Dean has sent me some mail-art while I was in France. Since there was a flea market coming up that weekend I though it was a perfect opportunity to get some good cash. I was sure of the success of this project, as the piece contained some rare british mail-art omens, as well as a unique "Manoir aux Visons en Alsace" address.
... oh yes, and also because my parents said no, this cannot be on the mantelpiece, nor can it be on the "table de chevet". Parents are so boring.
Day D, 5.00am:
I thought that 100 Euros was a very good price for this masterpiece. But time passed and....
Day D, 11.45am:
Day D, 4.20pm:
Day D, 7.10pm:
I was starting to despair when the miracle happened. A movie star (or so she says) from Siberia, big fan of Dean Marks, heard of the event and took the first flight to Geispitzen. She is a mail-art collector, apparently, she said she had been looking for such a piece for years!! Comme quoi, il ne faut JAMAIS désespérer! :-)))
Day D, 7.50pm:
I bring you a new message from Empress Marie who still has not been re-admitted to the IUOMA. She has received work from Frieder Speck:
The Empress (in absentia) has posted a message today. I smuggle it in:
Scratching.I hear a scratching. Like an animal trying to get in.
This blog is a last monument to Empress Marie. Even now the sand engulfs it. And people forget what was once the Glory of MinXus.
In her last message to me Marie wrote: "Can you hear me Major Tom?" Then nothing.
Excellent picture, Janine. We do not know how many wait outside seeking entrance. The anarchy is not so much in here as out there. Is a mob gathering? And poor Marie is among them.
Mme Janine: does anarchy make you panicky?
When Dean takes over he will probably assign you an important role in the new organisation. I wonder what it will be?
Over to you M. Marks
KDJ, I am going to avoid speculating because I don't know. Because of the M-L bog, I know Marie left IUOMA. Then she decided to rejoin. I don't know how many days she has been waiting, but she hasn't been re-admitted.
The scene is tragic, to be sure... All these folks on the outside looking in... Trapped in a dimension that is NOT IUOMA...
The sadness of it is overwhelming!
Poor little artists stuck in time-outs for which they have done NOTHING... Or have they done something? Will we ever be sure?
I have taken this to the Shrine in hopes of an answer... Alas, none has been forthcoming. May the Powers that Be bless our lost ones and bring them safely back into the fold that is IUOMA!
Where is Neil in all of this? And Erni? The DharmaDaDas should be having regular spiritual consults with Neil until this thing is resolved! More support is needed! This is a call to the Shrine for the DKULT faithful, who I am sure will be able to sort this mess out! My Shroud Shred is giving off unusual vibrations these days, but I cannot find the answer on my own!
Maybe Ruud has re-applied and can't be admitted either based on some new entrance standards.
This disproves the line in "Hotel California": "You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave."
Marie is still out there too, face pressed against the glass. How many others?
I'm delighted that Dean has taken over the running of IUOMA (perhaps, albeit on a temorary basis in the absence of Ruud), and am certain that he will bring to it his many administrative, management, financial, legal, diplomatic, fiscal and bureaucratic skills -- as well as his artistic ones, of course.
I am sure that we are all going to experience some big changes in the way that IUOMA will be run in the future.
Good luck, Dean (and please can you try and make sure that the restaurant stays open for an extra hour in the evenings?)!
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