Renate Blaes


D-86938 Schondorf/Germany


Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
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Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
It is very creative and inspiring.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

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  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Guten abend! Thanks for the Friend request; I do more non-Mail Art than Mail Art these days, so won't be a good friend. However, Boots (the Siamese) and Bianca (the Persian) have asked me to tell you -- as a fellow cat-lover -- that if you send them some Mail Art they will probably send you something back (when they are not eating, sleeping, chasing each other, or scratching the furniture).

  • Elena

    Hello Renate, 

    Thank's for your response. I like received mails arts with fairy, or flowers or birds or butterfly and what you want too because each mail art is beautiful. 

    I send you a mail art . Sorry for my english not very well. 

    Have a good day 


  • Leo Reijnders