Feel Mail

Mail that wants to be touched. Whether it is a soft fabric or a stimulating material, such as paper fiber or metal, whether it feels smooth or ribbed, anything goes as long it's inviting to your fingers!

  • amadeu escórcio

    for what adress may I send an exemple of touchable mail?

  • Carien van Hest

    To mine, of course ;-) (see my home page for the address)

  • Nana

    Thanks for the invitation! xxx 


    Sounds interesting! Thanks for inviting me!

  • Motherbrando

    thank you for the invitation.

  • Jeremy Ng

    Thanks for the invite!

  • Sabela Baña

    Thanks Carien

  • Kathy Barnett

    Sounds fun!!

  • Susan Gnaedinger


  • Carien van Hest

    The first Feel Mail!

    This is a wonderful piece of mail art by Nana Ruegebrink. She turned the jaw of a mole in a golden rat. And it feels wonderful!

  • Thomas Burns

    First Feel Mail came in from Pam! this is going to be a fun group!

  • sandra van de griendt

    From Carien, feel mail in soft colors; violet with a blue ribbon. Makes you dream away.

  • sandra van de griendt

    And another one, from Pam with a hedgehog, nice and soft :-)

    Nice surprise in my letterbox

  • Carien van Hest

    Two Feel Mails!

    1. From Pam Chavez, with two fabric patches - very nice to feel

    2. From Zen Dani Doodle, a wonderful collage of several (wall)paper structures!

  • Carien van Hest

    Feel Mail from Finland!

    A great piece made by John Gayer, entitled: Dragon Over China. 

  • Susan Gnaedinger

    Wonderful surprise today. Received this from Pam Chavez


    Received a lovely Feel Mail from Zen Dani Doodle!!  Thank you so much! Such a beautiful collage, full of different textures! Love it!

  • Carien van Hest

    A beautiful piece of Feel Mail came in today. Made by Susan Gnaedinger, U.S.A. Bark structures on fabric and paper. 

  • Carien van Hest

    Another Feel Mail card by the hand of Amadeu Escorcio from Lisboa. 

    Never wanted to feel shit before, hahahaha. Thank you so much, Amadeu.

  • Carien van Hest

  • Carien van Hest

    A Feel Mail explosion from the United Kingdom

    A great feel experience, Ruth, thank you!

  • Carien van Hest

    Home by the Sea...

    with the seashells from Renee Brandow! 


    Received a gorgeous piece of Mail Art by Heidi Monster! I love it so much! I can't even begin to think about how this "Feelie Cactus" must have been created, I'm at a loss for words. It has an awesome, glossy, smooth surface. Included, also, was a little zine from and about Heidi, sharing more about her and what inspires her! So much goodness... thank you so much!


    Received a Bright and Bold piece of "Feel Mail" from Jenn Miltenberger! Thank you so much! It's so much fun to feel and look at! Thank you so much, I love it!


    Received a beautiful, primitive looking, piece of Feel Mail from Susan Mabray Gnaedinger. The handmade, textured papers used in this piece are so lovely! Thank you so much, I love it!


    Annnnddd, another piece of Feel Mail (I feel so loved!) from Mother Brando! A gorgeous booklet full of collaged paper, washi tape, paint, and sealed with acrylic medium (or mod podge - it's hard to tell the difference). So happy with all this loveliness!! Thank you so much, Renee, I love it!

  • Ann Golden

    So many strong pieces that work as visual pieces even without the feel element. Have just started including some feel pieces in my mail to members. will be sending out more soon.

  • Carien van Hest

    Motherbrando wrote: When you make something and it just isn't 'right'. Well, this is one of those cards so I overlayed and added. Then Ta'dah! a Feel Mail card.

    What a happy accident, Renee, your card feels wonderful, thanks!

  • Carien van Hest

    Feel Mail from Marlies Wilding, USA! Great job, Marlies!

    and Feel Mail from Ann Golden, San Francisco USA. 

    A big feeling experience, thank you! And also a wonderful ATC!

  • Ann Golden

    So glad it arrived. I have been concerned that recent mailings have not seemed to arrive.

  • Sabrina S

    Feel Mail from Carien!  It gives me the feeling of a flower garden...

  • Sabrina S

    Feel Mail from Ann Golden with a crawing Corvid (not Covid!)

    I got other Feel Mail too but posted it already among the usual photos.