Erni Bar: Great Friend to me + rust : The latest batch, plus India comic books

Not many people actively encourage a passionate love of rust, but Erni does:

Some of the above are, of course, smashed cans, which are thrilling trashpo even if no rust has occurred yet. Exactly why the rust, iron, smashed cans, and number plate (3) are beautiful I cannot say, but they have been so to me my whole life. Maybe it's that they aren't afraid to show the effects of nature and decay; they wear them willingly and in fact flaunt them ostentatiously to people like me, and apparently to Erni, who picks these items up on his famous Urban Explorations in Hamburg and now, luckily, occasionally shares some with me. Smashed cans lying on the side of streets and in ditches may not seem nature-affected, since they were run over by 1 or 274 manmade cars and trucks, but things run over by automobiles are affected by human-nature, with all its quirks, flaws, and glories, and that counts. And then there are the natural elements that add their marks in tiny ways and, in the case of deep rust, over long periods of time. Rust produces wondrous colors; it also serves as a wholesome reminder of the impermanence of life. It's a rich offering, in both ways. Rust even comes off on your hands if you pick up a rusty object, so the rust itself is never solid. The impermanence of impermanence.

This batch sent by Erni (incredibly, in an ENVELOPE, not a box!) weighed something like 6 pounds, and our mailman struggled mightily to smush it into the mailbox. Good thing some good friends from the trashpo group softened up this mailman with mail-art specifically for him over the holidays--that effort paid off, people. Then I dragged it inside, laughing all the way. Erni had done it again, but this time at least sixfold in weight. It wasn't a bargain while paying for the sending at the post office for him, either! But when packages arrive from Erni now and then, they never disappoint, no matter what he decides to send. It's one reason Ruud began a fan club at IUOMA for Erni. Wisdom, knowledge, and humor must have factored into Ruud's decision also. In any case, Thank You In A Big Way, Erni!!!

In a comment a few more pictures plus ones of the fabulous India comic books included in this batch will appear.  

Views: 104

Tags: 3, Dharmadada, Erni Bar, india comic books, iron, rust, smashed cans


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Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on April 26, 2012 at 2:14pm

You got that right, Neil. But let's hope you're not neglecting your DKult chaplaincy duties by meandering around IUOMA and making comments here and there.

Comment by Neil Gordon on April 26, 2012 at 12:56pm

Erni is the master Mail "wrapper"and Rapper! He packs his mail art with care.

Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on April 25, 2012 at 5:18am

Absolutely, yes, I knew the envelopes are very strong, just had never seen one tested that much. But it doesn't surprise me that you knew it would hold up. It was a very fun drama to me, never having tried it, but clearly you knew it could take it. You wrap each item individually, which also is delightful. It's like Christmas or a birthday. I loved it, and hope the blog shows that. How nice to look forward to the next! Now I only wish the two packages sent to you last month would arrive to you. They must be lost after all this time (both sent on March 26), and one doesn't matter so much but the other was made especially for you. If it doesn't arrive I will send you my scans ...

956--wow. Double wow. Does it still show its age? The 1600s seem new by comparison. If you have photos of it in today's world no doubt I'm not the only one who would enjoy seeing them. In any case, thanks again Erni ~ 

Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on April 25, 2012 at 2:20am

Lisa, give me a day or two and you'll have your answer.

Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on April 25, 2012 at 2:18am

All righty then, you'll have OOB rust rusted to you, Neil, well deserved. Especially when you call it a cologne--I'll have to get that published on the town website! Wethersfield rust would be most welcome. The date of settlement sounds similar to around here, one wonders if the name "New" England will stand up for much longer.

Comment by Neil Gordon on April 25, 2012 at 12:39am

Old orchard beach rust? sounds like a cologne.! Yeah Rust it to me! I'll try and dig up some Wethersfield rust . My town is one of the oldest  in CT. ( settled in 1634 i believe.)

Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on April 24, 2012 at 11:20pm

Yes he is. Imagine the responsibility of keeping a man out of his own home, whether it's Andy Kaufman or Arnold Schwarzneggar.

Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on April 24, 2012 at 10:38pm

Neil, would you be interested in some Old Orchard Beach rust? We are riding the rust lovetrain together, yes?

Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on April 24, 2012 at 10:24pm

Yah, it was truly amazing--all in one of those 12x18 inch envelopes Erni often uses. They're fibrous and tough, but who knew they were THAT tough? Guess Erni knew. Those iron beauties are really heavy, and they were at one end; I couldn't believe the whole thing hadn't collapsed. Or POPPED, as Cheryl might say.

The Rustorium finally has a moniker, thank you Neil! Then there's Rustattic, I'm not sure. It's great your popping imaginative mind is on the case.

signed, funky-earth-monkey pokey-spots

Comment by DKeys on April 24, 2012 at 10:02pm

Stunning package from Erni-can't believe that all fit in an envelope! The Hindu comics are phenomenal and loving this glimpse into your workspace Nancy and the peak of your art in the background-rust is earthy, organic, elemental-everything I think you vibe with as a funky earth monkey


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