Mail-art by IUOMA member…
Blog Beautiful asemics & IUOMA mail-art stamps by E. Coles (Plymouth, UK) 4 Likes Choco Express from the Haptic Werewolf, Erni :-)It is FEED ART to the starving Greeks :-)…
Blog Choco Express from the Haptic Werewolf, Erni :-) 4 Likes Awesome from Aussie...rubber stamps from Vizma!Fun green shiny packet, fun happy tape, holding 12 (twelve!) rubber…
Blog Awesome from Aussie...rubber stamps from Vizma! 3 Likes This is the first mail art that I receive in my life. It 'been a great joy. It 's wonderful. Thanks Michalis Kotsaris! Blog This is the first mail art that I receive in my life. It 'been a great joy. It 's wonderful. Thanks Michalis Kotsaris! 5 Likes 5 Blanks (Cristina), your post has landedA large envelope, and you will notice all stamps but one were hand cancelled. Thank you Cristina, for the 'splatter' artistamps, I love the way you have to look at them close up and in good…
Blog 5 Blanks (Cristina), your post has landed 2 Likes From Claudia Garcia in ArgentinaMail Art envelope in my mailbox today, full of wonderful little…
Blog From Claudia Garcia in Argentina 4 Likes Some Mailart arrivalsThese arrived last month and I have either been extremely busy or trying to overcome insomnia not helped by someone who insist on sleep at 4am and still managed to wake at 11am.
Anyway here…
Blog Some Mailart arrivals 3 Likes I received Cristina Blank Blog I received Cristina Blank 1 Like WIPE 77: toilet paper boekie from AustraliaWhat a great project..."Field Study" from David Dellafiora in…
Blog WIPE 77: toilet paper boekie from Australia 3 Likes Vispo & Trashpo from Zalop Maestro Eduardo Cardoso (Sines, Portugal)Mail-art by IUOMA…
Blog Vispo & Trashpo from Zalop Maestro Eduardo Cardoso (Sines, Portugal) 2 Likes Erni wants me to be preparedA big letter from Erni came in full of ingredients to keep my winter worm and to think for coming apricot and Biergarden seasons. I will plant some apricots, and Kastanienbäume secretly where…
Blog Erni wants me to be prepared 3 Likes Claudia GarciaAll the long way from Argentina this beautiful mail came. If you can read asemic writings you might understand. Thanks alot for this beautitful "…
Blog Claudia Garcia 2 LikesThank you,…
Blog From "Maanpost" 2 Likes Rare mail art from Maurizio FollinMaurizo's mail art is seldom seen in my mail box,
so this is…
Blog Rare mail art from Maurizio Follin 6 Likes ZWECKLOS, A Unique Book from Frieder Speck Blog ZWECKLOS, A Unique Book from Frieder Speck 7 Likes David Schulze, your post has landed, so too Jon FosterMy second ma from David, and Jon sent me his zine, 2 buttons, plus the movie rant from his summer movie marathons, 2013. I sent him a 'thank you' piece and he has me thinking, receive and I shall…
Blog David Schulze, your post has landed, so too Jon Foster 2 Likes The doorI start my first project, and I hope it will be exciting)
I collect the door and invite you to send your door, and the fact that it hides.
I promise to reply to all, on the same topic,…
Mail from JOB, Eraser, Ruud.…
Blog 23 mail artists!!! 11 Likes From Carina Granlund (Finland) Blog From Carina Granlund (Finland) 3 Likes Some great mail to catch up on postings - Jon Foster has Eyes Blog Some great mail to catch up on postings - Jon Foster has Eyes 2 LikesWant to support the IUOMA with a financial gift via PayPal?
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This IUOMA platform on NING has no advertisings, so the funding is completely depending on donationsby members. Access remains free for everybody off course
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