Its a great way to connect to some one artistic. I discovered the mail art community through a simple web search. What drove me was the though of getting something other than bills in the mail. Having sort of “Art Pin pals” Has been a very rewarding experience.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Aaron Morgan
5609 2nd ave NW Seattle WA
Apt 6
Thanks for the excellent crow-themed packet! I'll send you some more mail art too. Question: How do I do the ATC Buddy Jam? For instance, do I send something to "C.Z. Lovecraft?" do I add one of my friend's name to the #2 on the enclosed card? Please advise, thanks! - Melanie Reed
John Chiaromonte
I went to your webpage and love the work!!! I hope that you will send a piece to my mail art show.deadbirdoneoneXXX.jpg
Nov 7, 2017
Melanie Reed
Thanks for the excellent crow-themed packet! I'll send you some more mail art too. Question: How do I do the ATC Buddy Jam? For instance, do I send something to "C.Z. Lovecraft?" do I add one of my friend's name to the #2 on the enclosed card? Please advise, thanks! - Melanie Reed
Jul 3, 2020
Bruno Cassaglia
Grazie Aaron! Ti abbraccio. B
Oct 10, 2023