Nancy Bell Scott


South Portland, ME

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
2011 at the latest. (By the way, please NO add+pass. Can't do it.)
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Woke up one morning and there it was, in my DNA.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
47 Parrott St, South Portland ME 04106, USA

Comment Wall:

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  • DKeys

    Hey Nancy! Thank you so so much for the great trash you sent. The envelope is so beautiful that I am using that in a piece I am working on. You always seem to know intuitively when my trash reserves are low.  Love it all  XO DK

  • David Stafford

    most likely...a bunch of red dots?...those, btw, are bullet casing prints from....Diablo about that for western romance

  • Alicia Starr

    Funny Nancy, i have no idea what i passed on to you.

    I always look forward to whatever you send.

    Knee deep in designing a poster for Vanessa Place, a performance artist/poet who is coming to the University in May. If you have an interest, YouTube would be the way to see her work.

  • Alicia Starr

    oops, she is a writer/performer.

  • xx Jones

    Looking forward to that! I am a secret admirer.

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Thank you Nancy!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thanks Nancy, for sending your "EGG" will arrive when it arrives and we will definitely put it in the exhibit. Not to worry...and no stress about blogging, etc. ENJOY mail such thing has being "behind", just enjoy: at your pace :-)

    xxx K.

  • Bifidus Jones

    Glad you got the mail art, Nancy!

  • Carina

    Thank you Nancy, you are very kind. I'm so glad you liked my misch masch! "The binding" is inspired from you...

    Have a good week!

  • Svenja Wahl

    Thank you Nancy for the most wonderful photo-wire-thingy!!! It's so great!!

  • xx Jones

    Nancy, I had a lousy day yesterday, but your beautiful card arrived and cheered my up. I am studying it closely! So many layers and so much detail. Thank you so much, xx

  • Svenja Wahl

    I'm glad that you thought of me, Nancy, I love it! XX 

  • Neil Gordon

    Nancy!!!! So good to hear from you!!! i have you on my mail-art to do-list! Just keeping a low online-profile, been feeling the tyranny of email& internet lately which was giving me less time for art! I REALLY Miss  communicating w/ everyone daily,but right now life had been just to damn busy(besides the physical problems) Miss you!!!

  • DKeys

    Love that motto--your trash donations continually inspire me!

  • Neil Gordon

    Hey Nan!!!!! Wabi Sabi is a Japanese philosophy(?): THE BEAUTY OF IMPERFECTION!!!: where you view objects that are decayed or weathered by nature (or Human)  use as being beautiful and something to meditate upon,.....perfect for our infatuation w. trashpo, rust,etc. I think if we can find can find beauty, strength and peace  in and an old stone, tree, cup, rusted  can or our aching bodies , there is something higher to that.... I hope this makes sense? Many Japanese artists and potters leave a  single flaw in their work as a salute to imperfection Had my MRI results last week, saw some Wabi Sabi in that!!!!!

  • Svenja Wahl

    Hi NBS, spent my very special day very special in Paris. Très speciale!! Thank you for the tune!! xo Svenja

  • 5Blanks [Cristina]

    Thanks for both and your friendship.

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Oscar is indeed one of my all timers. Glad it got to you. Had fun doing it. Thinkin of you as I worked. I'll bet Maine is coming alive about now.

  • David Stafford

    Thank you, Nancy...Lovely collage...and yes.....let the ellipses blossom like flowers in a Mary Cassatt still life....

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • vizma bruns

    You're very welcome, Nancy! Such sweet comments! But I really didn't have a clue that something would eventuate from that one photo!! It really was an amazing adventure, and thanks for being a part of it!

  • DKeys

    Nancy--your trashpo care package arrived today!!!!  FanTAStic stuff you included. Love the Japanese paper scraps and page--all of it is just perfect. The art you have posted here on your page is stellar. It seems that your pieces are getting more and more pared down, which gives them that much more tension. Really mesmerizing.----so good to see you around here more. You're the bestHope you are having a great weekend:)

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Ah, my dearest Nancy, recently returned from NYC to another Bell Scott wonder... It was so very, very thoughtful of you to send me that piece, I really, really love it ('tis now adorning my desk)! So glad you're healed and back at work creating ever more beauty with which to adorn and charm the world and your adoring fans... ^_^ xoxoxo! Until...

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    btw/had to express my awe: I just LOOOVE this:

  • Carina

    Hi Nancy, received your beautiful card last week. Love reading your funny notes, thank you so much!

    (Petsmo, June 2, 2013)

  • DKeys

    Hey Nance--glad your shipment arrived. Did I properly thank you for the piece for or Esther and myself--a really beautiful, condensed, perfectly balanced piece.  My latest batch of art is all made with stuff either you sent me and/or Carlene. I will be posting more and maybe you will recognize some of the bits? I like how the things you send me give me a base to build on depending on the shapes, colors, and patterns. I guess I'm a trashpo junkie and you are my dealer:)  hope you are doing well


  • Amy Morton

    Nancy, So glad you liked the photograph! It is one of my favorite prints from my recent work! No worries about being behind. Isn't their a "no rush rule" for mailart? Take care!

  • Austin Wills James

    Thank you, Nancy.  I suppose I took a break from Mail-Art, & art in general, because (as is the case with so many things) life got in the way. Recently though, I've felt that spark of inspiration again, & the urge to ease my way back into this creative outlet.


  • Austin Wills James

    I'll be dropping a card for you in tomorrow's mail, just a heads up. :)


  • Austin Wills James

    Glad to hear it arrived safely, sent out quite a few the last couple of weeks. Thought maybe the mail gnomes were absconding with them. :)


  • Austin Wills James

    It really is. I'll freely admit that I am HORRIBLE about blogging photos or informing the sender when a piece arrives. I'm trying to improve upon that though.


  • Neil Gordon

    I sent you some stuff last month. did you get it? A small-ish Bookie?

  • Joaquim Lourenço

    Nice work Nancy.

  • Cerulean

    Hi Nancy, my blog is called Cerulean, an undaily visual journal. The url is

    Best, Eric

  • Joaquim Lourenço

    Thank you Nancy.

  • Joaquim Lourenço

    Welcome Nancy.

  • Cerulean

    Thanks for your kind comments. Love your work as well. You're in for a trade?

  • Cerulean

    Nancy, there's something coming your way.

  • E Coles

    Hello Nancy,

    I dropped something in the post box for you yesterday.

  • Cerulean

    Glad you liked it, Nancy:)

  • Susan McAllister

    Nancy, I've been admiring your three scrap collages, but I didn't realize they were small. They are just adorable. Thank you.
  • Susan McAllister

    Oh, keep on making them. It will make a lot of us happy.
  • WA Rodgers

    Excellent!  I've been meaning to send something your way....See you in the post box, Wen

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you so much, Nancy!

    3-scrappers have arrived in Greece!


    Scrappers three...from Nancy B....Scott

  • E Coles

    Thank you for your comment and I'm glad it arrived at last. My pieces seem to take forever to travel to North and South America.

  • vizma bruns

    Ooh, you posted glorious art and I have to log off, aaargh! Hope some of that will be coming my way soon! I refuse to wait a whole year this time Ms Vancy Bell!! I think your work is even better than drugs!! Droolworthy, can't wait to log on later to have a decent looksee!! Something to look forward to,...nice chatting with ya today,  ciao! xxx

  • David Stafford


    Thanks so much for that ephemera....I blogged it...


  • Valentine Mark Herman

    NBS: I thought that you  said "I love this place!" on one of Gabriele Astride's Discussions, and it is that that she is referring to

  • Rebecca Guyver

    So very, very delighted to receive THREE of your 3-scrappers!  I have blogged about them here:

    Thank you. 

  • Eraser Heed

       Hi Nancy, I am absolutely stoked about Your Trashpo mail. Many many thank's!

    I blogged it at my blog and will put it out here soon too..