Happy Canada Day From Goop Mail Art

And a happy 4th of July to all our American friends from your pals at GOOP GALLERY

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Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on April 7, 2014 at 2:24pm

The snow has gone in Ottawa by 1 July?

I would hope so.

Climate-wise I spent the most miserable year of my life while at Carleton U. It staretd snowing bfeore mid-October, and the white stuff didn't go away until Easter, some 5-6 months later. I had forgotten what grass looked like by then ('you know, sort of green'). Then Spring came, and it was very nice, but it only lasted for a week. Then Summer arrived and it was hot and sticky and humid and there were mosquitos everywhere. And we didn't have air conditioning in our small apartment on Bank at Mclaren (or Mclaren at Bank). Summer lasted for about 4  unpleasant months, and then Fall/Autumn came (and the mozzies went). But Fall/Autumn only lasted a week. And then winter came again...but I went back to the UK.

The only up-beat thing about all of this was that I learnt to ice skate on the Rideau canal.

I was going to send the GoopGallery some Mail Art, but the thought of the Ottawan climate has traumatised me, and I am temporarily unable to put glue-stick to card.

Comment by goopmailart on July 11, 2012 at 11:50pm

Men go pantless for one day a year in Canada, I think it's nice to see all those bare legs on July 1. Women, on the other hand are permitted to to topless for the afternoon. Thank heavens the snow is gone by then.

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on July 6, 2012 at 9:44pm

But when I lived in Canada, women often went out without wearing trousers. gtey wore things called 'skirts' and 'dresses' instead.

That wasn't sexist then -- is it now?


Comment by goopmailart on July 6, 2012 at 6:28pm

In Canada, July 1 is the only day of the year men are permitted to go out without trousers. Many women find this sexist and are now lobbying to have the same right.

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on July 5, 2012 at 5:13am

...especially from those who can't afford trousers.


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