Medieval manuscript researchers studying how medieval mail art was produced insisted for me to join IUOMA for almost a century. Point is that mail art and IUOMA are seriously addictive and here I´m today dealing poorly with my fatal flaw. Hooked forever in this ego trip....a good one!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
The Celestial Scribe
Terrene Embassy
Republik van Patland
Caixa Postal 461
Patricio you are fabulous. you are certainly from the stars. you are a star.
received mail-art from you today.... on my birthday too. what great timing.
thankyou again Patricio and I will write to you again soon. I am your humble servant. Frank Smith mail-artist 1988- continuous.
"For it is in giving that we receive." - (Francis of Assisi). I take this to mean I will get immense pleasure in sending you something in the mail. for the now, a short story might while away a minute or 2 - and perhaps provoke a thought.
.the sea of yellow roses .
I followed the track of the cow. My mission is almost twice as long as a wall, so we need someone else to jump up to the sharp stones. Culture Brisapol ten miles from Eros Muscles and knees - By the way, is not soft soil. The house, of course - at least three, but sideways or other, I do not even see strangers to see it on the runway. Big granite stones, Ross Snake nest near remote house and some of them more closed than gray two bedroom. In the case of salt snow, air and road small eyes, free red pheasant is the sea of yellow roses, but light can open the sea. In the midst of the country, or in the spirit of praise in the spring when the Lord lives, we begin to hear the sounds of terrible calls with big gay.
.............always nice to know when a package arrives. Look forward to finding yours in my PO Box sometime. Patience, grasshopper," said Maia. "Good things come to those who wait..
Ainda bem que o senhor esperou sentado, e não num leito de hospital desde fevereiro do ano passado como esse Londrinense que vos escreve... Acho que começamos com o pé esquerdo, não?
Thank you Patricio, for your warm welcome, I've added a photo of some of us making collages yesterday in our Art room. please feel free to take a look and our very new updated facebook page.
Patricio--your heavenly and delightful missive arrived last week. Every part of your mail art carries a message full of meaning, giving me much to ponder. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and heart-felt art. I will be posting soon.
Olá! Fiquei imensamente feliz com a sua recepção. Lhe enviei um envelope alguns dias atrás, espero que tenha chegado. Gostaria muito de manter contato.
gonna work on it
Oct 12, 2016
glad to hear it,can't wait to see what you do:)
Oct 20, 2016
Alison Keenan
Hello fellow earthing.Check the sky for a new arrival
Oct 20, 2016
Kosmo Vinyl
I'm working on something for you right now, should be in the mailbox tomorrow.
Nov 4, 2016
Frank Smith
received mail-art from you today.... on my birthday too. what great timing.
thankyou again Patricio and I will write to you again soon. I am your humble servant. Frank Smith mail-artist 1988- continuous.
Nov 14, 2016
Esther Kamkar
Celestial Patricio, the Non-Express Milky Way has delivered your doctor's heart prescription. Gorgeous.
Mine beats
Nov 15, 2016
Frank Smith
Nov 15, 2016
Ana Kawajiri
Sim, claro. Estava achando que já tinha mandado alguma coisa, mas fui conferir aqui na minha lista e vi que não. Foi um lapso. Até breve!
Nov 17, 2016
Kathleen Thoma
Hello Celestial one, a card is on it's way. The stamp is really cool.
Nov 20, 2016
Maralena Howard
Thank you. I am still learning how to navigate here.
Nov 20, 2016
Thank you for the welcome Patricio! :)
Nov 27, 2016
Lidia Pizzo
Dec 5, 2016
Ana Kawajiri
Patricio, você nunca recebeu algo enviado por mim?
Dec 15, 2016
Stefan Heuer
dear patricio, first work on it's way ...
all the best,
Dec 20, 2016
Pam McVay
I would love to do this after Christmas. Until then, I am very busy with the holidays.
Dec 21, 2016
Mick Scott
Sir Scribe, I would be honored to participate in this venture with you. I will be baking new art this weekend and one piece will be marked for you.
All the best,
Dec 29, 2016
My Darling Patricio,
I am sending you a wonderful treasure!
Dec 30, 2016
Stefan Heuer
pleased that u like my work -- and looking foward 2 your homework!!
best wishes,
Jan 6, 2017
Allison Jewels Davidson MacPhail
Perfect expect mail in the next few weeks. I can't wait to exchange.
my address is on my page.
Jan 11, 2017
Patricio.......nothing ventured, nothing gained ...............
"For it is in giving that we receive." - (Francis of Assisi). I take this to mean I will get immense pleasure in sending you something in the mail. for the now, a short story might while away a minute or 2 - and perhaps provoke a thought.
.the sea of yellow roses .
I followed the track of the cow. My mission is almost twice as long as a wall, so we need someone else to jump up to the sharp stones. Culture Brisapol ten miles from Eros Muscles and knees - By the way, is not soft soil. The house, of course - at least three, but sideways or other, I do not even see strangers to see it on the runway. Big granite stones, Ross Snake nest near remote house and some of them more closed than gray two bedroom. In the case of salt snow, air and road small eyes, free red pheasant is the sea of yellow roses, but light can open the sea. In the midst of the country, or in the spirit of praise in the spring when the Lord lives, we begin to hear the sounds of terrible calls with big gay.
Jan 15, 2017
Ellie Neason
Hello! Thanks for the welcome, I will send you a piece of mine very soon!
Jan 15, 2017
..........mail package to Patricio dispatched from New Zealand 9.00 Monday long to Brazil? Lets see
Jan 15, 2017
Allison Jewels Davidson MacPhail
I have just put one in the post for you! Can't wait to see yours.
- Allison
Jan 20, 2017
Jia Sheng Lu
Jan 23, 2017
Quinn Buckler
Hi Patricio, I'll put something in the mail today!
Feb 1, 2017
Simone Aparecida Carnio
Hello friend!
Feb 7, 2017
.............always nice to know when a package arrives. Look forward to finding yours in my PO Box sometime. Patience, grasshopper," said Maia. "Good things come to those who wait..
Feb 10, 2017
Pig Wings
Receberás missivas minhas em breve, caro amigo...
Feb 23, 2017
Pig Wings
Ainda bem que o senhor esperou sentado, e não num leito de hospital desde fevereiro do ano passado como esse Londrinense que vos escreve... Acho que começamos com o pé esquerdo, não?
Feb 24, 2017
Shelly Tracy
Feb 28, 2017
Yayoi S.W.
Mar 2, 2017
Compass Community Arts
Thank you Patricio, for your warm welcome, I've added a photo of some of us making collages yesterday in our Art room. please feel free to take a look and our very new updated facebook page.
Kind regards
Compass Arts
Mar 10, 2017
Franco Altobelli
Thanks Patricio!
Mar 11, 2017
Esther Kamkar
Patricio thanks for the fantastic envelope and contents.
Mine is flying to you.
Mar 14, 2017
Flor de Louis
Fico imensamente feliz com o convite! Logo encaminharei minha arte à embaixada.
Mar 15, 2017
Irina Kivela
Hi Patricio!
Thank you for the warm welcome.
I`ll try to do my best and send you my mail art!
All the best from Istra ( Croatia).
Mar 19, 2017
Amrit Nectar
Muito obrigado para o acolhimento Patricio! Tentare enviar algo pra voce um dia. Amrit
Mar 21, 2017
Carmela Rizzuto
Patricio--your heavenly and delightful missive arrived last week. Every part of your mail art carries a message full of meaning, giving me much to ponder. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and heart-felt art. I will be posting soon.
Mar 24, 2017
Jeremy Gluck
Yes, I would be interested. Wouldyou consider sending me a piece on my themes "How Unreal the Past Seems" or "The Human Beings"?
Mar 27, 2017
Jeremy Gluck
All good :)
Mar 27, 2017
Jeremy Gluck
You can begin here, my friend...
Mar 27, 2017
Uwe Klein
Thank you for your warm welcome! The Card is just sent and will soon arrive, hope so!
Apr 4, 2017
Valeria Ribeiro
Olá! Fiquei imensamente feliz com a sua recepção. Lhe enviei um envelope alguns dias atrás, espero que tenha chegado. Gostaria muito de manter contato.
Apr 6, 2017
Valeria Ribeiro
Uau!!! Esse universo é mesmo incrível!!
Apr 6, 2017
Received your package today -many thanks - great PC, and other items.
Apr 7, 2017
judy dion bracci
Thank you for welcoming me! I will send you a piece.
Apr 7, 2017
Aurora Gallagher
Thanks for the welcome, Celestial Scribe. You'll be hearing from me.
Apr 8, 2017
PC for postcard :-)
Apr 8, 2017
S. A. Walker
You are a cool dude, Patricio! I hope to become active soon... When I do, I'll send my missive heavenward! :-)
Apr 9, 2017
Keye C.
Apr 11, 2017