Mail art by IUOMA member Ficus strangulensis (Charleston, West Virginia, USA)
September 21, 2019 - I always look forward to receiving mail from ol’ bud the great Ficus strangulensis aka Panjandrum of Blorchistan, Fluxus Maximus, etc., etc. In response to a copy of Xerolage 71 I mailed him, Fike sent me these FAB images of his vispo, Fluxus art-in-life and, a rare prize: one of his cut-ups from 2006.
My views about Ficus strangulensis as a leading visual poet, Eternal Network all-star and contemporary master of the Burroughsian cut-up technique are a matter of public record. (The Ohio State University is collecting his work as well.) So I am especially pleased Fike sent a cut-up I do not have to add to the venerable MinXus-LynXus Archives. I am equally pleased to share this wealth with you, faithful & dear reader. A closer look at the piece:
Classic visual poetry by Ficus strangulensis (Charleston, West Virginia, USA)
The envelope is tremendous mail art:
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