John M. Bennett

United States

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  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Wow! Thank you again for the treasures that arrived today! Love 'em! I have blogged all:

    Received from John M. Bennett, master of vispo...SOUL!

    Wonderful art, i will spend many hours "caressing" these boekies!

  • DKeys

    honored to have received your book with the collab art on the covers. Thank you! Hope you received the priority mail box. I wondered if they would send it so let me know if you can:)

  • fátima queiroz

    hi, john

    por favor, envie-me algumas poesias visuais para um video


  • fátima queiroz

  • DKeys

    JB, thanks for yet another book of yours which have a prominent place on my bookshelf next to the complete idiot's guide to astrology and a webster's dictionary. LOVE love love the inscription. I'm not surprised you have decided to keep your revelations about truth to yourself, as this empowers others to seek the answer on their own. Are you full yet?

  • Neil Gordon

    John , thanks for the Post card! Great asemics on front and back. Nice "group" piece!

    See you in the mail! Neil

  • E

  • cheryl penn

    OnWord - your FAB pages have arrived - I will be posting out next week - thank you VERY much - Chuffed Am I :-) XX

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you John, many fantastic vispo cards and boekie arrived in Greece today!

    Also a precious "shopping list". Wow! 'Love it all! I will post at "trashpo" and "vispo" and blog...Vispo-on-the-tree!

  • cheryl penn

    I very rudely omitted to mention THANK YOU for the wonderful book you sent - I feel very privileged - thank you! Any other mailing you want done? ;-))) X

  • Svenja Wahl

    John, got your wonderful package today, what a bunch of great stuff!!! Thanks a lot! I'll return something soooon.

  • E

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you very much, John for, as Svenja says: the "rainbow" of vispo!

    I added some photos and comments on her blog. They are wonderful boekies!

    Thanks xxx

    'Rainbow bunch of stuff from John Bennett'

  • De Villo Sloan

    Greetings, John. Lately I have been digging into the life and work of Blaster Al Ackerman. Sure - I have his work in zines going back to the 80s & he is familiar to an extent. But I had no idea... This guy might be one of the (relatively) unknown total geniuses of the last quarter century. I'm paying a whole lot more attention from now on. Another instance where my "rediscovery" of Blaster is made possible through your support of his work. As ever, DVS

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    More wonderful vispo! Thank you, John! "LOV"..or "LOY"?, well I say "LOV" as it arrived today on Valentine's Day! Special thanks for the original shopping list...this one i shall keep in my treasures, as the other i sent out in the world!

  • cheryl penn

    Another GREAT package - many thanks :-) X!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Hmmm, nice to spend time with your vispo and mail art, John.

    Thank you so much...I finally "blogged" it! Lots of LOX and LOV xxx

    Rainbow Vispo from John M. Bennett...and blue too!

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Collaboration in being lost!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, John...great Vispo in my mail box today! I so love this...all of it! I am making a fine "JMB Collection" will become a thick volume! thank you xxxx

    (paintings on cover are fantastic!)

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    John, thank you for the exciting packet of 2012 vispo from you today--very much a treat that I'll continue to enjoy--and probably never stop studying--a good thing--

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Vispo Bennett in my mail box! 'Love it all and will spend much quiet time "reading" it all! thank you soooo much, John! (Let me blog it 'cause it is sooo good. Nice collaborative works!)

  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Hi John! A new collaborative work... Have a nice weekend!


  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Lists, poetry, vispo all arrived here today--Thank You, John--it's a great feast, much appreciated! So you like Latin grammar ;--  ... yes there will be more then.  

  • cheryl penn

    The reward has landed. I'm CHUFFED! I think it should be a series? A Reward Series - sounds like a good plan to me! XXX

  • cheryl penn

    Still no sign :-( XX

  • Medwolf

    ok so I had a lil ole stroke and it was a long healing road lol but the wolf is back and u will all get something from me real keep smiling peoples lol a smile is way big medicine

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • rebecca resinski

    Thank you, thank you, for the envelope of wonderfulness!

  • trick sensei

    thank you for the cool little books you sent, i dig 'em
  • fátima queiroz

  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Ciao John... a variation of the vispo you've posted on dododada...


  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Another variation... ciao!

  • Susan McAllister

    Fun envelope of stuff. Thanks.
  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Ciao John... your vispo... recycled...


  • E

  • Neil Gordon

    John! Thanks for the Bi-lingual edition of "Ndan man,luna bisonte prods!" Art and poetry Rocks!!!!!

  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Hi John... a elaboration of your vispo made in collaboration with Jim...


  • rebecca resinski

    Many thanks, John--wonderful & inspiring!

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Ciao vuoi far parte del mio gruppo " performances" ? un abbraccio , bruno

  • Carlos I. Botana



    Proxecto Cárcere calls artists to participate in the open, international project 
    for the old prison of A Coruña to become a Selfmanaged Sociocultural Center.
    The works will take part in an exhibition this year.
     It will take place inside or outside the prison, abandoned and disused at present.
    A picture of each work will be uploaded in
    For further information please visit our blog: 
    or send an e-mail to

    Subject: Jail
    Deadline: 1st June 2013
    No measurement limits
    Free technique
    The works will not be returned and will become part of the archives of Proxecto Cárcere.

    Send your works to:
    Carlos Botana
    Avda. Gral. Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
    15006 - A Coruña
  • Dimitra Papatheodorou

    Dear John. Thank you for your wish for Greece. I like your work very much. Please tell me if I can write to you something more in Italian…

  • Dimitra Papatheodorou

    I don’t speak Spanish but I can understand everything in English even I don’t speak so well. So I will write to you in Italian and you can write to me in English. It is funny!

    Il tuo lavoro mi piace molto. Ti ringrazio tanto per tutte le cose che mi hai mandato che mi hanno dato la possibilità di conoscerti meglio. Anche le foto nella tua pagina sono tanto belle. Una semplicità tanto poetica che fa sognare. Questo mi ha dato l’idea di proporti di aderire al nostro gruppo “parli Italiano” e di regalarci un lavoro con qualche parola in italiano fatto con tuo stile cosi bello ed inconfondibile. Credo che sarà molto gradito da tutti.

    Grazie di tutto, Dimitra.

  • Mary J. Grellner

    Would love to trade some Minimal Art with you; can you please tell me how to find your address?


    Mary J. Grellner

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Hi John! Thanks for the 30 or so cards for part 2 (in August) of my Post Card Exhibition. As promised, you will get your very own display panel. Photos will be posted later? Regards, Val

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Ciao John ! visto che sei molto attivo vieni a trovarmi nei miei gruppi?  " performances" qui su  IUOMA  e " haiku " su Dodo Dada ...  ti abbraccio , bruno

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    ecco i link:

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Mary J. Grellner

    Got your art yesterday....and LOVED IT!  Thank you so much for sending.

    Will get something for you to return soon.


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    A  year ago, it was someone's big 7O birthday, yes?

    So this year: more XRONIA POLLLA, John! OPA!

  • Claudia Garcia

    Hi John!!!! Today I sent you mail mail art. Espero que lo recibas pronto

    Bye bye. Adios!!!!