Chuck Welch


Peterborough, NH

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
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Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I like a surprise in every mailbox
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

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  • borderlinegrafix


  • Ryusho Jeffus

    Chuck I wasn't sure you were still active and around.  I'm in possession of your book Networking Currents.  Is it still available in publication?  If not what are your feelings about me posting some photos of some of the book to make available in the Move Your Archives group.  I'm not sure if you remember me from the period 1986-1990, I was using the name Tuesday Art and mailing from San Diego.  You may not and I wouldn't expect you to, I do however remember you.  I'm re-entering mail art though it has never left me.  Take care, sincerely Ryusho

  • M. Mouser DiGerlando

    The Crackerjack Kid strikes again.

    You got the P.O. Worker again with your old tricks. The really believed it was “set on fire” some how.

    thanks SO much for playing in my lil’ game. “Free Matter For The Blind”..😺