

Elgin, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
It is cheaper than therapy and is an amazing way to connect with fabulous like minded people. It is also a great place to recruit for my Kult
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
407 S Liberty St
Elgin, IL 60120

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  • Uncustomary

    You are very welcome!! :-)

  • DKult Chaplain Dustin de Wind

    Well, I have baking loaves of bread a lot lately. I have been trying to get my boules and batards just right. It's so tricky! Today I am try a whole wheat and rye bread with IPA beer as the hydration. Kind of excited!  

  • DKult Chaplain Dustin de Wind

    Oh, I also thought you would like this blog: The Art of Goodwill

  • Judith Kalina

    good morning..glad you like the work.

    now I know what trashpo should see me walking with friends here in NYC...the streets, the East River esplanade, old it!

    enjoy the day.


  • DKult Chaplain Dustin de Wind

    The bread was super yummy! I would have taken a picture, but we ate it all! It was pretty hearty, even rustic. The IPA beer was just a hint, not too over powering! Those rum soaked raisins wound amazing!!! I would call that drunkpo for sure!

  • DKult Chaplain Dustin de Wind

    Well, there's a small Potpo group hiding midst the Drunkpo group, so maybe you'll like that instead! I would definately have the whiskey-soaked raisins, it brings a whole new idea to soaking your seeds, nuts, and dried fruit before you eat them! Har, har, har. I'll do some scanner bread art for you with my next loaf.

  • DKult Chaplain Dustin de Wind

    Hahaha! I bet you are a blast. Art making can be some of the best drugs around!

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    I forgot to tell you how I loved the found ripped up hospital love note. "Meet me in the day room if you're serious". So typical. 

  • The Blessed Father

    I'll drop something in the post for you today.  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    Weather permitting. . . there should be something in your mailbox from the Blessed Father

  • Ana Karina

    Hi Diane, i was thrilled to received the awesome trashpo book you sent me. it's artastic!!

  • rebecca resinski

    Thanks, Diane, for the postcard--great texture and interplay of layers!  You manage to convey a sculptural quality in two dimensions.... 

  • Ronna Saunders (Ronni)

    Looking forward to mail from you!!

  • Kelly Bancroft

    Thanks for your postcard. My first! Your piece will be in the mail today. 

  • The Blessed Father

    The stamp I made for Stephanie was one I made for myself. . . just change the name, an easy fix. Yes, I could make a stamp but you need to be more  specific about what you want. Please email me a rough sketch  and we can go from there.  BF 

  • The Blessed Father

    I can work with that. . . I;ll send you a sample tomorrow.  Let me know of any changes you might want. I'll have it none by 12:00 PST.  BF 

  • Donald Kolberg

    only kidding, after all don't we all have free will. 

    That's what makes this so much fun

  • The Blessed Father

    Is this it??????  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    Actual size 1.5 inches. It took 30 min to do the layout. . . if there are any changes, speak up now. I really don't know what to charge you.  What do you think???  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    What does Dkult mean???????? BF
  • The Blessed Father

    $10 is fine. . . throw in $2 more for postage. BF
  • The Blessed Father

    I wouldn't fit into the everything Trashpo group. I don't use found objects, my mail is not

    environmentally responsible (I use a plastic laminate on a lot of pieces, and everything is printed on an inkjet or laser printer). I have a graphic arts background. I wouldn't have a clue how to make a collage. We all have our own style.  Maybe one day I'll try a collage BF                                             

  • An. U.

    Greetings, Diane! One thick small envelope is travelling from me to you, hope you'll receive it soon!

  • DKult Chaplain Dustin de Wind

  • The Blessed Father

    You mailed more then we had decided upon. You have forced to send something extra. I won't be able to make them until later this week.  The extra stamps will be unmounted.  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    PS  Please keep my real name to yourself.   I wonder what the bank would say if I tried to cash a check made out to the the Blessed Father.  BF

  • Svenja Wahl

  • Lindsay Stewart

    Postcard got here safe n' sound, I thank you!!

    It went up on my blog today with a linky-poo too.


    Sending you something soon!

  • The Blessed Father

    Thanks for the mail. . . I had no idea one could put the address on one side and the postage on the other side.  It gives me some ideas..   BF

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    That's very sweet of you: thanks! A Valentine's day card and Bad Art, all in one. Which of these 3 lil luvlies is you?

    Valentine Mark

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Now I know what you REALLY look like: wow!

    I don't think they have Cabbage Patch dolls here in France -- although Ithey do, or did; in the UK -- but I don't really know as it's a long time since I've gone shopping for a doll anywhere (about28 years in fact!)

  • The Blessed Father

    I finished your stamps. . . the "found Object" is mounted with handle. Registered Mail Artist and newspaper boy will be on a padded backing, just peel and mount on piece of wood or whatever. I'll go to the post office on Tuesday. I won't cash your check until then.  BF

  • rebecca resinski

    Thanks so much, Diane, for the mail art--I love the conversation among the words!

  • Donald Kolberg

    Thought you might get a kick out of the new sign at the museum

  • Donald Kolberg

    It just keeps getting better and the name gets longer

  • An. U.

    Got your mail this morning! Thanks for your art and your kind words, I'm glad that you like my art!:)))

  • Suus in Mokum

    Hi Diane, way too late but thank you for the asemic seasonal greeting card. Suus

  • An. U.

    Yes, I'm very lucky this time. But it happens very rarely. Especially if mail is coming from Russia or Australia. But from Latvia mail never goes fast. And very often get lost

  • The Blessed Father

    Your stamps should arrive on Monday or Tuesday. BF
  • The Blessed Father

    Enjoy!!!!!!   BF

  • The Blessed Father

    I only mounted one of your stamps, the two are on a padded backing, just peel and put on a block of wood. I hope you have someone to cut some moulding for you.  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    Be sure ti rinse first. . .they are covered with baby powder.  BF

  • Carina

    Diane, glad you enjoyed my cushion, very nice definition :)) Yes the list is a list of travels, it's probably my first authentic list, not much trash on the streets in Finland, or I'm just blind!? "Suomi" means Finland in Finnish, I think I heard "half mile away" in a song and then wrote it down to you, MA more or less shortens the distance between our worlds :)

  • xx Jones

    Oh, I am glad you liked it! I have been making stuff again and I am slowly catching up with blogging. I saw you published a book with vispo, but I did not find peace yet to study it properly! Nice!

  • The Blessed Father

    Have mounted your stamps yet??  Mail me something please  BF

  • The Blessed Father

    I have not received your mail. . . when did you send it?


    Thank you

  • Carina

    Hello Diane, thank you for always inspiring work!


  • Rebecca Guyver

    Oh Diane your inspiration and then that idea has engaged me day and night ever since.  I have just made my first plastic trash book to be mailed to a lucky recipient. I'm sure when I look back at your trash quilt I will wince at its naivete.

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Of course I mean the trash quilt I sent you, not the one I saw and was inspired by!