We are setting up branches of Arty Slides International all over the world.

Our Honorary President is the Founder of IUOMA, Ruud Janssen

Honorary Secretary is: Janine Weisse-Vuille

The Dishonorary Treasurer is Dean Marks

Our Chief Financial Officer is Alicia Starr

At the time of writing (17 February, 2012), we have branches in:

* Australia (President, Vizma Bruns)

* Brasil (President, Lilian Mariutti)

* Canada (President, Debbie Clandening by Golly)

* France (Jesse Edwards)

* Germany (President, Svenja Wahl)

* Greece (President, Katerina Nikoltsou)

* San Marino (President, Ptzria (TICTAC)

* Spain (President: Daniel,de Culla)

* Sweden (President: Niklas Heed)

* Switzerland (President: Janine Weisse-Vuille)

* USA (President, Snooky Cope)


Please let Val know if you are willing to become the national President of Arty Slides International in your country. (The duties and obligations of a national President are not onerous).


Views: 394

Replies to This Discussion

Do we get a certificate with a gold star?

And an Executive Bonus, too, please! :-)

And Business Travel Expenses???

Yes, you can have all of these..and more*. The costs of them will be met by your membership fees. Please send them to me at once. Thank you.

*And more? Well, if Katerina manages to get to Paris next week, she will get her belated kiss from President Val. Vizma: you have to get her before, on or shortly after 24 May to claim yous.

Gold stars, executive bonuses, traveling expenses....what, what, what?????!?!!??  All I was offered was hot dogs and beer.

He probably meant to say that we'll all get hot dogs and beer when we go to his house for the inaugural meeting. (to which he will fly us in private jets, one each.)

Vizma, the inaugural meting was YESTERDAY! Didn't you get my message, Why didn't you get to Perth airport on time? The jet flew back with just a possum or two on board; Val


This  is GREAT and somehow we need to include it in our publicity.It should include my name for France, as the position is not vacant but temporarily filled. (It's vacant in Italy, Holland, Belgium, etc too)

But,Oops -- we know have a Canadian President.

I think you can add Debbie at the bottom of this. the problem arises when we have an 8th national President.

Well done! You deserve another tea. Val

Thanks Janine: we now have a Brasilian President. You need to extend this into a double Arty Slide: do you know what these are?

Regards Val

PS there is only one 'n' in Herman

Very fancy Janine! I feel very important now!

I think Val should make t-shirts for the presidents, but he'll probably make us wear fetching lycra outfits.

Me? Make t-shirts? Come on!

I once tried to make a little sewn book for Cheryl Penn, and nearly bled to death after cutting and spearing my fingers with scissors and needles, respectively.

I'll make you a cup of tea or a glass of gluhwein instead, with the greatest of pleasure.


(Fooled you Vizma! I expected you'd get a wet t-shirt response! And I'm not even going to comment on the wet t-shirt/lycra possibilities)

Oh Janine! You are adorable!! And your uncle is a winemaker? I want to be in your family!! Will your uncle marry me???

I don't know what Fendant is, but I will make you a t-shirt for many bottles of it! Prosit!



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