AKA Anna Banana Appreciation Band (ABAB)

The theme is Bananas & Anna Banana.  Many of our members are « bananas » themselves, others are »fruity », a few are « nutty », and one is completely « ape ».
If you are none of these, don’t worry we can help you with specially designed projects and exams for your progress to the banana status you deserve.
We will also explore the many works of Anna Banana as we give appreciation for involvement in Mail Art & "Art".
PS I you are « crackers » or « loony », this group may not be for you.
Also: see link and fill in the form and return it to Anna Banana!

world-wide banana consciousness

Dear Banana Band,

So happy to make your acquaintence, and wonder if you are aware that there are MANY Anna Bananas in the world. Most just USE the name as a nick-name and haven't gone legal with it , while I made it official (legal change) back in the 80's after having used the name for over 15years.

    I have a number of other anna Bananas in my Encyclopedia Bananica files, and while I personally "bananas, fruity, nutty and completely ape," I can see the need for training of many others, in order to make the world a safe place for all bananas. Thus, the need for a drive for world wide banana consciousness. . . and to that end, wonder if you might entrust me with your special projects and exams that I could use with correspondents, in order to spread the banana consciousness more quickly and evenly around the globe. 

   I have been working at this myself, but now that I know of your group, feel there's a chance that, with group effort, we can spread banana consciousness more effectively. Here's a shot from my most recent event in Edmonton, July 1 this year . . . 

Go bananas, go!

all best from

Anna Banana

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    Mail Art Martha

    I could never be an Anna Banana, will a Marthanana do? Does it help that now I live in Cloudcuckooland?

    I read in your interview in Kairan 16 that you are trying to sell your collection of Mail Art, so how much will we get on our contributions to your projects?

    I thought Mail Art was against the commercialization of art but it seems that everybody is at it now. Today I received an invitation by Redfoxpress to buy a compilation of Fluxus graphic poetry for 70 euros. It went to the spam folder straight away.

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    Mail Art Martha

    Oh! Anna I am sorry I upset you. I happen to feel strongly about some things and also believe that everybody has a right to express their own opinion. This is a discussion, no? And we made our aquaintance a long time ago. I have some of your work in my own collection and before you get upset again I must tell you that is all perfectly catalogued and digital records made. Those I think will survive better in the Internet than in a museum. I am very methodic and every piece of art that I have ever received has been shown so it was easy to keep each show in a box and scan it into my virtual archive at the end of the show. I am in the process of turning them into eBooks which have the great advantage of being in public view, for free. I clarify that some artwork is not with me as I have always encouraged the public to take home what they fancied but believe me there are a lot of boxes in my cellar.

    I don't want to cause you any more agravation so I wish you all the luck in the world in your endevours and sign out.

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      Alicia Starr

      Dear Anna. You have my permission to use the pieces I've sent you in any way you see fit. When I send someone a piece of art the ownership is transferred to the recipient. Best to you and your endeavors.
      My friend Nadine was happy to meet you at the Ex Postal Facto.