Svenja Wahl




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Mail-Art works! And since I joined IUOMA nearly every day is a happy mail day! Kunst macht glücklich!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Svenja Wahl
Max-Wolf-Str. 9
D-69120 Heidelberg

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  • DKeys

    Awesome-I just put something in the mail to you. I hope I put enough postage, they have been really militant lately about it. THings are coming back that made it just fine in the past. Toxis agents trying to interfere with DKunst? Hope you're doing well:)

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Hey Svenja - Yes, I'll be here through Nov. 21st.

    I just saw pages Cheryl posted of yours in the Collab. thread: they're friggin' gorgeous chere!!!

  • De Villo Sloan

    Svenja, thank you for the thank you and the vispo. I think you've been doing some great work lately:

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Hi Svenja! Have you EVER received any Mail Art from De Velo Sloan? If so, unlike me, you must be one of the lucky ones. Regards, Val

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    I once received a piece of the Elgin Shroud from Der Velo Sloan, but it came with some complications:

    And the sad part is that in the end, I had to get rid of it;

  • Carina

    Hi Svenja - thanks :)  How's it in Heidelberg? Any ice on Neckar river yet?

  • Valentine Mark Herman



    I'm not 'a genuine mail artist' anyway.

    Bon weekend,


  • Amy Irwen

    Thank you glad you enjoyed them *!*
  • jon foster

    Yeah the last card was a lot of fun to make. I thought it was funny to have Ray Johnson and Christopher Walken on the same side...seemed appropriate. Working on the follow up to that musical thing. I've got about 50 songs finished. It should appear in the spring. I'll make sure to send it to you.

  • Arac

    I'm finally catching up...just blogged your holiday mail with Katerina.  Thanks again Svenja :)

  • xx Jones

    Das freut mich! Liebe Grüße xx

  • Jim SantAmour

    Viele Dank für die wunderbar Postkarte! Ich habe immer Ihre Kunst bewundert. Und bitte... entschuldigen Sie mein Deutsch - seit 20 Jahren seit meiner Studienzeit.

    Thanks! - Jim.

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    (keep your eye out dahlin': I mailed you a letter/packet two weeks ago Sat., and another Thurs or Fri...)

  • Frieder Speck

    Hallo Svenja, vielen Dank für deine lieben Grüße, habe alles gut überstanden!

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    ah goodie! (be sure to read the perscrip. on the back of the collage: it's Svenja-specific %_^)

  • Susanna Lakner


    22+2 original Blätter

    Grüsse aus Susannia

  • David Stafford

    Svenja, Thanks for your insect card. I blogged about it today in a big group blog. Check it out.


  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Carina

    Svenja, so glad you liked my "Two Balloons"!! Hope all is well in Heidelberg, don't stress anymore :)) Take care and see you soon, XXX!

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Finally blogged!:

    I hope my Thanks are expressed with all of the stridency they entail within... And please excuse the delay..tootoobusy...

  • De Villo Sloan

    Svenja, thank you for the lovely holiday card. The Elgin material is fantastic. Yes, I look forward to a new year of art exchange with you:

  • Susanna Lakner

    Die 22(+2) Blätter sind angekommen. Wahhhhhsinnn!!! Danke!


  • DKeys

    Glad it arrived at Dkunst-it's the least I can do for the great work you do. Your Dkult is the Shit T-shirt sales are off the charts. Did you hear we had to sell Eduardo of DKultPortugal's soul? sales aren't as good here in the states. hope you're doing well

    your fan


  • Karen Champlin

    Hi Svenja,  Thanks for the cool mail! I love it.  I'll get something off to you soon.

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Thanks for letting me know! No worries mon amie/wheneva...Books are exceedingly time consuming I know! "Someday" is me & ma replies... (somehow, I always want to send stuff to you though! Go figure...) Be well, and good luck w/ the busy-ness!

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • DKeys

    LOL Svenja-I LOVE these! KDJ actually sent me this one and they come in their very own body bag. I'd love to collect them funny!

  • DKeys

    yes, as far as I know you can put postage anywhere on your mail without a problem. glad it arrived!!


  • De Villo Sloan

    Hi Svenja, many thanks for the Creature of the Month. Terrific! Please checkout the theory that it is a collage-lyre that can play music. Again, deepest thanks:

    Regards, DVS

  • Carlos I. Botana



    Proxecto Cárcere calls artists to participate in the open, international project 
    for the old prison of A Coruña to become a Selfmanaged Sociocultural Center.
    The works will take part in an exhibition this year.
     It will take place inside or outside the prison, abandoned and disused at present.
    A picture of each work will be uploaded in
    For further information please visit our blog: 
    or send an e-mail to

    Subject: Jail
    Deadline: 1st June 2013
    No measurement limits
    Free technique
    The works will not be returned and will become part of the archives of Proxecto Cárcere.

    Send your works to:
    Carlos Botana
    Avda. Gral. Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
    15006 - A Coruña
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Svenja, hi, and thank you for the card I just received--it's terrific to hear from you. I am becoming ok and guess what, we crossed snail mails; you should be receiving sometime this week something I sent you late last week! Am a bit rusty at it, haha, you might notice. More soon I hope.

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Dearest Svenja, I received your Christmas card today - thanks! I sent you a Change of Address card - the address with the date on the large orange label is the New one - Please Note for any future MA. Thanks again!

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Ah heavenly, can't wait!!! TBH! Travel tomorrow... Be well mon amie!

  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    thank YOU for the great pages!
    i thought we were already funny.

  • Frieder Speck

    bitte schön!

  • De Villo Sloan

    Svenja, thanks for the eye collage. This is the best one yet! - DVS

  • Carina

    Hi Svenja, how are you?  I got your great card yesterday, thank you so much!

  • xx Jones

    Liebe Svanja

    vielen Dank für deinen super nette Mail Art-Post!

    So viel zu bestaunen!

    Viele Grüße aus Wien xx

  • xx Jones

    PS besonders die technische Zeichnung mit Foto. Was ist das? Ich rätsle noch immer herum. Ich liebe solche Sachen. Ich habe im Winter in UK ein altes Buch für ein Pfund gekauft, mit hunderten detaillierten technischen Zeichnungen. Ich wollte es für Mail Art verwenden. Später habe ich entdeckt, dass es im Jahr 1900 gedruckt wurde, und je öfter ich es ansehe, desto weniger  bringe ich es übers Herz, es zu zerfleddern. 

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Dear Svenja, I'm so happy you like it. The photos somehow brought you to mind, and then were put together with you in mind also. It was a good day. The whole thing just seemed like ... Svenja.

  • Amy Irwen

    Happy Happy Day Svenja!

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    H.B. to you, H.B. to you, H.B. dear Svenja, H.B. to you ~~~ may your day be extra special ~~~

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Many Happy Returns! Have a Good Birth Day. And A Good Year until the next Birth Day comes around. Bestest, Vak

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Birthday wishes!

  • DKeys

    Happy Birthday Dearest Svenja!!!!!!  DKult loves you!!!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Birthday wishes from Greece. OPA!

  • Carina

    Happy belated birthday Svenja!!

  • DKeys

    of course!!!!!  hope it was great for you. It should be a week long ccelebration