Received from Thom Courcelle, République du Coeur--Fluxus dans la Nuit des Etoiles

I know others have received these wonderfully knit mail art pieces, but until you actually hold one, it's hard to know what you're missing. The yarn is soft and the hearts dangle though attached (pretty much sums up our humanness, I think.) I adore all things nocturnal, especially the gentle scenes. Merci, Thom!

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Comment by Thom Courcelle on September 3, 2011 at 10:35pm
Saaa-WEEEET!!  Nicely be-spoke, Bifidus! You found meaning where I hadn't even recognized it before! Thanks everyone for your comments.  I dunno about a video--might have to work on that one. Pret-ty darn non-technologically fit for a project like that. Might have to leave the video brilliance in the hands of Belka & Strelka. My own hands are definitely better with needles than with cameras!
Comment by DKeys on September 3, 2011 at 9:10pm
Functional Mail Art! In Winter, it doubles as a mitten. I hope Thom knits us all xmas sweaters it would be one I'd actually wear. I too think a video would be fantastic. I've only seen one man knitting in public while waiting for a doctor's appt. I was so intrigued for whatever reason. He said it was therapeutic. It might be the same thing as seeing men with babies or puppies-some biological sign of a good man. Love this!  DVS, Roadkill IV should be put on the back burner. You have to do this video!
Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on September 3, 2011 at 4:21pm
Ok, too bad (though that video project sounds like a must-see. After it actually happens, of course!)  Don't give up, Thom, there must be good production people in Seattle.
Comment by De Villo Sloan on September 3, 2011 at 4:10pm
Let's hope Thom moves into performance art! My production work in this area, unfortunately, is in the red. I'm in a mess over the production of Roadkill IV - a video project I'm hoping will star DK.
Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on September 3, 2011 at 4:03pm

This is a knockout! And Bifidus, your describing the hearts that dangle though attached as "pretty much sums up our humanness" is a knockout perception.

Thom:  De Villo's idea is fantastic! Won't you do it? Even just one? Maybe he'd fly out and help.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on September 3, 2011 at 3:49pm
No pulling the wool over out eyes on this, Bifidus! Thom's knitting is purely wonderful. Now if he would just do videos of himself knitting the pieces (the longer the better), it would be extremely Fluxible (one of RJ's Fluxus words?). "Man Knitting" could dethrone Warhol's "Man Sleeping." As for you most excellent blog Bifidus - you sure can spin a yarn.
Comment by Amy Irwen on September 3, 2011 at 3:20pm
WOW-za!!!! I love Thom's work!


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