Bruno Cassaglia




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
because I love free art.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Bruno Cassaglia
Via Brandini 11/6
17047 Quiliano (SV)

Comment Wall:

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  • Suyapa Ramos

    simplemente wow! 

  • Kelly Bancroft

  • Gary Davis

    Thank you,


  • Kelly Bancroft

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour, New Friend Bruno! Let's exchange some Mail Art? Your New Friend, Val

  • Lindsay Stewart

    Love those birds and the faint circle in the water. You always send the most beautiful images. I thank you. In return, I will send a beautiful image to you.

  • goncayengin

    Thank you Bruno:)

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Grazie per avermi permesso di conoscere Bruno!

    BTW, ho inviato questo un po 'indietro:
    Hai mai ricevuto?

    I migliori auguri!


    Thanks for letting me know Bruno!

    BTW, I sent you this a while back:

    Did you ever receive it?

    Best wishes!


  • The Blessed Father

    Was ist ihre gruppe?  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    Ich verstehe nicht, was diese gruppen zu tun.  BF 

  • goncayengin

    I am waiting to your mail art Bruno :) Thank you so much!

    Sono in attesa di tua mail art Bruno :) Grazie mille!

  • goncayengin

    Bruno, grazie per il tuo commento sulla mia foto! Questo murale è da Nebraska / Lincoln / USA

  • Yulia-Fruit-Ananas

    Здравствуйте, Bruno! ohh))Thank you! and i like youre group)))Спасибо))

  • Ana Karina

    si, dov'e il gruppo?

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonsoir Bruno! Thanks for the very nice chalk/pastel colourful drawing you sent me. I liked it! And I'll be mailing you something back soon. Regards, Val

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Hi Bruno, here is the link to my latest public performance,

    I have done many others for Amsterdam TV since this one but then using Skype.

  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Thank you Bruno, I have joined the group.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Hi Bruno, your comments are always a pleasure. Thank you very much for the green poetry!

  • Amy Morton

    Thank you for your was delightful.

  • hey-griga

    We can exchange cards )I can make u one
  • The Blessed Father

    Leider Bruno, ich verstehe nicht, Italienisch.

  • Dimitra Papatheodorou

    Ciao Bruno, aspetto la tua mailart con grande gioia. Un caro saluto Dimitra.

  • Dimitra Papatheodorou

    Complimenti sarrebbe bello vederla da vicino, sembra molto interessante.

  • Arturo Rubio

    Abrazo fraternal recibido! Gracias y saludos! :-)

  • Laura Chiarello

    Grazie Bruno, un caro abbraccio anche a te!

  • Laura Chiarello

    Purtroppo non mi muovo molto, e ad Alessandria non vado quasi mai, ma chissà, magari capiterà qualche occasione

  • Brigitte De Reys

    Hi! You sent me a message in ..., Is it possible to use French or English? Brigitte

  • Zorica Obradović


  • Zorica Obradović


    I'm not sure what question you asked. Maybe you should have drawn it 😀😀😀.

    If it is about the text that I copied from the email I received... People from the organization asked for help with the email, in order to send an invitation on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition. Your address to the organizer. And since you are, as you say, a decades-long member with many friends, there is a higher chance that one of the people on the list will see your post.

    I apologize if you took this as a violation of your choice of presentation. Simply remove the text and receive an apology.

    Pozdrav iz Kragujevca.

  • Zorica Obradović


    I like your art
    "Alieni improbabili con 2 direzioni"
    an interesting combination of styles. . pleasant, kind color... maybe even restrained...
    the intervention of "cubist" elements, with excellent arrangement, balance, create depth, frame, frame, and at the same time protection in an unobtrusive way...
    The very title of the work, the name, invites thought. ..
    "Alieni improbabili con 2 direzioni"

  • Vasa Radovanović



    Hi Bruno. Thanks for connecting as a Friend.  You are my first friend on this Mail Art site. Yours, MARY NASH

  • Hester

    Buon compleanno !

  • Hélène LAGACHE

    Bon anniversaire!

  • Anita

    Happy :) that you like it :)

  • Helen Amyes

    Hi Bruno, Thanks for your greetings and virtual hug, plus the positive feedback. B and W group has certainly got heaps of possibilities! best H

  • Re Schmi

    you`re welcome dear Bruno. :) glad it arrived.

  • Maryrosa

    Un caloroso saluto e abbraccio a te

  • Zorica Obradović

    Thank you B. maybe I can decipher it. although that is secondary, because "a picture has as many faces as people see it" Your activities are avant-garde, congratulations.

    Можда могу да дешифрујем. мада је то секундарно, јер "слика има онолико лица колико је људи виде" Ваше активности су авангардне, свака част.

  • Levorosenberg

    Si ma vado e vengo... privilegi dei pensionati😂

  • Levorosenberg

    Lui ancora no. Ma io lì ho la mamma

  • Beatriz Romano

    Gracias por invitarme 👍🏻

  • Ms. No Good

    Thank you!! I like your page it looks very cool!

  • Oswaldo Pullen

    Yes, my dear and old friend, let be peace among the countries of the world!


    Saluti Bruno, apprezzo sempre la tua mail art.

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Bruno,  Thank you for your friend request. I am not accepting new mail art exchanges,"

  • Daniela Dente


  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Caro Bruno, 

    sono felice di vedere te e la tua lettera. Ho meno tempo libero, però continuo a fare collage secondo il mio metodo. 

    I migliori auguri a te. A proposito, Natale sta arrivando! 

  • Zorica Obradović

    хвала ...што сте поделили са нама своје уметничке визије... поздрав од Зорице

  • Zorica Obradović

    thank you ...for sharing your artistic visions with us... greetings from Zorica