Guido Vermeulen

70, Male



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Communication in a global network
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  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Hey Guido,

    Do you know what "avant progressive" music is? I ask because I just got back back from a prog fest where I saw one of my favorite bands and they're from Belgium - "Aranis." They play what is often called "chamber prog" or "chamber rock." Utterly cool! If you're into avant garde/progressive music - or if you just have an open mind/ear - you should definitely check them out!

  • Stephen Walker


    Thank you for letting me know about your art mail en route.

    Your art mail reminds me of a story. I had an experience about a month ago where I happened upon an apparently wounded bird sitting in my parking space. I studied the little creature and he/she looked so helpless, I thought I must make some attempt to bring him to someone who might be able to help. I put the feathered guy into a box and brought him to the Humane Society. The person working there quickly pointed out that he was only a baby and had not yet learned to fly; no observable injuries. "Take him back to where you picked him up and let him go through the process of learning to fly. His mother will watch over him." I brought him back to where I found him and in the morning he was gone. Perhaps a neighborhood cat had him for dinner or with some luck, the young thing took flight to begin his adventure of life (I hope the latter). I realize this was a long story, sorry for that. When he and I were driving in the car, he watched me intently. He must have been frightened to be away from his mother.


  • Sevgul Sumer Dielemans

    wow! i am so flattered that my work has inspired you to write such a wonderful poem! that is amazing! thank you so much,sorry for my comment in english, it is sometimes hard for me to express myself in dutch. and i wanted to make sure that you know how happy i was when i read your poem. you are an artist in all senses of the word! see you again in the mailbox! :D



  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Helix Aspersa

    Thank you for the welcome!

  • Stephen Walker

    Hello Guido,

    I received your mail art on Tuesday. Thank you. It's fun receiving art in the mail. The colors you used in the envelope are great. Your adventure to Africa via counting to 463 sounds like a journey of discovery. I donate to UNICEF and receive updates on the hardships many face, especially in the Sahel region and the horn of Africa. Your description "I see all kinds of people in different situations: families, men alone, women alone, children alone, sick people, dying people even from what looks like starvation or illness or both." sadly is a painful reality.  UNICEF sums up worldwide... "Every day, more than 21,000 children die—and they don't have to. Malnutrition, unsafe drinking water, lack of an affordable vaccine." Fortunately progress is being made.

    Regarding your guide to your art projects of 2012, your group "TREES" interests me so I'm going to join. I love your collage. Thanks again for the mail art.


  • Stephen Walker


    Investing in children is our best hope for a brighter tomorrow. Each persons path and choices are not under our control, however living one's own life with an open heart and being generous is something we can control. Giving increases compassion and that is priceless. It's makes me smile knowing that you are helping kids in Uganda.


  • Stephen Walker


    The artwork THE CAGE reminds me how far we have to go as a human race to truly understand one another. Wisdom, customs and traditions are one side of the fence and material power / wealth / technology are on the other. World peace depends on a harmonious relationship of the two sides. I'm hopeful that the world is becoming more harmonious...even if progress is incremental. Your friends are talented artists. THE CAGE is thought-provoking and inspiring.


  • Rachel McDonnell

    Thank you so much! Wonderful!

  • Lynn Radford

    Hello, Guido!

    Can't wait to receive this gem! I'm a bit behind in my ma correspondence, but hope to get a little something out to you shortly... Best wishes for a most creative week! :D

  • Amy Irwen

    thank you Guido for the art envelope "disque de papier" and for the American's that is "paper disc"....also for the block of 3 artistamps...very nice...I am blogging now, but just wanted you to know that I received them *!*  hugs...

  • Zois

    Hallo Guido,  I answered you on "FBI" but did it using the "send message."  I do not know where it went.  Bier is the thing for this afternoon her after much work.   I should have used the "comment back" dingy!  I wonder where it went.  To your message page?

  • Stephen Walker

    Hello Guido,

    I received your painted envelope "SADNESS OF A SMALL BIRD WHO JUST LOST HIS MOTHER". Your art helps me look within and consider how life has many things/events/people that enter into one's world and, at some point, leave as well. That's why grieving is such an important part of being alive. Grieving the loss of various aspects of life helps me be appreciative of the many blessings in my life. Like mail art! And IUOMA! And the many talented artists in this world! Your story/poem RAIN and TEARS is creative, healing and vivid. Saha Khosravi's drawing is beautiful and very tender. Nature is such a strong healing force. Thank God for trees!



  • taidgh

    Hello Guido! I'm glad to hear that you got my envelope. Sometimes I get a little worried that the postman will keep the post for themselves or that it will get lost. Thankfully none of that happened and that you got it! Whew! I can breathe now. I think I have a fear of undelivered mail art. Thanks for your kind words.

  • Yasmine Johnson

    Hi! I recieved your mail art 'Just when I was getting used to dream in colors' today, it is wonderful! It is also the very first piece of mail art I have recieved from IUOMA! Will be sending something off shortly :)

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    "In the Snowstorm" came to my mailbox today, Guido, and how splendid. I see snow, and faces, and soulful ragged edges. It's stunning, and really speaks to me, as does "RAIN and TEARS." Thank You Very Much.

  • Mail Art Martha

    hi Guido thank you for the superb book in the amazing ginger cat envelope. They are both in my blog by now (on my page).

  • Mail Art Martha

    By the way, it would be nice as an eBook, which you can make from a doc document or an rtf even. Yousend it to Issuu and they make the book it si that simple.

  • Zois

    Dearest fearless and in peace,  You leave me breathless, and now this ray of light.

    Inside the egg the yellow glow spreads the tickle of life into the universe in you.  Every tree standing will contain you, the light ball of pebble and shell,  exerting outward love and fearless peace.

    Elizabeth Zois July 2012

  • Sherry Marie Harmes

    Elizabeth and my art card inspired this poem?  Fantastic!!! Hugs from Alaska, Sherry

  • Chad Marcum

    i recieved the stuff you sent today..thank you so made my day....

  • Susan McAllister

    I love the collage book! Thanks so much.
  • nijianming


  • Zois

    Dear Guido, this potato arrived  15 minutes ago.  It continues to see more things after the airplane, les boîtes aux lettres, el catto Benini, me, the room and the window.  This potato is pleased and content carrying your  Friour collages with Stephanie Blake.  All inspiring, deeply thoughtful and appreciated.

  • Lesley Magwood Fraser

    Your awesome collage book arrived yesterday Guido, it's fantastic. I have always loved collaging into surreal images. So last night I sat snipping and glueing something for you, you inspired me! Thankyou!

  • rebecca resinski

    Thank you for the mail-art, Guido!  Amazing envelope image....  Much appreciated.

  • Karin Greenwood

    Stunning poem, thank you so much. I produce a piece, but that is that. I don't think of words that can go with a piece of art. So Lacking !!!! Hope You well ????? 


    Nice work, Guido! Thanks

    Ciao from a very hot Summer.

  • BeeBee

    Thanks for connecting...Card coming soon!

  • Karin Greenwood

    Guido, I feel so flattered that my art could inspire someone to write a poem, thank you so much. Take care, Karin xx

  • Karin Greenwood

    Guido can I ask you a huge favour, could you photo stat my art with your poem at the bottom for me. Happt to pay for costs. Karin xx

  • Helix Aspersa

    Thank you, Guido, for the Fado inspired envelope and cloud poem!

  • Giulia Claire

    Thanks so much Guido! 

    Your work is stunning.

  • An. U.

    :) So warmly, thanks a lot! (:

  • Maria Teresa Cazzaro

    Thank guido... I would like to send a mail art, can you tell me your address... Bye
  • Matthias BRUGGER

    Welcome Guido and ..... good luck for your mail art projects



  • Mail Art Martha

    Hi Guido, good news, our eBook Dragons has today over 1000 hits (yesterday it was only 996). I suggest a little celebration? Perhaps you can go out with Stella and I shall invite Monsieur Leffe for a drink tonight.

  • An. U.

    Bonjour Guido! Are you interested in some mail art exchange with me?

  • Maria Teresa Cazzaro

    Sorry, I saw after .... I'm new and I'm getting familiar with the site ... Thank you guido
  • Mail Art Martha

    I am glad you don't go out with Stella, she is rather too thin and has no taste.

  • Rebecca Guyver

    A fabulous package arrived! My daughter and I were enraptured.  She has just heard that she has got the grades to do English Lit at Edinburgh University and in a weak moment I agreed that I would frame 'L'île Mystérieuse' for her to take to University as she seems to love it as much as I do! I will frame 'L'écritures de al nuit' and the envelope for myself - and the book, will be investigated with care!  So generous! I will blog later but need to celebrate Figgy's success first!

  • An. U.

    Thanks a lot! Your wonderful envelope & poetry came to me today!

    Mine will be in the post tomorrow, hope it will get to you soon and not damaged. (:

  • Karin Greenwood

    Hullo Guido, thank you so much for the wonderful book of collage and poems which you sent me. I really feel very honoured that you sent me one of your books. Thankyou for the poem you sent aswell. I am doing an altered book at Garret Artists, I will make copies of the art work for you. Thanks again, take care and have a wonderful weekend, Karin.

  • Lynn Radford

    Oh, Guido! Thank you! I had no idea you were sending it to me... Wow! Makes me doubly glad I felt so intensely about it! And doubly ashamed that I have yet to get your return in the mail.... It will be my priority this week! :D

  • Lynn Radford

    Never again will I apologize with my head hung in shame, Guido! What a pep talk! And you managed it in one sentence and a video! You are my hero, Sir! :D

    A friend of mine says that she has learned never to expect anything from me, rather she takes what comes, when it comes, as a gift from the heart, knowing that if I slowed down long enough to think of her, it was genuine and not forced... "because you creative types are so scattered! You know I mean this in the most loving way possible!" She gets me too. :D


  • Jayanna Killingsworth

    Thanks for the willkommen!!!! I truly look forward to sharing fascinating art! 

  • Mikhail Pogarsky

    Thank you!

  • Jayanna Killingsworth

    I am looking forward to it!

  • An. U.

     have you already received my mail? Please send a message you'll get, I started to worry.

  • Lynn Radford

    Glad I could add a bit of levity to your day, Guido! :D