Margaret Jeddry


Nova scotia


Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
Off and on
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
It’s fascinating!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
PO Box 471
Meteghan, Nova Scotia
Canada B0W 2J0

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  • Margreet Beemsterboer

    Hi Margret,

    Post is on its way. Maybe even arrived already. Hope you like it :-).

    kindest regards

    Margreet Beemsterboer

  • Bonniediva

    Hey Margaret,

    If you are still interested in adding to my ABC Book Event, please take letter J.

    Please create one page of anything starting with your letter. The size of your page should stay 81/2 x 11” or smaller. It can be digital, but I do love a hand-worked piece in the  mail. 

    Then you send me your page and I add it to my ABC book.

    Then I photograph/scan the page and post it online for all to enjoy. Thanks so much! Bonnie

  • Mikel Untzilla