Hellooooo! I just posted your last few envelopes to my Wordpress blog. It's here! I'm working on something to send you soon... But it will be difficult to match to how special your postal treasures are...
Thank you So VERY much for the book! Fantastico my friend. I have it with all my precious books I've received from Mail Art friends. So generous of you!
Graciasssssssss! I received mail from you yesterday. I love the envelope-love this mysterious piece....Thank you so much. you made my day-I am smiling ;). I will post it in my albums soon. I am trying to figure out how to do it. when i drag the picture in the album folder it open another window and the pic does not go to the album. I am using a mac-perhaps instead of dragging the foto i have to do it in a different way ;). I will be sending something soon. stor kram
A photo of the Gutai and Mail Art exhibit (partial) in San Francisco. I saw your name and other IUOMA greats in the gallery's listing. With over 300 artists represented it was hard to find specific artworks. I've also posted a summary and photo on the Shozo Shimamoto Group Page.
Not sure I am doing this right! Thank you for your warm welcome, and for the most wonderful DADA photo! I love it! I hope to learn a lot from you and Theresa while I'm here! Carla
We used to have a rabbit called Robert who, in the winter, lived in my study, and, in the summer, had his own 'run' in the garden. He occasionally chewed at some books. his favourites were my political philosophy ones. I don't know if he 'digested' much information though as we never had much of a debate about philosophical issues.
An absolute favourite thing arrived from you (and Kerri) today. Thank you so so much! I have blogged about it on: http://thepostalleger.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/guido-sends-me-vermeul... and pointed people to it with a mini-blog at IUOMA. I will post more pictures here soon. Love it!
"The Wild Ones" is wild, man. Out of this world fantastic! Am still looking at it, it doesn't get tired. And your imagination doesn't stop astounding me. I love it.
Roni Michel
Merci Guido,
Rentrée en fanfare, avec des bienvenues de tous les azimuts.
Serais je assez disponible pour répondre à ces demandes ????
Bye Guido....
Feb 5, 2013
Suyapa Ramos
Hello Guido, Merci-Gracias-thank you for the welcoming. cheers
Feb 5, 2013
Bruno Cassaglia
Ciao Guido come stai? ti abbraccio , bruno
Feb 5, 2013
Bruno Cassaglia
ti invio una busta anch'io ... ti abbraccio , bruno
Feb 6, 2013
Sandra Lefever
Hellooooo! I just posted your last few envelopes to my Wordpress blog. It's here! I'm working on something to send you soon... But it will be difficult to match to how special your postal treasures are...
Feb 6, 2013
Rebecca Guyver
Guido, received your Friour Edition 2013 When I see your face I see my face 2gether we see faces of Humanity. wonderful. Thank you. I have blogged about it here:http://thepostalleger.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/new-friour-edition-201...
Feb 11, 2013
Nadine Wendell-Mojica
Thank you So VERY much for the book! Fantastico my friend. I have it with all my precious books I've received from Mail Art friends. So generous of you!
Feb 13, 2013
Larkin Higgins
Feb 14, 2013
Suyapa Ramos
Graciasssssssss! I received mail from you yesterday. I love the envelope-love this mysterious piece....Thank you so much. you made my day-I am smiling ;). I will post it in my albums soon. I am trying to figure out how to do it. when i drag the picture in the album folder it open another window and the pic does not go to the album. I am using a mac-perhaps instead of dragging the foto i have to do it in a different way ;). I will be sending something soon. stor kram
Feb 14, 2013
Carmela Rizzuto
A photo of the Gutai and Mail Art exhibit (partial) in San Francisco. I saw your name and other IUOMA greats in the gallery's listing. With over 300 artists represented it was hard to find specific artworks. I've also posted a summary and photo on the Shozo Shimamoto Group Page.
Feb 16, 2013
Thanks for that striking envelope. Gave the postman something to think about! : > )
Feb 18, 2013
Ms. Renda
Thank you for the welcome image.
Feb 21, 2013
c. m. wilson
Not sure I am doing this right! Thank you for your warm welcome, and for the most wonderful DADA photo! I love it! I hope to learn a lot from you and Theresa while I'm here! Carla
Feb 23, 2013
Thanks for your welcome image and comment !
Feb 23, 2013
Elaine Arvati
Feb 24, 2013
Bruno Cassaglia
Guido ti attendo nel mio gruppo " performances" un abbraccio , bruno
Mar 3, 2013
Amy Irwen
Happy Birthday Guido *!*
Mar 5, 2013
Bifidus Jones
Happy Birthday, Guido!
Mar 5, 2013
Cernjul Viviana María
Happy Birthday Guido!!
Mar 5, 2013
Valentine Mark Herman
Happy Birthday, Guido!
I see you as one of the pillars of this Community, and long may you continue to be so.
I wish you a Very Happy Birthday today, and a very Happy Year until your next Birthday comes around.
Best wishes, Val
Mar 6, 2013
Susan McAllister
Mar 6, 2013
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Happy Birthday Guido. Sunny days ahead.
Mar 6, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Happy Birthday Guido!
Happy Birthday Mania for you and....Michelangelo! xxx
Mar 6, 2013
Suus in Mokum
'ne dikke proficiat, Guido! Suus
Mar 6, 2013
Happy Birthday Guido. have a wonderfull day. My best wishes.
Mar 6, 2013
Rebecca Guyver
I hope you accept belated birthday mail art? Happy birthday to the birthday tzar!
Mar 6, 2013
Frieder Speck
HAppy Birthday! toYou
Mar 6, 2013
Nancy Bell Scott
Ah ho, didn't know it's your birthday, Guido, but now I do--and wish you a very happy birthday and year!
Mar 6, 2013
Lisa Harchenko
oh, its strange coincidence) Happy birthday to you!!
Mar 6, 2013
Neil Gordon
GUIDO! Happy Birthday to the King of Collage!!!!!
Mar 6, 2013
Elaine Arvati
Mar 7, 2013
Amy Morton
Mar 9, 2013
neila kun
Mar 10, 2013
Bruno Cassaglia
Grazie Guido sono felice che tu sia nel mio gruppo, ti abbraccio
Mar 11, 2013
Carmela Rizzuto
Hi Guido
Thanks for your awesome collage, 'Le Miroir'--I'm a fan of Yoko's, too.
PS: My husband really liked the envelope! He enjoyed searching for interesting images in your ink drawing.
Mar 12, 2013
Amy Irwen
Guido, received your wonderful "Wild Ones-vol 2." and "the mirror" post card...LOVED THEM!!!....I will blog them soon...
hugs *!*
Mar 14, 2013
Emil Dobriban
Hello! Mail art questions: if you have news about this URGENT CALL! that proposed
Ruggero Maggi to support the people of TIBET. Project that would have to be exposedat The TIBET PAVILLION OF THE VENICE BIENNIAL in Torino.
He asks to incorporate the photo of the Dalai Lama (with respect) in mail art contributions.
Best wishes from Romania and many new mail works, Emil
Mar 15, 2013
Hi Guido! Thanks for the cards and the invitations for the mailart projects! Have a nice weekend!
Mar 16, 2013
Merci Guido – I received Saturday your collage and the Wild Faces. It’s wonderful. I love your ink drawing : so much to see !
Mar 18, 2013
Hello! Thanks for your post. Just got it today! I hope you had a good birthday celebration.
Mar 19, 2013
Valentine Mark Herman
Guido, you produce an incredible amount of fascinating work, and I wonder how you store and catalogue it? Do tell. Thank you. Val
Mar 21, 2013
Valentine Mark Herman
We used to have a rabbit called Robert who, in the winter, lived in my study, and, in the summer, had his own 'run' in the garden. He occasionally chewed at some books. his favourites were my political philosophy ones. I don't know if he 'digested' much information though as we never had much of a debate about philosophical issues.
Mar 22, 2013
Valentine Mark Herman
No, you're not allowed to destroy yourself! Even if you mix your ashes wwith those of your art.
I'm still curious as to where you physically store your work, of which you must have thousands of pieces?
Regards, val
Mar 22, 2013
Rebecca Guyver
An absolute favourite thing arrived from you (and Kerri) today. Thank you so so much! I have blogged about it on: http://thepostalleger.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/guido-sends-me-vermeul... and pointed people to it with a mini-blog at IUOMA. I will post more pictures here soon. Love it!
Mar 22, 2013
Valentine Mark Herman
Now I get it, Guido: thank you.
You must spend a fortune sending so much mail out.
My cats wonder a-- and are a little bit worried -- does nero use the cat flap too?
Bon weekend, Val
Mar 23, 2013
Thank you Guido!!
Apr 3, 2013
jon foster
Thanks for posting the card. See you in the mail.
Apr 4, 2013
Nancy Bell Scott
"The Wild Ones" is wild, man. Out of this world fantastic! Am still looking at it, it doesn't get tired. And your imagination doesn't stop astounding me. I love it.
Apr 4, 2013
Keith S. Chambers
Thanks for the warm welcoming Guido. I just arrived at the Union and am still getting my footing here.
Apr 10, 2013
jon foster
Got a card from you today, thanks so much. Will send something out very soon.
Apr 10, 2013