jon foster


Winston Salem, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
If you would like to say hello on facebook, go ahead.

My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Jon Foster
1121 Kenwood St.
Winston-Salem North Carolina
27103 USA

Comment Wall:

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  • DKeys

    happy early birthday!!

  • Amy Irwen

    Jon, Happy Birthday !

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Happy Happy Jon! Hope you enjoyed your day!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Birthday greetings from Greece, JON!

    Birthday Mania for 30.Jan.2013! xxxKaterina

  • Thom Courcelle

    Hi Jon!  I got a wonderful piece of Mail Art from you for your birthday!  Hey..wait, how's that work?!  Many Happy Returns on your special day!

  • Suus in Mokum

    Hello Jon, hope it is still your birthday on the other side of the globe. Wishing the very best, also for the next 364-not-birthday-days... And the rest, of course
  • vizma bruns

    Jon, got your lurvely tape transfer card yesterday, super!! Huuh? Did I miss your birthday?? Maybe I didn't, and it's still your b'day on that side of the world??

    Cheers from Australia, hope some Drunkpo comes out it!

  • Pamela Gerard

    Hey Jon--Apparently I missed your birthday -- hope it was fun and included cake and cocktails! Will send you something very soon. Loved the stash of goodies you sent me a while back.

  • Eraser Heed

    Thank You for the lovely mail, see You in the mail box!


  • Eraser Heed

  • Suus in Mokum

    Hello Jon, thank you for the megasize BIG envelop with collage content. All these vintage illustrations. Looks very good. Thanks, Suus

  • Sarah Churchill

    Your latest card is featured in my first Mail Art video on my new YouTube channel!

    Thank you again! :)

  • Sarah Churchill

    I know what you mean. I always felt that way when I saw my pieces in other people's homes on their blogs, but I guess it's amplified in video with an actual person holding it and talking about it. I was spending so much time photographing, editing and writing about the mail I received on my blog, and barely 5 people read it. So I decided this would be a more interesting way to show the art, thank the artists and spread the word in general!

  • De Villo Sloan

    Hi Jon, thanks for those really fine collages sent in the past weeks. I've blogged them at MinXus-Lynxus. I put a link to your excellent video when I found myself tripping over trying to explain the famous ripped tape technique.

    New DKULTNY-Trashpo news soon! Thanks again

  • Michael Orr

    Thank you Jon! :D 



    jon foster

  • Lindsay Stewart

    Hey Jon! Got yer mail, all the mails! Those stickers are the definition of heaven for me, thank you SO MUCH.

    I blogged your camel card today!!


    P.S. what does PJ stand for??

  • Lindsay Stewart

    Awesome! Checked out your blog! It's an interesting treat when you can read about the process behind something you've received in the mail! I subscribed! Thanks Jon

  • David Stafford

    You're welcome, Jon

  • vizma bruns

    Glad you liked it, Jon! And of course it's fine to do this stuff at obviously lifts your mood and this reflects in your outlook and relations with others!!! My theory and I'm stickin' to it!

  • taidgh

    Glad to hear you got it Jon! A lot of my mail is getting missing so good to hear you got it. I had a lot of fun doing up your envelope. Happy Sunday!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thanks for posting the photos, Jon.

    That's a great blog you have! I am very much enjoying

    ALL the items you sent for my birthday. Many thanks xxx

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Hi Jon

    Thanks for another taped wonder! You've been blogged & mail art is headed your way!

  • vizma bruns

    Thanks Jon for the blog- glad you liked the snackie boekies and Hungry Jacks!

    You lucky bastard- Nick is playing here this month at the Adelaide Arts Festival and is sold out!! $105 per ticket here! So envious of you, enjoy the show!

  • The Blessed Father

    My God. . . we do have something in common, I love Nick Cave.  Last yime I saw him was at the Casba, a small, but very cool venue. Did you receive the Boulevard Girls yet??

  • vizma bruns

    40 or 50 bucks!? Whaaaat??? That is peanuts!! About the same exchange. If I hadn't just received a postcard from you I'd really hate you!!! I've only seen him play in huge festivals, although I did bump into him once in a cafe in Melbourne, but I think he was pretty drugged up back then. And he was so short, he always struck me as an imposing figure.

    Thanks for the snake card- eek!

  • Carina

    Hi Jon, thank you for your card! Blogged here:

    Have nice weekend!

  • vizma bruns

    OMG, did I tell you about the concert I went to on Australia Day (Jan 26) weekend? Prob not, it'd mean nothing unless you like Tex Perkins, Steven Cummings, The Sunny Boys, Jo-Jo Zepp, Elvis Costello...yeah, you'd know him!! Do you maybe want an Aussie mixed cd to swap for some Salem NC tuuunes? No idea what you like, but could be fun!

  • vizma bruns

    Amazing! Great minds, huh!? Or is it- Fools never differ? Ha, anyway,  this'll be great!

    Who the hell is Declan McManus? Where did you pluck that name from??!!

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Jon, received your great mail art on 03.12.13...will scan and post soon; my scanner stopped working !

    Thank you *!*

  • Susanna Lakner

    Hi Jon,  your collage(s) is (are) absolutelly amazing, thank you very much.

    I working already on the answer!

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Jon, I love the plastic trashpo you sent! I've blogged it here:

    I s this for my memories project , or simply wonderful mail art?

  • Sarah Churchill

    So, I officially gave you a title. Sorry about that ;p haha

  • vizma bruns

    Ooh, I just got the shivers!! Thanks for sharing that pic! So close you could have almost kissed him!?? Wow. :P

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Hi Jon

    Left a comment for you on your blogspot site. I look forward to receiving more of your wonderful collages--I hope to make a small book of my growing collection for the display that I am planning for October 2013.

    FYI: There are 2 IUOMA members that live in North Dakota: Kimberly Sparks and Ria Cabral

  • Carmela Rizzuto


    I did catch and enjoy your humor on your blog. I'll definitely send photos of the exhibit/display at the Book Arts Jam in October. Here's a link to the group who organizes the event in Palo Alto CA.

  • De Villo Sloan

    Did not know about this, thanks. Just read some of the reviews & interviews related to the book - looks really interesting.

  • De Villo Sloan

    Oh & btw - the next bio I absolutely have to read on my list is Lisa Jarnot's biography of poet Robert Duncan - mandatory for all us Black Mt. College types. 

  • Kendra Given Carter

    I received a postcard from you today, which was a nice surprise. Love the piece! Thanks a bunch. I'll get something whipped up for you this week.

  • xx Jones

    Here is your card on my kitchen shelf in Vienna. The photo is not great, just taken with my phone.

  • DKeys

    Glad you like it. I appreciate you posting in the MOBMA group. I scoured the thrift store yesterday looking for a scrapbook/journal. Nothing, but I will keep looking

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Jon, thanks for your comment about, oh, 11 or 12 days ago--sorry for the delay. You don't owe me anything in a hurry, after sending me at least two fab mail arts when I couldn't reciprocate yet. But don't take me off your list, either. :--} I love your work as always.

  • Amy Irwen

    Jon, love your dad's torture construction pieces!

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Hi Jon, thanks for the mail art received 2 day!

  • Rebecca Guyver

  • xx Jones

    That is funny. Perhaps Jon has secretly been to England distributing fake Wonka Bars and Golden Tickets. Or it is Jon's long lost twin.

  • taidgh

    I got your golden ticket in the post today. Thanks a million. I'm going to send you something soon. All the best.

  • taidgh

    Hello Jon, me again. I wanted to ask you about sending the mail art card for the zine in colour. I am what I consider a colour mail artist. The art only takes its shape in colour for me. Could I still send you something in colour, or will it cause problems with printing. Thanks.

  • Helder Coelho Dias

    Hi Jon,

    Sorry for the delay answer, i received your nice piece on my mail box, two weeks ago, thanks. Im now working in other art projects, but soon i will send some mail art, and you are on the list.


    p.s. and about the zine, what's the news?

  • taidgh

    Well I understand the idea of the Situationists and how it might tie in with your zine. So I'll have a think on what I want to do. Maybe something a little more experimental than what I am used to. Sending all those zines may get costly. Phew! I am willing to enter a swap or something. Take care.

  • Michael Orr

    just dropping in to let you know my golden ticket arrived safely. thanks! 



    jon foster_4