Asemic Attitude Girl Glasses from De Villo Sloan--Resident Synthetic Bio-Po Manufacturer

Through a combination of Elmer's Glue and the heat, these actually came wet. The note was damp and bled, but I was able to surmise that it said Asemic Attitude Girl Glasses. DVS knows that my attitude girl character often wears broken/shattered glasses. I thought the broken lens was covered with paper towel, but he says it is tape. He has scratched asemic writing into the existing lens so the world will be filtered through abstraction. I think think these designer glasses are designed to shield against seeing harsh reality. It makes me think of that phrase that says "You can't unsee something".  The glasses were from a dollar store and thus are broken already. You definately get what you pay for. If anyone wants a pair of these (Who wouldn't?) DVS is setting up shop to mass produce these. They come in: blood spatter, super scratched, rose, neon, and total blackout. Thanks DVS--never received damp mail art before and glad it's only synthetic bio=po!

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Comment by De Villo Sloan on August 30, 2011 at 8:46pm
Elegant, DK! And yes - Take the Rash out of Trash!
Comment by DKeys on August 30, 2011 at 8:38pm
The glasses will go perfectly with this trashion. Yes DVS, I definately avoid any and all street trash that might contain DNA. I stick with paper items, and even then I put them through the autoclave
Comment by De Villo Sloan on August 30, 2011 at 8:32pm

Amy, I have to suggest you not involve things like matches and lighters in your mail-art. Remember, safety first! The Walmart bags unheated make interesting shapes and textures.


I don't expect you to send a photo of yourself wearing you Attitude Girl Asemic glasses. I am hoping for some mail-art celebrity endorsements in that area though. DK is having some TOXIS problems, so I understand why she can't model them. Maybe I can photoshop a pic of Ray Johnson wearing them or something.

Comment by Amy Irwen on August 30, 2011 at 7:06pm
Plastic have to play with that..I have a mail art friend who melts plastic for a very cool effect

I will try to be brave enough to model them!! Haha
Comment by De Villo Sloan on August 30, 2011 at 6:50pm

I'm glad you asked Amy! This is Asemic Trashpo, but as DK pointed out elsewhere, it's also bio-poetry due to the organic element (or it appears to be organic). However, this is SYNTHETIC BIO-PO, or Syn-bipo. I gather it has already been interpreted as the narrative of a grizzly street accident: a popped lens and bloody tissue. No! That is a piece of a WalMart bag. I spilled red ink on it somewhere around the time the chair fell and broke the glasses indoors. I do not advocate sending organic material through the mail-art network. Kids! stick with Syn-bipo.


I am new at collecting street debris for Trashpo. I find it's pretty gritty, grungy, and at times disgusting. I wanted to make a commentary on that. There is some gross stuff you wouldn't want to touch, IMHO. Should trash people have a health & safety code? From now on, I'm wearing gloves.


Also - I'm looking for models who will wear their asemic glasses.

Comment by Amy Irwen on August 30, 2011 at 6:36pm
Did you use modeling paste for the raised area?
Comment by De Villo Sloan on August 30, 2011 at 6:22pm

I never thought of myself as a fashion designer! I do owe the Martha Stuart School of Asemic Wallpaper a great deal. The concept of asemic glasses and headgear was first presented there, along with many other things, like asemic gas. The "pre-brokn" concept, which I'll keep in the design, actually resulted from a chair falling on the glasses. I used the popped out out lens for a page of my Asemics 16 #5 chapter:




Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on August 30, 2011 at 5:31pm
These are out of this world fantastic! Great innovation, DVS! Besides, they're beautiful. I think it's quite something you got dots at the dollar store.
Comment by Amy Irwen on August 30, 2011 at 4:00pm
Awesome..can't wait...Thank you *-*
Comment by De Villo Sloan on August 30, 2011 at 3:57pm
Thank you Amy! Asemic glasses for the mail-artists of Minnesota!


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