
China Embassy IUOMA

Discussion on China and mail art to and from China. How will we achieve that we can echange our mail art with chinese mail artists and get also chinese mail to us?

Location: China
Members: 70
Latest Activity: Jul 30, 2022

Discussion Forum

thank you, my mailart friend! 1 Reply

Hi, all my dear mailart friends!thanks for all your participant in my mailart call 121.48°E, when i first know mailart i fell in love with it and started my first mailart call, i don't know if this…Continue

Tags: 121.48°E, mailart, China, shanghai, Amo

Started by Mao Huan (lazybunny). Last reply by Chorianopoulou Maria Jun 8, 2018.

project121.48°E 6 Replies

hello friendswith the project goes on, i will keep in putting the mailarts i get for the project on the mailattack could look the…Continue

Tags: 上海, mailattack, 邮件艺术, shanghai, project

Started by Mao Huan (lazybunny). Last reply by Mao Huan (lazybunny) Mar 3, 2011.

Sent to China 10 Replies

Photos of Mail-Art sent to ChinaContinue

Started by Ruud Janssen. Last reply by Ruud Janssen Feb 6, 2011.

Received from China 6 Replies

Photos of Mail-Art received from China

Started by Ruud Janssen. Last reply by Ruud Janssen Feb 6, 2011.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Samuel Montalvetti on November 24, 2010 at 11:26pm
Disculpen que no escriba en ingles, pero lejos estoy de poderlo hacer bien.
En cuanto a este tema de China, estuve viendo la dirección de Horst Baur en
la consulta es ¿si yo envio una carta a esa dirección se la estaría enviando a Horst Baur o a un posible mail artista chino?
Por ahora preparare el sobre.
Salud!! a todos.
Comment by Severino Domenico on November 24, 2010 at 11:13pm
Thanks Ruud for giving me this opportunity! Greetings from Pompeii!
Comment by Ruud Janssen on November 24, 2010 at 6:49pm
yes, actually I will go to sleep quite soon.

Setting things up like this isn't that difficult. I have 35+ experience with computers and work all the time with them (actually in day-time I am teamleader at a larger ICT-college).
Comment by Ruud Janssen on November 24, 2010 at 6:30pm
Step one is to have some addresses of Chinese Mail-Artists we can send mail-art to. Maybe first 'traditional' envelopes to establish contacts, and lateron we can see if the gouverment does set limitations. Getting Mail-Art back is the second goal. We can publish all three elements here. So: Adresses, Mail-Art sent to China, Mail-Art received from China.

Members (70)



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