curious Objects"

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    John Gayer

    Thank you. I just happened to discover the group a few moments ago while looking at the groups section and immediately joined. Now I am wondering who/what may have preceded Bray?