"Cut up or shut up"
"When you cut into the present...
the future leaks out."
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  • Jason C. Motsch

  • Jason C. Motsch

  • Ficus strangulensis

    LOVE IT!!!

  • Jason C. Motsch

    Thanks, Ficus.  I was in a sci-fi mood and had some fitting cut-out materials on hand.  


  • carl baker

    CUT word-image lines________________

  • John M. Bennett

  • Jason C. Motsch

  • Jan Hodgman

    Tres anti-troglodicious, Jason!

  • carl baker

    cut-word, cut-image, by antony balch

  • carl baker

    i make a cut-up out of writing, where the word is cut-out,it is maximum to the minimum, of dark heavy silence,i picked it up in soft machine, a composite material on flat screen sky, like broken words of cut-rate propaganda,white space automatic photographs, like i make meaning to fit what i say, flicker image of past-present time,also planet noise return
    as echo[echo] & replay the infected writing of wsb.

  • John M. Bennett

  • carl baker


  • carl baker

    intersection here---------

  • John M. Bennett

  • carl baker

    practice again, make some noise, write it down as cut-up, that comes out as vegetable mind, just let the answer come to you, a place of invisible material, fabricated in sometime forgotten film>>>>>>

  • John M. Bennett

  • Jason C. Motsch

    Random, lazy-person's cut and paste.

    ravaged face off point
    up down pool party
    face off party pooper
    carpool team up
    point out downtown
    pooper scoop face off
    castaway town car
    away team outcast

  • carl baker

    the cutOUT method******

  • Brian Callahan

    Mail Art A to Z - cut out method.

  • carl baker


  • carl baker

    re-arrange the question, present time invalid,replace word-image-word

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Terry Owenby

    Hello, this group intrigued me so I joined recently. Can you please fill me in on what the group is/does? I understand it is about cutting but it there something in particular you are looking for? Do you then just share your pieces here? Do you have collaborations or swaps? Thanks for your help!

  • Terry Owenby

    Carl Baker, I am fascinated by your piece "bookWORK". Did you do all the mark making? It's a lovely work of art!

  • Ficus strangulensis

    Hello, Terry.

    I've done a LOT of cutups by separating texts into ~4" lines and reassembling them in an attempt to generate cutups which may be read and sound slightly sensible but more like totally messed up. Here's a link:

    Others may do things differently. William S. Burroughs is one famous practitioner. I think of them as collages of text.

    Y'r ol' Bud,


  • John M. Bennett

    I published a book in 1973 - cut-up texts assembled into visual poems, a rare item now:

  • Heleen de Vaan

    Your text cut-ups are great, Ficus!
  • Terry Owenby

    Fike, thanks so much for the helpful information and the link! I absolutely love text and collage so this is perfect. Some of the photos remind me of pieces I've done in the past that people called "found text" or "found poetry". And yes, it was very messed up. :-) Thanks again!  I appreciate the help. 

  • Terry Owenby

    Your book is indeed rare now, John. It would be fun and interesting to read. Thank you for sharing the link.

  • carl baker


  • John M. Bennett

    Found Objects, John M. Bennett, 1973

    PDF now on UbuWeb -

  • John M. Bennett

  • carl baker

    YES john, great objects at the ubu, bravo!

  • John M. Bennett

    thanks, carl -

  • carl baker


  • carl baker

    miscellaneous ///////

    with all the rich variety of an old word horde

    pretend an interest in single sex protoplasm

    nothing is true, everything is latah

    most disgustin' thing i ever stand for and aft

    it is every man for himself in the upper a-fendi

    i got short count and heavy pan pipes

    don't let that out, don't show them time flak

    ride music back, stay out of birth and death

    raging time-life-fortune virus

    word-image people of operation total disposal

    all agents defect, all subjects disappear.


  • James Joslin

    Part of a new music score Deserts in Mascara

  • John M. Bennett

  • John M. Bennett

  • carl baker

    EXPRESS cut-up

    subway broke out every language

    displacement into orbit process

    sweet home movement to flood it with replicas

    message of total disposal, death dwarfs wait transfer

    and i am mapping a photo, click-click of old newspapers

    all appropriations are channeled into time level of course

    the information quickly down to millions of image images

    finally into view, a different reality, no true real reality.


  • carl baker

    so get with the cut-up........

  • carl baker

    cut-up word&image

  • carl baker


    the electro-magnetic transformation of my word horde,

    writing projected in a blast of dead language,

    intersections inside-out,

    shift word lines with random letters,

    statement cut-up at this point,

    infinite permutations of dynamic disintegration,

    intentional propaganda in black virus,

    lost signal of the disinformation bureau.

  • John M. Bennett

  • John M. Bennett

  • Ficus strangulensis

    Here's my add to Jon Foster's add'n'passon 'book' [single quotes bcs the pages are 0.0625" thick] which I'm sending to DK Altschul!

  • Mary Anne

    Serendipity has brought me here.  What wonders there are amongst its few pages.  There are more than a few bright spirits at work though I have never had much success this way myself.  I seem to be missing an essential portion of the technique and suspect  there is less of the random than is claimed?

    The internal/eternal voice of my mother always chides me for wasting time on nonsense and yet . . . 

  • Mary Anne

    Oh how I hate computers!  I have just found:  It seems to work.  Here is an extract from my first attempt (with no changes).

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    It seems that robots, as well as those mythical chimpanzees, can come up with literature.

    I particularly liked 'bellydream baloon' which seems to hold a world of possibilities?

  • carl baker

    cut-up generator= gibberish,

    the cut-up technique is the 3rd mind at work,

    original text-artist,creator-the new text.

    cut-up the present and the future leaks out.