Patricio - The Celestial Scribe




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
I suspect 1549 A.D.
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Medieval manuscript researchers studying how medieval mail art was produced insisted for me to join IUOMA for almost a century. Point is that mail art and IUOMA are seriously addictive and here I´m today dealing poorly with my fatal flaw. Hooked forever in this ego trip....a good one!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

The Celestial Scribe
Terrene Embassy
Republik van Patland
Caixa Postal 461

Comment Wall:

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    Hello Patricio, today I've received the certificate of participation to the mail art call of University of Paranà. Thank you

  • amadeu escórcio

     Caro mio:

      Io sono piú uno mafarrico infernale ma  respondró domani, forse.

                                        Amadeu Escórcio



  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Gracias, colega.

  • J

    Hello Patricio,

    I sent this off to you a few weeks ago. Hope you've received it. 


  • Irem

    Sure, thanks

  • J

     Sounds good. I am just excited (and nervous because many a mail have been lost before reaching their destination). But I will hope for the best. Thanks Patricio.

  • Ana Kawajiri

    Caro Escriba Celestial, obrigada pela arte postal! Postei fotos no blog:

  • Deb Douglas

    remarkable collection of humorous, stimulating art.  Thank you Celestial.  Will reciprocate in the very near future!!

  • emily louise

    I LOVE the mail art you sent me!!  I will definitely "steal" your method of personalizing mail art with words from previous mail art.  So very delightful.  I'm working something to send to you but have been a bit busy with who knows what.   See you in the mail eventually!  

  • Lady Cookiefish

    My Dearest Patricio,

    I would be delighted to exchange Art Mail with you......but first I must clear up the misconception that I am an Earthling....Though it is true, I am Human, I have however fled the planet Earth many moons ago to live a more peaceful creative life free of judgement and hate. My home, not unlike your own is in the farthest reaches of my own is, in the grand scheme of things , a newly formed planet, known as UnMundane. I am therefore an UnMundanian.

    I shall toss a postcard toward the stars in hopes that it reaches the shores of Republic Van Patland.

    Until then Patricio, Celestial Scribe....follow your bliss.

    Cookiefish of UnMundane

  • The Introverted Post

    Patricio - I shall toss some art into the wind and will it your way. 

  • Jules S

    Thank you for the wonderful mail art, Patricio. I posted it on my blog page here on IUOMA.

  • Linda Rogers

    How reassuring to know that the airships are still getting the mail to Patland.  It was rumored that they were going to hell in a handbasket but I was sure there were better transportation methods available. 

  • Ana Kawajiri

    Caro Escriba Celestial, obrigada pela nota de 1000 reais. Postei fotos aqui:

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Many thanks for this nice baggie mail art from PatLand!

    see the blog:

  • Sabrina S

    Thank you, Patricio. :)

  • Wendi Powell

    Hello there! I would love to exchange mail art with you! Look forward to receiving something from me. 

    Sincerely, Wendi

  • MaoMao

    Olá, Escritor Celestial! Muito obrigada por suas boas-vindas.

    Excellent! It's been a long time since I posted anything beyond this Earth (Peter Pan was the last).

    I will send something soon.


  • Babett

    Thank you Patrizio for your welcome !Be suprised :-))

  • Deanna Doyle

    Thank you for the welcome. I will be sending something shortly.

  • Michael Hulbert

  • Adriana Oliveira

    Muito obrigada Patrício! Forte abraço.

  • Kendall Martin Reid

    Thank you for the message, Patrizio. I have just sent you something.

  • Cristina


    Obrigada pela mensagem, enviei correspondência ontem! Se quiser retribuir por favor responda quando receber pequenas engrenagens pelo correio. 

  • The Introverted Post

    Your mail arrived! It must of went on a Celestial Journey to get here, but it made it! Ill art back after I figure out how to re-dehydrate a gorilla. My local post office is a little on edge, but I doubt they will ever "misplace" my mail again. 

  • La Muñeca

    Hi Patricio! Thank you for the welcome here at IUOMA! I look forward to send you some mail art. 

  • Finley Union

    Dear Celestial Patricio, thank you so much for the stuffed envelope of wonderful whimsy! I laugh and smile every time I look at it.

  • Maria Christakou

    Hi Patricio!!Thank you so much for the message! Very curious waiting for your entry, if you are interested, for my Project! 

  • Maria Christakou

    Thank you Patricio! Greetings from Greece!

  • Ricia

    I will definitely send something your way! Thanks for the message!

  • Edna Toffoli

    Olá amigoartista, recebemos sua arte postal com muita alegria, a euforia na sala de aula está sendo contagiante com cada trabalho recebido!


  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin




    My name is Ilya Semenenko-Bassin. 

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin


    I sent you a collage to the specified address.

  • emily louise

    once again I'm so delighted and impressed with the mail art from you.  Its so incredibly fun to see how you use my words from my little note to you in your return mail art.   I especially love the one with th ephod of my buddy Pepper in it, looking like she is really in that background photo.   I have that one out in a special place so I can see it often and smile.Thanks so much.      I will be working on something to send you eventually.  see you in the mail

  • Jayne Barket Lyons

    Hello Patricio - I hope all is well in your Heavenly part of the universe!  He is a little something I wrote about the mail you sent me:

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Jessica

    Hi, thank you so much for welcoming to IUOMA. I will send you something in the mail very soon!

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Thank you!
    I am very happy.

  • Julia Payne

    Thank you celestial scribe...i do look forward to some art from you! And will send some in return..:-)

  • Carmela Rizzuto


    I have made a change to my IUOMA Profile. My previous Postal Box address is no longer in service. 

    Thank you for sending me mail art in the past. I am taking a break from mail art exchanges. If you wish to contact me please use the IUOMA messaging or leave a comment on My Page. 

  • Berit Meyer Poulsen

    Dear Patricio.

    I am looking forward to receiving mail art from you. I will definitely send one back to you.

    Best regards

    Berit Meyer Poulsen

  • emily louise

    mail art on its way finally--enjoy!

  • Lucía Blanco

    Thank you!! I am working on some arts that I will send after Christmas

  • Carmen Kennedy

    Mail Art is on the way.

  • Cody Whitby

    apologies for sending mail so long after your comment welcoming me but mail is on the way, thanks

  • The Artful Writer

    Thank you.  I will add your address to my outgoing mail list. 

  • Lady Cookiefish

    My Dearest Patricio, 

    Today I have received the most delightful Celestial Mail. .... I shall ponder my response over tea and scones.....and get back to you promptly.

    ...It has Begun.

    Lady Cookiefish of UnMundane Arts

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Dear Patricio

    I received Celestial Mail.

    I really like your collage. Thank.

    Should I use your materials in the ADD & PASS program or is it just for my personal archive?

  • Hannah Harvey

    Dear Celestial Scribe, thank you for your lovely welcoming  note. I would be pleased to exchange mail art with you, I will post something to you in the coming weeks. Until then, all the best, Hannah

  • Susan Gnaedinger

    I just put something in the mail to you and they said it would take 10 days to 2weeks. 

    Sue G