I am interested in mail-art because it is a very spontaneous kind of art. I created a project named Galeria Postal that has as a main goal, the expansion of an aesthetic and communication attitude through an alternative space: the mail, a mean through which for decades had offered one of the most delicious confrontations regarding art, its value and function.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Galeria Postal
Calle Marta Abreu No. 202
CP: 10600, Habana 6.
Hello! I was wondering if you’d like to swap some artwork with me? If you’re interested, send me your address. Mine is
Lisa Ricchio
15 Northwood rd
Yarmouth, ME 04096
Hello! I was wondering if you’d like to swap some artwork with me? If you’re interested, send me your address. Mine is
Lisa Ricchio
15 Northwood rd
Yarmouth, ME 04096
Lisa Ricchio
Hello! I was wondering if you’d like to swap some artwork with me? If you’re interested, send me your address. Mine is
Lisa Ricchio
15 Northwood rd
Yarmouth, ME 04096
Dec 2, 2018
Lisa Ricchio
Hello! I was wondering if you’d like to swap some artwork with me? If you’re interested, send me your address. Mine is
Lisa Ricchio
15 Northwood rd
Yarmouth, ME 04096
Dec 2, 2018
hello i have a art work for the Rafael trejo Boxing Gym in Avana Cuba can you help me to give to them i will add a art work also for you as well
Morice marcuse
Aug 5, 2019