DKult Chaplain Dustin de Wind


Austin, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I enjoy being able to bounce artwork via postal correspondence. I find it encourages creativity and spontaneity.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Dustin Hamby
2501 Wickersham Ln. Apt. #1011
Austin, TX 78741

Comment Wall:

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  • Carina

    Dustin, thanks for letting me know! The boekie became little tiny :)

  • The Blessed Father

    How about Potpo????? BF
  • Rebecca Guyver

    I got some felt from you. I've blogged about it here. THANK YOU!

  • vizma bruns

    Oh Dustin! I've wanted to blog your works, but I took them to a Drunkpo party last weekend to show everyone and now I can't find it!! I still have the Manifesto, but the trashpo is  gone!! I know it'll show up somewhere in my messy studio, but just wanted you to know why I haven't blogged you! :-(( 

  • The Blessed Father

    Coming back from the desert we got passed by the Romney's. Snapped a pic with the iphone.  BF 

  • Arac  you've been blogged...finally. Please forgive my tardiness


  • The Blessed Father

    Have you received the new "Boulevard Girls"? I'm pushing the limits in bad taste.  BF

  • De Villo Sloan

    The Assange stuff is great Dustin! Also picked up some great work by you at the PO today. Many thanks

  • The Blessed Father

    The condom wrapper was not empty when it left San Diego.  Had the envelope been opened?????????  Was the mini sheet of stamps included. Let me know.  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    What else was in the envelope besides the empty wrapper???? Perhaps it should have been hand canceled.  I'm really disappointed.  BF 

  • De Villo Sloan

    Dustin, thanks for the Blaster Al homage - turns out he is very ill right now, so I guess it's a time to hope for the best & remember all he has done for the network.


  • DKeys

    I do! I think it is very artistic-maybe because it is like sculpting? I've always assumed it's from a past life. Didn't monks and nuns always bake? I remember hearing that the pretzels were made to resemble someone praying by monks or priests. that is next on my list to try--not the praying part, but the making pretzels part. What do you like to bake?

  • The Blessed Father

    Was the envelope well lubed???? The next one I will have hand canceled. Thanks for letting me know. BF
  • DKeys

    sounds like you are much more of a master than I--the beer bread sounds great. I mostly make cinamm--sometimes with rum soaked raisins, sometimes without

    let me know how the bread turns out!

  • DKeys

    Well, next time you will have to take a pic. DKult also has tr-annual bread sales for fundraising, and it would be good to have a pic for the ad flier. The rum actually gets cooked out of the raisins, but you could have it on the side. I haven't joined drunkpo, because I don't drink, but I do love the flavor of beer. enjoy your day:)

  • DKeys

    Lol, I was thinking of doing the same thing--will send you something soon and post in the bad art group. no potpo for me either. we iz hippies minus the drugs and free love--very conservative in that regard. so I am hardly ANY fun anymore. 

  • The Blessed Father

    That priest hasn't had enough to drink  BF

  • Carlos I. Botana



    Proxecto Cárcere calls artists to participate in the open, international project 
    for the old prison of A Coruña to become a Selfmanaged Sociocultural Center.
    The works will take part in an exhibition this year.
     It will take place inside or outside the prison, abandoned and disused at present.
    A picture of each work will be uploaded in
    For further information please visit our blog: 
    or send an e-mail to

    Subject: Jail
    Deadline: 1st June 2013
    No measurement limits
    Free technique
    The works will not be returned and will become part of the archives of Proxecto Cárcere.

    Send your works to:
    Carlos Botana
    Avda. Gral. Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
    15006 - A Coruña
  • taidgh

    I wrote something for you. Looking at it again I can't understand it, another way to explain Lincoln methinks. If only he did mailart.

  • The Blessed Father

    Have you received my postcard??????? BF
  • taidgh

    Hello Dustin! I've been a stranger. Great to hear from you, rumour has it that I was hiding from the law! Hope you're keeping well and having the craic!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour! You're very welcome to join in the forthcoming Arty Slide exchange. To do so, i) oin the Group, ii) tell Sue Hbbs that you wanat to be included, and iii) you'll find that you've been added to the list. Happy Arty Sliding! Regards, Val

  • The Blessed Father

    More postcards on the way. . . bless you too.  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    Havw you received TET 2013 yet????BF

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour! I have no idea why you were suspended. You are now un-suspended, so fix your suspenders and get Arty Sliding! Regards

  • The Blessed Father

    The Blessed Mother is also featured on the TET card.  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    Did receive the Drunkpo Queen of Hearts postcard?? It seems that the address label is getting ripped off durning processing by the USPS. Let me know.  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    Do you think the TET card is to risque to blog??  I thought it was tastefully done. Speaking of blogging, I have to figure it out. I have no way to scan, but I can take a picture.  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    You hid the TET card, no one will see it, I even used my last Lunar New Year stamp. Can you blog it by itself. I'm curious of the response it will have. To much cute stuff.  Thank you very much.   BF  

  • The Blessed Father

    Shit Dkult, your piece has over a100 views, of course I did a fucking great job with the photo.  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    So is it a voodoo doll or a mummy??????  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    Dustin. . . . . . I want to do a new blog, how do I do this  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    How do you add a second image on the same blog???

  • The Blessed Father

    I'm disappointed you haven't blogged the TET card  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    Thank You  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    Thank You!!!!   BF

  • The Blessed Father

    I'll send you more about Santa Lucrezia in the near future.  BF

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Cayte Catastrophe

    Hey D! I received your box-o-bits today, thanks! Over a month ago I sent you a small book of tiny APC's. I haven't seen it come up so I suppose it didn't make it to you. This is sad, I spent a ton of time on it. If you'd like to see pics of it they are in my 'Sent' folder of pictures. Take care!

  • The Blessed Father

    You will be receiving something round and about two feet long on Saturday or Monday BF

  • The Blessed Father

    Dustin, did you make the Blessed Father Comix??  If it's you, thanx very much, what a fun

    piece   BF

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • De Villo Sloan

    Good to hear something from you, Justin. Hope all is well.

  • De Villo Sloan

    The name has me so messed up - Dustin. Dustin is Just in.

  • taidgh

    Have a happy Thursday!

  • The Blessed Father

    Did you receive the "City Heights" poster??? BF
  • The Blessed Father

    Lots of people look at the poster and and don't notice the sign. If I made the poster today I would Photoshop the sign. I made a sign that looked like a city sign and
    put it below the City Heights sign. I sold almost 300 of them to the S.D. police department. They got a laugh out of it. BF
  • Amy Irwen

    Happy Birthday tomorrow Dustin de Wind....

  • The Blessed Father

    What the fuck. . . you move every 3 months. BF
  • The Blessed Father

    If you could email me a picture of my crap hanging on your wall. . . that would be bitchen. BF