Stripygoose Sue: The Bird Mat of West Wimbledon

You heard of a door mat, a bath mat, a beer mat, a patty mat, a horse mat, a flat mat, and a cat nap.  Now here is something you have never seen before.A bird mat.  Or is it really a mouse mat dressed up like a bird mat?In any case, it's Mail Art sent "as is".  Or as Kats says; "Nude Mail Art"  And yes, it made it from the UK to France in one piece.  The postal workers were so impressed that they forgot to cancel the stamp!And it has already found a home.  And yes, I did actually google; "Worst Cheat" to see if it was the name of a bird.  Alas, it isn't, but I did find out How to Cheat and Beat Flappy Birds in the Worst Way .

Thank you Sue, That's one small step for the postal workers, and one giant ________. I forgot what I was going to say to finish this blog.  Please help me fill in the blank.

Views: 175

Tags: Stripygoose


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Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on October 7, 2015 at 4:35pm

Look, look...InSeine supports Stripygoose :-)

(me gotta mouse pad, toooooo!)

The PAD has landed...from Stripygoose

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on October 6, 2015 at 1:59pm

So I may hope for a Yellow-Ying-Yang around Xmas time?

Those are wooooonderful "people stamps". All finished? Can you reprint?

Do you need this one:

Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 6, 2015 at 7:54am

Angie: You have to get out more!  Then again I haven't heard of Camel O Rama/Poison Mailart Productions.  But serious, that name is too long to blog.

Sue: "step for an untrustworthy greco-eclesiastical bird"  I would have never thought of that one.

Kats: My bloody Ying Yang is lost forever!  And I liked that one too.  But don't worry as the new yellow thing you put in the dishwasher will stop smelling in about 2 months and it will have to be replaced.But I used up all my Mail Art people stamps.

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on October 5, 2015 at 8:49pm

Yep, that is "nude" or "naked" mail art when it is without a French envelope :-)

We are successfully following in the footsteps of our fearless leader, InSeine, who

pioneered the naked/nude-method of just throwing a mail art piece in a post box

and see if it arrives at destination (NO return address anywhere :-)

Ah, but sometimes, some things are lost forever in the world wide web of postal systems...sigh.

Comment by stripygoose on October 5, 2015 at 7:10pm

worst cheat anagram for 'at the crows' but not sure that really explains much. Searching for meaning is meaningless?

one small step for the postal workers and one giant step for an untrustworthy greco-eclesiastical bird...


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