I dared and I opened :-)) Totally worth it. Thom's Halloween envelope contained a great poem full of tricks and sweets.

And look a the ghostly robe! I agree with you, Thom, Where's the Love, where's the Love...

Thank you for such sweet spookiness in the mail!


Views: 206

Tags: Halloween, Thom Courcelle, poem, received


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Comment by Marie Wintzer on November 1, 2011 at 10:57pm

Katerina has fooled me again!! :-)) I always fall into the choco trap! :-))

It arrived right on time, Thom, thank you so much!

Comment by Thom Courcelle on November 1, 2011 at 6:38pm
Uh-oh. A picture usually tells a thousand words, but in this case, it is just some embellishment that Katerina added to her photo documentation, I think, to make the chocolate smeared ghostie look funnier.  No extra candies were included in anyone's trick or treats because I am too much of a cheapo to send anything that heavy!  In this case, Katerina played the "trick" that fooled you, Marie!!  But it was still a "treat" to surprise you! Thanks everyone for posting your Hallowe'en mail from me--it is always my biggest volume mailing of the year, and it seems most all of them arrived on time! Cheers and blessed All-Saints Day!
Comment by Marie Wintzer on November 1, 2011 at 12:11pm
Katerina, I'm glad you brought this up, this case is far from being closed. I won't get passed the fact that your ghost came with some chocolate and mine did not! :-))
Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on November 1, 2011 at 12:07pm

I fed my ghostly friend from Thom some more CHOCOLATE! Isn't this just a fun character amd poem? Thanks Thom! xxx Hope you had a Happy Halloween, CB and CP.

Comment by Marie Wintzer on November 1, 2011 at 8:52am

With emphasis on the DANG!!!! And a little break right after. And the next sentence very fast.


Comment by cheryl penn on November 1, 2011 at 8:18am
DANG! Where's the LLOOOOOOVVVEEE???? :-)))X
Comment by Marie Wintzer on November 1, 2011 at 6:12am
Thanks for dropping in, cp-sa. Use it, use it!
Comment by cheryl penn on November 1, 2011 at 5:43am
Hey QB - I got one too :-) "Dang! Where's the love??!!?" - Definitely going to use that one :-) X


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