I have recently participated in a Mail-Art show here in Wilmington. the show was simply amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed creating the pieces and seeing the wide variety of work exhibited was exciting.
I have been creating art for as long as I can remember, since childhood. Making and creating is an integral part of who I am. Working as a Mail-Artist would provide another creative outlet for me, one I am excited to explore further.
Glad my mail arrived to you, and thanks for your friend request. I went to university in NC and have been to Wilmington a few times--still have some old friends there… might as well have a mail art friend who lives there too! Cheers!
Thom Courcelle
Hi Trey!
Glad my mail arrived to you, and thanks for your friend request. I went to university in NC and have been to Wilmington a few times--still have some old friends there… might as well have a mail art friend who lives there too! Cheers!
Oct 2, 2015
Bruno Cassaglia
Nov 15, 2015
Carlos I. Botana
Dec 3, 2015