Monster A GoGo


Closed for Repairs

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
Late 1980s-early 2000s....briefly out of "retirement", but returning to it.
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Mail Art happened organically for me in the 80s. I always wrote letters back then (long before the advent of email and texting). Eventually I started decorating my envelopes. Why not? My envelopes got more and more elaborate. Once they started getting really interesting, one of my friends, who was a part of the Mail Art scene, introduced me to the community at large. I was very active for years. Then real life hit, as is often the case, and Mail Art sort of took a back seat...and slowly drifted from my mind. I am happy to discover it is still a vibrant art form and am more than thrilled to jump back in again.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Monster A GoGo -- RETIRED Mail Artist (Lurking in the background...)
Sorry--I'm NOT accepting mail at this time. PLEASE do NOT ask others for my address. I appreciate the effort, but NO THANK YOU. My mailbox is closed.

Comment Wall:

  • Carien van Hest

    Thank you for your mail, much appreciated.

  • Bruno Cassaglia - poetArtist

    Arrivata oggi Mail Art di Monster-A-Gogo, Grazie --- che sia Pace fra i popoli! b

    Monster-A-Gogo Mail Art arrived today, Thank you --- may it be Peace among the peoples! b

  • Bruno Cassaglia - poetArtist

    Caro Amico, io ho iniziato la Mail Art nel 1980, ma solo negli ultimi 10 anni ho intensificato.

    Dear Friend, I started Mail Art in 1980, but only in the last 10 years have I stepped up.

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Got your mail. Came through great. thank you so

    much. I’m 
    sorry you have to retire. 
    Take care


  • Theo Nelson

    Greetings, Monster.

    I got your delightful envelope today.  It now resides on the wall above my graphics station.

    I am sorry to hear about your troubles with the P.O.!  That sucks.

  • Pam Chatfield

    Hi Monster,  Thank you for the welcome.

    If you're down with receiving some art from me, please pm me with your address.

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Dear Monster,

    I too hope for a change for the better. Thank you for your letter. Don't forget that I am able to send mail to the USA, so I can make a collage card for you!

  • Dimitra Papatheodorou

    Hello from Greece! I received two mail art envelopes from you.  Thank you so much. There is no address so I write to you here. Have a nice summer and be creative! <3 


  • Josh Porter

    thanks for the welcome!

  • marina minou

  • Jan Hodgman

    Yes, I received your piece and am in the midst of trying to catch up on belatedly sending off mail art to those who have sent it to me! I love this piece of yours and will try to get one off to you today or tomorrow. Happy autumn (and Halloween!)

  • Jan Hodgman

    Absolutely no need to reciprocate (unless you get a burning urge to display your latest creativity....)  Mail art should be pressureless and utterly enjoyable. Have a great life!

  • Pam Chatfield

    I received your envelope.  I love it!  Thank you!

  • Tara Odorizzi

    Excuse me, Mr. Monster! I am so so sorry for not getting back to you. I fell off the IUOMA wagon and completely missed your messages. I'm working on climbing back on though.

    I did in fact receive your mail art way back in April! And you distinctly said not to respond since you were in the midst of re-retiring... it seems you've decided to unretire once again? Either way, I was delighted and honored to receive it. I don't have your address, but if you'd like some mail art from me, send it over and I'll do my best to send you something spooky (...though it may take some time, because I'm a bit slow, in case you haven't noticed).

  • Tara Odorizzi

    Hmm, maybe your new technique is the way to go. I definitely have a list of people I've neglected and feel guilty about, which I'm sure doesn't help.

    I always love receiving mail art, and apologize if I gave you the wrong impression. If you feel like sending more my way I certainly will not complain! Let me know if your mailbox ever opens back up :) 

  • G. Diaz

    Thank you ! For the cool horror envelope. 

  • Bruno Cassaglia - poetArtist

    Arrivata Cartolina da MONSTER A GO GO!  grazie!!! un fraterno abbraccio, Bruno

    Arrived Postcard from MONSTER A GO GO! thank you!!! a brotherly hug, Bruno

  • Bruno Cassaglia - poetArtist

    buone vacanze anche a Te Caro Amico!  W l'amicizia e la Pace frai popoli!

    happy holidays to you too dear friend! W friendship and peace among peoples!
  • Tara Odorizzi

    *~*~* Thank you for the delightful card! Hope your holidays are monstrously festive. Enjoy the time with your family *~*~*

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas and new year!

  • Maxima Strange

    Aw, thanks for the birthday greets. 

  • Marcia Rosenberger

    Hello Hello! I left a message on the blog... ;-)

  • Carien van Hest

    Thank you, it was a great one!

  • G. Diaz

    Thank you Monster A Go Go! Its always sunny here in Kalistand. I wish it rain would more often 

  • Maxima Strange

    Here’s to you, on Valentine’s Day. 

  • Carien van Hest

    You're too skinny :-) but thank you anyway.

  • Marcia Rosenberger

    Happy Monstrous Valentine's Day, dear friend! <3

  • Pam Chatfield

    This is great!  Thank you!  Very nostalgic.

  • Tara Odorizzi

    AH just saw your valentine! UHHHNNNNNNNN (that's my impression of Frankenstein's monster saying "Happy Valentines to you too!")

  • Coco Muchmore

    HEY MONSTER! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ART CLASS! I received one today! Mystery in the Attic! Do you believe in ghosts?


  • Pam Chatfield

    I received your spooky envelope in yesterday's mail.  Thank you!  Fantastic!!!

  • Carien van Hest

    Dear Monster, happy birthday!!!

  • Hélène LAGACHE

  • jon foster

    Some months I went looking for your address and couldn't find it...what might it be?

  • Pam Chatfield

    Thank you Monster!  No worries, it seems I missed you're birthday too.  I usually see these things pop up, but this one got by me.

    So, happy belated birthday!