A lot of texts have been written about mail-art, but in the last years the mail-art network is evolving into a new platform where the E-factor is integrated. I am looking for texts where mail-artists explain how the mail-art network has evolved into this new form and what the future will be. Who is able to write such a text?

Tags: Forum, Future, History, Internet, Mail-Art, Memories

Views: 107

Replies to This Discussion

One text that will be needed is to explain what the IUOMA is. It is a conceptual idea. IUOMA isn't the same as mail-art. The mail-art network exsisted before the concept of IUOMA started. Why do mail-artists believe in the community-idea. Do we need the union-conept? Are we connected or indiduals with seperate goals. That would be a good text....
there are always possibilities. IUOMA itself can't clarify its role. members together can....
Dear friend,
I had wrote many articles on Mail Art and E-Mail Art but they are in Spanish. If you want I could send you.

But I had few notes in English too. Could I send you them by email?

Fraternal greetings,
Dear Clemente,

A great offer. To keep the book readable for everyone we could try to find someone who can translate Spanish to English. I am very interested in your current views of mail-art and which way we are heading. Those are the kind of texts that belong in a 20 year aniversary book.

Yes, send notes by e-mail so I can see if the subjects fit in the complete concept of the book. E-mail: r.janssen@iuoma.org
I discovered recently this site
where are plenty of articles and works written about mail art by different mail artists.
Do you know it? Maybe you can use it...
Yes, know the texts. Geerts dictionary is a long-time project which is fascinating. Met him too a fe times.
Dear Ruud Janssen... I am actually writing & investigating about this topic... for EAFIT University... Where I am working as a professor in a Social Communication program... The target about my investigation included this goal... In passed days I comment to you about Postdata project... Mail Art & Net Art exhibition in Centro de Artes EAFIT University... That you can find in a Cultural magazine.. named Escáner Cultural... http://escaner.cl

In this First entries I talked about the paradigm change between both means analogical & digital...
I am development in this moment a curator¡al text... and I am writing in the same way for... "The Mail Art in Latinoamerica. One look since cyberculture"...
I can produce one text... for IUOMA community... (trying to explain my point of view about what the IUOMA is... ) but or how long the text should be extended...???
Thank you for your call... research and open participation in this target...
Keeping e-mailing... friend...
Dear Tulio,

Thanks for your offer. Yes, would love to have such a text. Could be a substantial text, so it could turn into several pages for sure. That wouldn't be a problem. I will see which directions the texts go and find a line in them so they fit together. When ready just send file to my e-mail. No deadline set yet.

Deadline for submitting texts for the 20 years IUOMA book is set to beginning July 2009. All PR-materials connected to the IUOMA that were made in the past (or now published online on the platform) could be included as well depending on the space left in the book. If you have suggestions for texts to be included, please let me know. We will discuss topic and other details through e-mail.
When a good story or essay emerges on the online statements group I might include it in the book.



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