Susan McAllister


Berkeley, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
It's great fun.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
1518 Dwight Way Apt 5, Berkeley, CA 94703

Comment Wall:

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  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Susan, I see it's your birthday, which I didn't know, and I just sent you mail art today! Happy Birthday, and the m.a. should be there Monday or Tuesday, I'd guess.

  • Frieder Speck

    Happy Birthday Susan, hope you had such a suunny day like we had today

  • Austin Wills James

    !nasuS, yadhtriB yppaH

  • Marie Wintzer

    Thanks for the nice message, Susan, very glad you got it!

  • Torma Cauli

    Hi Susan!

    OK! :-) I'm glad.

    Kind regards, Cauli

  • Eduardo Cardoso

    Hello Susan. I received your mail art yesterday. Thank you very much!

  • Amy Irwen

    Susan, thank you for the great mail art card! too cool..also received the A/P, which I will do my thing then let it fly..will blog soon *!*
  • Fleur Helsingor

    Susan, thanks for those colorful and fun ATCs! I've put a set for you in today's mail.

  • Marie Wintzer

    Thank you Susan!!! :-)) I will try...

  • DKeys

    Is it/was it your birthday? DId I miss it? If so, happy birthday!!!!!! sending something to you:)

  • jon foster

    Thanks for sending the card, got it yesterday. And thanks for your interest in the zine thing, I think I'm going to do one this summer for a cross-country trip that I'm doing. I'll let you know what comes of it.

  • Neil Gordon

    Susan!!! Wow! Got your multi-layered card with paint and collage, I called it "eye of the lady bug"! Thanks, always love your artwork!

  • Ana Karina

    hi Susan I got your card, thank you! lovely colors and technique, what kind of paint is it? goache? i will send something to you soon!

  • DKeys

    Glad you like it Susan. Is it your birthday?:)

  • DKeys

    I know Susan, I'm teasing you because I asked you that like a week ago:)

  • DKeys

    you probably thought I had early dementia!!

  • DKeys

    Good point Susan, running a cult is definately not as easy as the kit said it would be:)

  • Karin Greenwood

    Hi Susan so happy you received your card and that you like it. Thanks aswell for sending the other one to Genevieve. take care and have a happy day. Karin.

  • Amy Irwen

    You are so welcome Susan...your abstract card was so wonderful! Glad you liked the card...*!*
  • Nolastra

    Yes -- I'm sending you something, too - or trying to! Having trouble with sending it as a postcard. Not regulation size, claims the postal clerk.  Off 1/4 inch!

  • Nolastra

    Glad it got there sans envelope!

  • Nolastra

    Received your postcard yesterday. Thanks. It's sitting up on the bookcase. -- Nolastra

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Hi Susan, I received your beautiful, beautiful card today - thank you so much! Will post soon... [My reply may be a bit slow due to enormous backlog...eventually...] Thanks again!

  • Chad Marcum

    Thanks so much for the card! It's the very first piece of mail art I've ever gotten :)

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Susan, this is wild! Rust, and in a new form! Did you put it together or find it as a functional (or once-functional) piece? I'm really touched you'd send this to me, and I love it. The rust combined with unrustible mid-part is a combo I appreciate (as well as your watering effort). Thank you so much --

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Hi, Susan.

    Thank you for the Mail Art you sent.  I'll be blogging it as soon as I can find a name for it.  any ideas would be helpful!


  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Don't worry, I'll come up with a title.  I hope to blog it tomorrow as I have already used up my blog time today.

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Well I gave it a shot.  thank you again, and no, you do not need to answer the question.

  • Ana Karina

    Hi Susan I received your lovely textured painted mailart card on Saturday, i love it!

  • Amy Irwen

    So glad you liked "along the road" *!*

  • Karin Greenwood

    Hullo Susan, I am happy you liked your mail art, take care, Karin

  • Marie Wintzer

    Susan, thank you for your wonderful card. Such a beauty! I blogged it at:

  • liketelevisionsnow

    Thanks for joining the Gutai Project! Send something when you can. LTS

  • Sandra Lefever

    Hey Susan. I've been out of town for a bit, so I'm a bit behind in my tasks. I've posted your last postcard here. Thanks for thinking of me! Happy graphic amoeba?

  • jon foster

    Thank you for your kind words. As a side note, made it to Berkeley for this first time this summer and had a wonderful time. Watched movies at your lovely downtown theaters, went to the record stores, and enjoyed the very cool weather most of all.

  • Medwolf

    thank you so much for the mail art~it is now posted to my blog

  • Eduardo Cardoso

    Good to know that my envelope arrived there. :)


  • The Mailmonster

    Hello Susan,

    I received your amazing piece of mail art today. I love it!!! Thank you so much. I'll try and get something in the mail for you soon :)

  • DKeys

    so glad Susan-thanks for letting me know you got it:)

  • Marie Wintzer

    Thanks for letting me know, Susan. Glad you like!! :-))

  • Arac

    Well by all means, let the craziness begin ;)

  • Medwolf

    glad the goodies made it to your mail box and glad you liked the package..keep smiling~its way big medicine...

  • Neil Gordon

    Susan. i got the most wonderful postcard from you! I love your art work, am a big fan,your stuff reminds me of one of my fave artists Paul Klee! Simple- abstract & Beautiful!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Paul Klee?

    Or, in Shakespear's word (Sonnet XVIII), A Rose....

    Shall I Compare Thee to a Rose?

    Shall I compare thee to a rose?

    Thou art delicate and beautiful

    From a seed you grow into a stunning pose.
    Youth does not last and can be pitiful.

    The days are long and the sun shines bright,

    Often making you thankful for heavens tear;

    Rain falls upon your petals just right,

    And the bliss of water heals you my dear;
    They eternal soul shall not wither,

    But he sustained through life endeavors,

    The stem shall stand but bend hither,

    With toils and better days forever:

    So long as time goes,

    Yes, I shall compare thee to a rose.


  • Amy Irwen

    Susan, your recent mail art postcard is fantastic...thank you so much <3

  • Neil Gordon

    I had no idea, i guess i sensed your frog totem! More frogs for you!!!

  • Lynn Radford

    You're welcome Susan. The piece you sent me was a colorful piece, wavy rings, with a face in black. Will blog soon...



    Mailart project

    Doingpoetry: Poetry, Art, Society

    Free size, medium and technique

    No fee, no jury, no sales, no returns

    The show will be held in Pavia in 2012,    

     November 23-25

    At Santa Maria Gualtieri during PAVIART POETRY Festival 2012

    Organization by O.M.P. and Farepoesia

    Documentation: all submissions will also be posted

    on the web sites under costruction in  


    Artworks should be sent by snail mail

    DEADLINE to be received

    2012, November 10

    send to:


    Via Torino 37

    I-27100 Pavia


  • Amy Irwen

    Hi glad *!*
  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Thanks Susan! Glad you got it - I had a lot of probs w/ that ma being returned. (btw, not sure I remembered to mark the print..I know I signed horizontally, but the piece is meant to be viewed in the same direction as the envelope was addressed - vertically.)