Hey Diane, did you find out anything about Stephanie Blake? I got some mail, and I think it is from her. I just now noticed, like you, that she is gone.
In all honesty, finding those journals and scrapbooks and what not, do not come around all that often. Interesting paintings are ten times more likely to show up, which is saying something. I only have three or for personal journals from people and I go looking at least three or four times a week. You may never find one. Going to post "bad art" right now!
Thank you for your comment! And thank you very much for the your quilt card, sorry I am behind with blogging, again! However, something new is on the way to you ...
You're very welcome, DK, so glad you like. There is a spot on my ridiculously crowded shelves especially for you. Because once I find something, it might not be re-found for decades...The life of people with trashpo propensities, ha.
It has a ways to go...perhaps Andrea Jay can be persuaded to let her creativity flow unencumbered...I added three pages...It goes out in today's mail. I'm afraid I may have derailed the narrative a bit....I blame Dick Cheney.
DK, thanks for the numbers beauty seen on your blog--it feels handpicked for me and I love it. Another example of one of my mottos, "it pays to wish out loud."
Hello. Happy to hear you got my envelope and the trashpo kit. I'm all for cheap dates, nothing beats a cheap bottle of wine and leftovers! Trashpo kits are rolling out nationwide.
Diane, I'm so glad you liked it...that was a fun one to create...so many different aspects....and it all came together quite swimmingly which may sound like bragging but its more about the distance between how I envisioned it and how it came out was the shortest on record. Check out the video...
Thanks for the collaged holiday card. You're never too early in getting your Merry Jolly cards out; why wait until December? Send 'em early, send 'em late, send them around the world and to the moon. Mail on . . . k.
Hello Diane! Hope you're having a good Wednesday. I got your trash quilt postcard today. I think I noticed some Mexican Wrestlers. Maybe I'm right. Thanks a million.
Hi, Yes I send out 49 book covers so far and still have not hear from 24 people. They may still be in shock so we should give them to recover or re-book cover.
Trashpo is picking up and a few good Road Kills as well.
Head up? That sounds way too responsible for a retired professor. However, like all scholars who have managed a career of authoring papers, chapters and books, I do know how to spread words. I can spread them far, wide, and, especially, thick. ;-}
Diane, hey, your perceptions about recent work say a lot. Thanks so much for writing them to me--you put into concisely descriptive words an unnameable THING that has come over me lately in art, mail art, life, all of it. And that THING feels good. As always I'm glad you enjoyed the pile of trash. Stuff is saved for you, when the (a?) time comes it gets stuffed into an envelope, and then I forget half of what sent. Japanese paper might have been only my handmade paper, from the '90s when I was still veering abstract (pretty strongly, huh!), I'm not sure. Whatever you enjoy using or giving away (or literally trashing if it needs it) is forever fine with me. And hey, your daughter's minimal that you posted was phenomenal. By the time I saw it it seemed too far down to comment, but what a chip off the old block. Last but not least, GO TRASHPO
I don't remember what I mailed you, usually I mark it down, but I've been lazy. I can mail you the storm envelope with the storm stamps if you like. BF
Diane, this is long overdue but thank you for the wonderful trashpo triptych mail you sent. I finally have it posted. I loved it. I also sent more mail your way! Hope you are well. Amy
Trashpo Club of the Month shipment has arrived--with out of this world stuff in it.
Just now I started to tell you some favorite items and gave up, there are too many favorites. It's all great, and you'll start seeing it in some of my experiments soon. The re-used envelope provoked a loud curse from me when I first saw it, forgetting you'd already received what I sent you and thinking "what??? this came back WHY?" Haha. Thank you so much. Also, the two new pieces in your blog email today are really great--I love both of them, in different ways. The second one has a large aura of sophistication about it.
How many kults can we have going at once. This sloth thing is really about to take off big time however, given the nature of the beast, so to speak, it will probably achieve lift off in something approaching geologic time...I will blog soon and send you the bill for ruining my scanner bed with your nest of staples....
Your son did it! Cool...Your family is writhing with kults...I'm likin' the sloth thing. The video is still in the works. Unfortunately what I wanted to do was more sophisticated than iMovie could bear so I downloaded a trial copy of final cut pro which I'm hoping won't expire before I finish the project...that clock is ticking...The whole thing is really so dumb you'll be scratching your head about what I'm talking about when you see it but my video knowledge is starting from 0....Anyway, thank your talented son and I'll send him some slothful stuff soon....
You almost had me fooled with your new direction in mail art envie!! More wholesome and uplifting, pfffff! Phew, glad I found a big X through the cuteness and a picture of Not Ever the skull corset lady and Pitchfork man inside! Thanks DK!
DK, supergreat art!! I just came back from a journey through Alaska - it was supergreat - and found your letter, Techniques for a graceful walk - that might come in handy sometimes!!
xx Jones
Hey Diane, did you find out anything about Stephanie Blake? I got some mail, and I think it is from her. I just now noticed, like you, that she is gone.
Mar 27, 2013
jon foster
Got a new card from you today, thanks so much, great stuff. Gonna go in the basement right now and take some pictures of some more bad art.
Mar 27, 2013
jon foster
In all honesty, finding those journals and scrapbooks and what not, do not come around all that often. Interesting paintings are ten times more likely to show up, which is saying something. I only have three or for personal journals from people and I go looking at least three or four times a week. You may never find one. Going to post "bad art" right now!
Mar 28, 2013
The Blessed Father
Just where did you find the "How To Use A Condom" instructions??? BF
Mar 28, 2013
xx Jones
Thank you for your comment! And thank you very much for the your quilt card, sorry I am behind with blogging, again! However, something new is on the way to you ...
Apr 4, 2013
Nancy Bell Scott
You're very welcome, DK, so glad you like. There is a spot on my ridiculously crowded shelves especially for you. Because once I find something, it might not be re-found for decades...The life of people with trashpo propensities, ha.
Apr 4, 2013
Michael Orr
Hi Diane. Something for U on the way out today. :D
Apr 9, 2013
David Stafford
Diane, I received the KDJ add and pass today from Thom Courcelle...
Apr 12, 2013
David Stafford
It has a ways to go...perhaps Andrea Jay can be persuaded to let her creativity flow unencumbered...I added three pages...It goes out in today's mail. I'm afraid I may have derailed the narrative a bit....I blame Dick Cheney.
Apr 12, 2013
xx Jones
Diane, that is so funny, today I have started to rework something you sent to me !
Apr 14, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Thank you, DK for the super trashpo card that arrived today! xxx
'Love those shopping list details :-)
Apr 16, 2013
Nancy Bell Scott
DK, thanks for the numbers beauty seen on your blog--it feels handpicked for me and I love it. Another example of one of my mottos, "it pays to wish out loud."
Apr 22, 2013
Rebecca Guyver
Diane, I have blogged your fabulous trashquilt etc... at the postal ledger: http://thepostalleger.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/the-quilting-d-kult.html
Apr 24, 2013
xx Jones
Hi Diane, I got a fantastic bookie from the US, I suspect it is from you. Am I right or not?
Apr 25, 2013
Ana Karina
Apr 25, 2013
Hello. Happy to hear you got my envelope and the trashpo kit. I'm all for cheap dates, nothing beats a cheap bottle of wine and leftovers! Trashpo kits are rolling out nationwide.
Apr 26, 2013
David Stafford
Diane, I'm so glad you liked it...that was a fun one to create...so many different aspects....and it all came together quite swimmingly which may sound like bragging but its more about the distance between how I envisioned it and how it came out was the shortest on record. Check out the video...
Apr 26, 2013
Svenja Wahl
Ooooh, a happy day, DKULT loves me, DKUNST loves you back!!! Thanks for the birthday wishes!!
Apr 29, 2013
stan askew
hi diane ~
finally finished something for you this afternoon. off to the post office to send it. hope all is well in elgin!
best to you & yours,
Apr 30, 2013
xx Jones
Hey, Diane, I looked at the link, and at the bottom right there is a slideshow. I spotted a collage (RAIN) which could be yours. Did you see that?
May 3, 2013
xx Jones
Your picture totally sticks out. A thrift shop find would have fitted in very well! Maybe next time submit it in a big fat thrift shop gold frame.
May 3, 2013
Keith S. Chambers
Hi Diane,
Thanks for the collaged holiday card. You're never too early in getting your Merry Jolly cards out; why wait until December? Send 'em early, send 'em late, send them around the world and to the moon. Mail on . . . k.
May 4, 2013
Jay Block
Always a pleasure
May 4, 2013
Hello Diane! Hope you're having a good Wednesday. I got your trash quilt postcard today. I think I noticed some Mexican Wrestlers. Maybe I'm right. Thanks a million.
May 8, 2013
WA Rodgers
...gladly, art-maker...
May 22, 2013
Susan McAllister
May 22, 2013
WA Rodgers
I am working on several things right now....hmmm...
May 23, 2013
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Hi, Yes I send out 49 book covers so far and still have not hear from 24 people. They may still be in shock so we should give them to recover or re-book cover.
Trashpo is picking up and a few good Road Kills as well.
Take Care, Dean
May 24, 2013
Dr. Holger Hertwig
Hello and many thanks! And a nice week-end too! :)
May 24, 2013
Susan McAllister
May 24, 2013
Susan McAllister
May 25, 2013
WA Rodgers
Hey, how did that get here so quickly!?! Thanks - posting pix tomorrow...
May 25, 2013
Dan Mouer
Head up? That sounds way too responsible for a retired professor. However, like all scholars who have managed a career of authoring papers, chapters and books, I do know how to spread words. I can spread them far, wide, and, especially, thick. ;-}
May 29, 2013
Rebecca Guyver
In case you missed it, I have blogged your big envelope of goodies:
May 31, 2013
Nancy Bell Scott
Diane, hey, your perceptions about recent work say a lot. Thanks so much for writing them to me--you put into concisely descriptive words an unnameable THING that has come over me lately in art, mail art, life, all of it. And that THING feels good. As always I'm glad you enjoyed the pile of trash. Stuff is saved for you, when the (a?) time comes it gets stuffed into an envelope, and then I forget half of what sent. Japanese paper might have been only my handmade paper, from the '90s when I was still veering abstract (pretty strongly, huh!), I'm not sure. Whatever you enjoy using or giving away (or literally trashing if it needs it) is forever fine with me. And hey, your daughter's minimal that you posted was phenomenal. By the time I saw it it seemed too far down to comment, but what a chip off the old block. Last but not least, GO TRASHPO
Jun 3, 2013
The Blessed Father
Jun 3, 2013
The Blessed Father
Jun 5, 2013
Amy Morton
Diane, this is long overdue but thank you for the wonderful trashpo triptych mail you sent. I finally have it posted. I loved it. I also sent more mail your way! Hope you are well. Amy
Jun 6, 2013
WA Rodgers
Oh, I am head over heels for the Trashpo book! Thanks, Diane, it is stunning! I will post pix this weekend...W
Jun 8, 2013
Glad you liked my lottery, Diane!! All thanks to you. "Waikiknee" is too funny :D
Jun 11, 2013
Nancy Bell Scott
Trashpo Club of the Month shipment has arrived--with out of this world stuff in it.
Just now I started to tell you some favorite items and gave up, there are too many favorites. It's all great, and you'll start seeing it in some of my experiments soon. The re-used envelope provoked a loud curse from me when I first saw it, forgetting you'd already received what I sent you and thinking "what??? this came back WHY?" Haha. Thank you so much. Also, the two new pieces in your blog email today are really great--I love both of them, in different ways. The second one has a large aura of sophistication about it.
Jun 11, 2013
David Stafford
How many kults can we have going at once. This sloth thing is really about to take off big time however, given the nature of the beast, so to speak, it will probably achieve lift off in something approaching geologic time...I will blog soon and send you the bill for ruining my scanner bed with your nest of staples....
your pal in Santa Fe
Jun 17, 2013
David Stafford
Your son did it! Cool...Your family is writhing with kults...I'm likin' the sloth thing. The video is still in the works. Unfortunately what I wanted to do was more sophisticated than iMovie could bear so I downloaded a trial copy of final cut pro which I'm hoping won't expire before I finish the project...that clock is ticking...The whole thing is really so dumb you'll be scratching your head about what I'm talking about when you see it but my video knowledge is starting from 0....Anyway, thank your talented son and I'll send him some slothful stuff soon....
Jun 17, 2013
vizma bruns
You almost had me fooled with your new direction in mail art envie!! More wholesome and uplifting, pfffff! Phew, glad I found a big X through the cuteness and a picture of Not Ever the skull corset lady and Pitchfork man inside! Thanks DK!
Jun 18, 2013
Kendra Given Carter
Hi Diane. I received your postcard today, which was a nice surprise. I really dig it! I'll be visiting your mailbox soon. Take care.
Jul 11, 2013
Rebecca Guyver
Blogged your painted trashpo here:http://thepostalleger.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/open-hearth-diane-keys... Many thanks!
Jul 14, 2013
Alicia Starr
Ditto DK and thanks. What else would I do with this stuff?
Jul 16, 2013
Amy Morton
Diane, I blogged about your last mailing and posted photos...I loved the spray paint! Thanks!
Jul 16, 2013
Mim Golub Scalin
Thanks for the Mail Art. It arrived just now! It said "Hi there!" which is what my neighbor always says so I read it and heard her voice. ha ha ha
Jul 26, 2013
Svenja Wahl
DK, supergreat art!! I just came back from a journey through Alaska - it was supergreat - and found your letter, Techniques for a graceful walk - that might come in handy sometimes!!
Love it, thank you! XX
Jul 27, 2013