Toni Hanner -- tonipoet


Eugene, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I love the idea of making something and immediately sending it away to someone, for free, for fun. I usually take a day or less to make my cards and it suits my short attention span. It's very gratifying to hear that someone was both surprised and pleased by their small gift. I also like the occasional collaboration with other mail artists.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
814 Jackies Lane
Eugene, OR 97404

Comment Wall:

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  • Gail Anderson

    Thank you for the card with the Wonder Woman stamps! Very nice! I received it on Monday, sorry that I haven't contacted you before now. - Gail Anderson


    I'm glad you enjoyed my stuff, especially the crazy envelope! Thanks for blogging it.
  • Sue Denker

    Hi, Toni -- As far as setting up a studio time -- maybe. I would be interested in knowing about it. I tend to do mail art as kind of a sideline to block printing -- making artistamps when I have an image that might be good for that. I do know a couple of others who could be interested. I'll ask. -- I'm just not sure about fitting something else into my schedule and I tend to work on art in the very early am...

    Best to you,


  • Randi Pert

    Hi Toni, I usually work in 3-D so mail art is a new thing for me. I'm going to be using photography and writing/poetry, and I'd be interested to see what people back! My postcards should be sent out next week sometime. Are you interested?

  • Randi Pert

    That's great. My address is on my page as well.

  • Jia Sheng Lu

    Hey, I am new to mail art, would you be interested in recieving one of my first pieces?
  • Gail Anderson

    Toni, I'm glad to hear that you received my "Mail Is Magic" card and like it! Sorry that I did not get back with you before now, but I've been crazy busy. My 16-year-old son is in the process of getting his driver's license, so I have to take him out to drive every morning. And my husband's truck is in the shop getting fixed, so our family is short a vehicle. When it rains, it pours!

  • Karalie

    Aww, glad it found it's way to you. I would have probably done the same with the string!  I'm always looking for the hidden surprise!  :o)

  • Brian Fuchs

    I'd love to trade with you.  Brian Fuchs, 4500 E Burris Rd, Glencoe, OK 74032

  • Theresa Fross

    thanks for the invite to share.  i'm new to this.  i getting something prepared to send to you!

  • Theresa Fross

    I'm so glad it made it to you in one piece! I was a little concerned, it seemed a little light weight to me.
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Thank you very much for the happy wishes, Toni! have a nice Sunday!

  • Margarete Miller

    Hi Toni, Sure. Let's do it. Is your address on your profile? Mine is. Do you see it? If not, let me know and I'll send it. Looking forward to it :-)  Margarete

  • FinnBadger

    Glad it made it, and it was sent with no expectations of banana day mail :)

  • Gail Anderson

    Just received your latest card yesterday, as always it's awesome!  I agree about the envelope, it's time to retire it.  I'll have something in the mail to you soon. - Gail Anderson

  • Fast Eyes

    Have a good one, Toni.
  • Jourdan Lewanda

    I'd love to exchange! I'll send something out for you this week!

  • arttower

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Stacy Lybarger

    Thank you so much for the add! I'm looking forward to participating in the community. Can't wait to get started! :)

  • L. Bluebird

    Hey I like hearing your comments Toni! I also like discovering the layers of art works when I get one. By the way if "J's Letter" is one of your favorites, then it's definitely going to meet you soon! 

  • William M

    yay! i'm glad it all arrived and that you enjoyed it all.:)

  • Vel Crowe

    that is very beautiful. thank you!

  • FinnBadger

    Glad you like the collage, and thanks for playing along ;)
  • stripygoose

    Hiya - thanks for the big numbers mail-art - I'm loving it! No need to know why - it just is. blogged here in this teeny pop-up gallery :->

    106/365.3 zebra chicken

  • Olga

  • Gert Wiberg Ramsing

    THX friend ;-)

  • William M

    i'm fine with any of the three toni!

  • Fleur Helsingor

    Any of the three "train ATCs" would please me, Toni. Thanks in advance!

  • Karalie

    What a lovely surprise! Got you butterfly envelope packed with goodies today. Thank you! :o) So many fun tidbits to play with!  

  • Irina Kivela

    Thank you! :)

  • Amrit Nectar

    Thanks for the welcome!

  • Gail Anderson

    Glad to see that you liked both the collage I made from the old envelope as well as the new one.

    Sorry that I didn't answer you sooner, but I've been busy.  My 16 year-old son left this morning to go on a trip with a group from his high school. Over the next few days, he will be going to Ireland, Scotland and England.  I'm excited for him, but also a little nervous. This is the first time either of my two children have traveled outside the United States without me or their father.

  • Julia Carpenter

    Thank you for the welcome.

  • L. Bluebird

    You're welcome! I am glad it arrived a person who enjoys having it around :)

  • Rani Goel

    Thanks, Toni! Now I gotta learn how to navigate this site. I'll get the hang of it. Reminders10_final-14.jpg

  • Karyl Howard

    Thank you for the welcome to the group!

  • David Stafford

    Sorry, that's my handwriting. It supposed to be Perambulator...

  • David Stafford

    You're welcome. Glad to clear things up. We wouldn't want any rogue interpretations to get loose out there.

  • Caroline Rees

    Aw gee thanks, glad you like it :-)

  • Terri Jones

    Thank you for the welcome. :)

  • stripygoose

    You're welcome. A little bit of history for you! I sent out a series of five - I've got a bit hooked on working in fives! Have a lovely mail arty day :>)
  • Keye C.

    Thank you for the welcoming illustration. :-)
  • S. A. Walker

    Awesome, Toni! Thank you for the lovely welcome!!

  • Uwe Klein

    Thank you for your warm welcome! The Card is just sent and will soon arrive, hope so!

  • William M

    yay! i'm glad they arrived! those are some of my fave ATCs i sent you. i've had to try to control myself and not order more from 100 proof press(at least not too soon). so much i'd like to have. and yes, the red arrow is a rubber stamp. well, an eraser stamp i carved actually.

  • Carina

    Ha, glad my little goat arrived! Thanks for posting, Toni. :)

  • Alex Witter

    Thank you for your welcome.


  • Debra Mulnick

    That strange "paper" the envelope is made from was actually a piece of bathroom wallpaper from the 70's. A former yoga student of mine who knew I did collage saved it for me when redoing her bathroom. It had a repeat pattern that included a guy showering while wearing a snorkel, a claw foot tub w ferns growing beside it, a mermaid and other assorted oddities. I saved it in my flat file and am slowly using it up. I colored in the linoleum like squares w my favorite gold marker (the toxic one that smells so good). Ah what strange mail art compulsions I've developed! So nice to share w someone who appreciates the same craziness that makes us smile. May it all continue. Debra
  • George K