Nancy Bell Scott


South Portland, ME

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
2011 at the latest. (By the way, please NO add+pass. Can't do it.)
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Woke up one morning and there it was, in my DNA.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
47 Parrott St, South Portland ME 04106, USA

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  • DKeys

    I'm always surprised when either of the girls ask to make art with me. And even more surprised when they make trashpo. My daughters are 8 and 10. The 8 year old kept picking up the rusty caps and of course you came to mind immediately. Can;'t keep up with IOUMA these days, which is a bummer. The kids are starting school soon so feeling rushed to get everything ready. Hope you are doing well


  • Suus in Mokum

    Your awesome piece arrived. Thank you very much!

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    GRAZIE!!!!!!!!!!  un bacio . bruno - poetamailartfluxus

  • Lynn Radford

    I am SO glad it arrived safely! I was worried...

    Because of the sharp edges, I knew it needed to be IN something... I wanted a see-thru something. My go to... BUBBLE WRAP! I reinforced the sharp bullet hole tears with extra packing tape... Didn't want a postal worker to get cut and have to endure a tetanus shot on my account!

    The postal worker was less than impressed when my husband presented it and then demanded stamps to adhere himself. LOL

    That you "love love love it" makes it all the sweeter! It was found in the woods of PA where massive logging was happening in advance of yet more fracking...

  • Lynn Radford

    Can you believe that I nearly took tin snips to it? It almost ended up being little postcards!

    I just couldn't bring myself to do it, even though I had a series (similar to Trash PO Mindfulness) all planned out...

    Gift or burden, I tend to file away people's likes and preferences and I see them everywhere! It keeps those I care about close, as I am constantly reminded of them. For instance, my oldest daughter had liked ducks for years... I saw ducks everywhere! I thought of her often and just as often bought them for her. Imagine my surprise when she switched to ELEPHANTS! Now, I see ducks and elephants! No counting sheep here! LOL

    Since joining IUOMA... Bananas have new meaning! Bits of trash and lists don't just inspire me, they remind me of DK. Barcodes are now forever linked to Paris in my mind... Rusty objects still enthrall me, but I can't help but think of you when I stumble on them these days. My mind is not my own. It belongs to all those who have touched me in some way.

    Can't wait to read the blog post... wondering what the masses will think and say...

    I read an exchange whereby you were feeling as though you'd ruined a piece intended for Cleo... The perfectionist in you is your inner critic, rearing its ugly head. I have that problem frequently and so recognized it immediately. I have a Bubble that would help you alas I cannot mail it to you as I am holding it for an article I am hoping to write. I can, however, share it with you here...

    This is what I call the Inner Critic Silencer.

    A police car shaped, hand-held stress reliever was used as the focal point.

    It reads:

    dream BIG



    express yourself



    treasure dreams

    create art

    I hope this helps to Silence your Inner Critic so that you can get on with the business of creating more freely!

  • Eduardo Cardoso

    The one with the circle? It's from one of my paintings.  You can see it on my site.

    The painting is titled "Sol Invictus"

    Cheers! :)

  • Eduardo Cardoso

    I'm glad you liked my paintings. :)

    Thank you very much!

  • Carina

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Nice spots 'n splashes image on your page, Nancy.

  • Lynn Radford

    "KEEP OUT!"

    "KEEP OUT!"

    "KEEP OUT!"


  • Lynn Radford

    I am always here to encourage and corrupt, Dear Nancy! It looks fantastic! :D

  • Lynn Radford

    Ah... you give me far too much credit, Nancy! But I'll take it! :D


  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Ah dearest Nancy - I received your stunning book today! My first Fancy art! I am so over-joyed I am rather at a loss for words... When I first removed it from the envelope, I had to pause & catch my breath... It almost hurt it was so beautiful! Do you know that feeling? And I keep wanting to run my fingers over everything... Your eye and touch are simply magical - it is rather mind-blowing indeed...! I love it love it love it - thank you veryveryveryveryvery much mon amie! The topmost page is my favorite - O the colours! (I almost feel tempted to remove the page and frame it...but that would change the rich composition of the whole...) Once again, most utterly sincere thanks...



    Mailart project

    Doingpoetry: Poetry, Art, Society

    Free size, medium and technique

    No fee, no jury, no sales, no returns

    The show will be held in Pavia in 2012,    

     November 23-25

    At Santa Maria Gualtieri during PAVIART POETRY Festival 2012

    Organization by O.M.P. and Farepoesia

    Documentation: all submissions will also be posted

    on the web sites under costruction in  


    Artworks should be sent by snail mail

    DEADLINE to be received

    2012, October 30

    send to:


    Via Torino 37

    I-27100 Pavia


  • Neil Gordon

    Nancy! I am touched and delighted by the piece you sent me"Vagabond" I wish i had a camera to Blog it with and share with others. Wonderful handmade paper,striking colors. I see many spirits and other images in it.( Hope you "blogness" gets better.) This  piece was very "Intradimemsional"! Your stuff has a very organic feel to it!

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    My mind is no longer functioning. Planty piece? I would most assuredly tell you any artistic secret because I'm stuffed with them. You always give me so much kind attention. How did you know I'm a huge worry wart? I'm only at peace when heavily medicated.

  • Neil Gordon

    Nancy,thanks for the comment!Always a pleasure talking with you, i dig your mind!

  • Svenja Wahl

    Nancy, dear, I received you wonderful handmade paper today, I love the structure and colours!! I'm feeling stuck with my mail art too, I don't know why... best wishes from your friend Svenja

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Happy Happy Nancy! Have a wondrous day!

    I was scanning your book today - still simply amazed at all the beauty and wonder...: such utter pleasure & joy you've brought me...and do...

  • DKeys

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!  will be thinking of you on your special day:)

  • De Villo Sloan

    Happy Birthday NBS from me & DKULTNY.

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Happy B-DAY Nancy!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Birthday greetings from Greece, Nancy dear! xxx

    Shall we dance? OPA! Party time!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Cake and many??? :-)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Much LOVE and many presents to you!

  • Frieder Speck

    Hap Hap Happy!! Bir Bir Birthday!!!

    Hab Hab Haby!! Pir Pir PPirthday!!

    Dithbay Papth R!

    ball the rest!!

    toy otu!



  • Suus in Mokum

    Proficiat! Van harte and all the best and a happy birthday.

  • Svenja Wahl

    Missed your birthday, Nancy, oh no! Hope you had a wonderful day!!!  xxx

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Dear Nancy, I received your envelope of wondrous little charms yesterday, charms you deemed "hardly noticeable mail art!..." Well chere, although it was far from "hardly noticeable" to me, I did get a giggle out o' the humility, shall we say, which phrased the charming & (ostensibly...? %_^) timorous humour of the little note - haha! All of your gestures, no matter how simple or slight you may deem them ("anemic" was the word you used to describe them I believe...?), carry significant weight in my book my dear... As I have oft' opined, your eye and hand are equally alluring in whatever form they may venture... In other words: Thank you! ^_^

  • Rebecca Guyver

    So much enchantment in your beautiful envelope!  I will phtograph and blog about it tomorrow.  Many, many thanks and great you're back!

  • Susan McAllister

    Thanks for the envelope of goodies. I've been interested in old photos lately, so I'm particularly happy with the picture of the little boy.
  • Neil Gordon

    Nancy! Got your wonderful trashpo boekie! Made my day to hear from you! Also the nice note colorful hand painted scraps of paper and the old photo NICE!  Loved the old Map into envelope! Hope you are well!!!!


  • Arac

    Got your envelope full o goodies yesterday, thanks so much :) Love the old-time photo you enclosed, very cool!!!

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Less is more, often. I like challenging myself to see what I can do with 3 or 4 bits of paper. Glad you enjoyed getting my card.

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • DKult Chaplain Dustin de Wind

    Hey Nancy!!! I'll have to send you something soon!!!

  • Carmela Rizzuto


    Your Sketchbook Project is wonderful--like  the use of asemic markmaking and handmade paper. Admire your collage techniques and re-purposing of mail art in previous project.

  • Neil Gordon

    DharmaMaMa Nan!!!! Got the most amazing piece from you in the mail today!!! Washed up in my mailbox, direct from old orchard beach i presume... some old netting containing a plastic bottle with an old map inside! A true mail art Instillation! and inspiration!!!! Rust Never Sleeps Baby!

  • Neil Gordon

    Nancy! Got the message out of the bottle! Beautiful old Italian map! The message  you wrote was beautiful, and i shall treasure it my Trashpo-Sister of Mail/Art and expanding consciousness!

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    group performances

  • Neil Gordon

    Glad it arrived Nancy! Did you see the patterns in the Ct. Asphalt? Great to make collages and paintings with, just need a little Elmer glue!

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    hi Nancy, your wondrous MA was amongst an immense slew which awaited me upon arrival in NJ - thank you indeed! I imagine it will be months until I can reply in kind I'm afraid... (How very eagerly I await & desire that day...!)

  • Alicia Starr

    Happy you like the piece Nancy. Not only did i clean off my desk but also emptied my file container (trash in some eyes). I dropped a gem in it and had to go through the entire contents. All is good. 

  • Frieder Speck

    wow, what an honour thank you!

  • jon foster

    Got a card from you today, thanks so much as usual. I'll make sure I send something out to you very soon. Just sent out 11 cards this morning, so it may take me a little while. Hope you're doing well and I hope the start of spring actually means a little thawing up your way.

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Ooh la la more perfection arrived! I am utterly delighted. Thank you. I have posted them on the memories blog and here: as well as done a min blog at IUOMA.

  • Susan McAllister

    Thanks for the beautiful piece of art. And I'm liking the envelopes. I think I'm going to have to try making some.
  • Kendra Given Carter

    Hi Nancy, Thank you! I am certainly a fan of your work. Excellent stuff!

  • jon foster

    No, no, I have no reason to take you off the list. Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back, and it's no bother. I know you'll send something when you can. Send when you can and either way I look forward to what you'll send.