Got tips for cheapest ways to send mail art internationally?

Hey, Y'all~

Is anyone out there willing to share your wisdom about sending mail art internationally?  I went to the post office yesterday with 9 pieces to send, and came back home with 2 that I hoped to send to Germany & Brazil.

Combined they would have cost about $50 !! YIKES!

One mistake I made was that they were too "packagey"

instead of "lettery".  I am eager to learn about this!

Please Advise. Blessings, nonimouse

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    lyttle fish

    Glad you posed this..I too would love a few tips. I think the letter size is a great idea, keeping it thin and flat. Here in Canada..the post office has a sizing board. If the envelope can pass through the slot then it is considered regular postage..otherwise, the measuring tape comes out and WHOA...$$$$ start escalating..International rates are insane..Happy New Year..<')))>/p>

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      Mim Golub Scalin

      Late to this discussion but our friend Dean, Artist in Seine, in Paris would send all sorts of things through the mail and NEVER, EVER put a return address on them. I once got a postcard cover in fluffy green feathers. Made it to the US just fine. His idea was that once it's in the mail, the postal service has to deliver it. Not sure about that, but I did get lots of interesting mail from him - broken cell phone bits, part of a land line phone, things he's pick up on the street that had been crushed. A lot of fun. For awhile, I'd send collaged CDs out within the US (and global, with one global stamp) and they seemed to get there okay. YOu can do a test run with some piece of mail.

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        marlies wilding

        hello!  if your package cannot be bent,(I have had a postal worker try to bend my envie and tell me this) that sometimes signals a package.  if there are bumps that can be felt through the envie, that signals a package.  never, ever, use bubble wrap or it signals a package!  these are the tips i have learned from my local post office in nevada, usa.  they apply to domestic and overseas mail..  good luck!    marlies