

Elgin, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
It is cheaper than therapy and is an amazing way to connect with fabulous like minded people. It is also a great place to recruit for my Kult
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
407 S Liberty St
Elgin, IL 60120

Comment Wall:

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  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    lol - dat was funny! Thanks for the invite Diane!

  • Sandra Lefever

    Hi Diane! I just received and post your most recent mail to my Wordpress blog. Thank you for the ticket to every event I'll ever want to attend!

    Best, Sandra

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Diane, received your survival, faith and courage PC..where on earth did you get the clove gum or wrapper??? Have not seen that in forever! :)
    Love the "awdodd" LOL! *¿*

    Will blog soon...thank you!
  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    I received the most wondrous Trashpo today - Thank you so much Diane!Your work is so exciting! [I scanned it and put pics in my "Received" album]

    Now, I have all these tech questions for you:

    A: what glue do you use?

    B: it seems like there's this matte coating on some things - is that correct? If so, what is it [I love this finish!]

    C: What is the envelope made of? When I first looked, I thought maybe it was printed vellum, then I saw the inside & it seemed a print on plain white paper. There seems to be a matte-plasticy sheen to it. Very cool!

    Going on my bulletin board of favorites... The reply may take a bit as I've quite a back-log, but it's coming... Once again, Thanks so much for the beauty...

  • Sandra Lefever

  • cheryl penn

    Not VERY near me. I have been there. Amazing stuff. When balance has been restored there sholdl be a whole lot more of this :-) X

  • Susan McAllister

    Thanks, Diane. My birthday was in April. You're only a little late. I'm still celebrating.
  • Arac

    Got my D-Kult pass card today! No worries, I'm sure I can "handle" security ;)

  • Svenja Wahl

    Super-card, Diane! I love the "dramatic-side"-fortune cookie!!

  • Arac

  • Susan McAllister

    Thanks, Diane, for the card. It's very mysterious. I love that.
  • Susan McAllister

    Hey Diane, my birthday was April 21st.
  • Susan McAllister

    Nope, I didn't think you had dementia. I just figured you were overwhelmed with all the work of running DKult.
  • Arac

    I've been DKulted!!!  No doubts, where do I sign? :)  Also, is there a chance of rejection if I didn't believe ALL the rights to be right...would if help if I didn't believe the wrongs were right either?!>?

  • Not Hi Ng

    Diane, I'm glad it made it to you and that it works. The message I left on it is of no importance, the main thing is that there is a continued interaction from one mail artist to another. I have a couple more I'm working on to send out, maybe another one will make it's way around to you again.

  • cheryl penn

    Safely Bound and valued at $4.97 has arrived - in our currency thats a FORTUNE!!! Valuable - like the piece you sent :-)!! Just remembered you asked me to work on something - scrambled egg brain at the moment - will get on it XX

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    hey Diane, I received my second helping of DK tRashPo goodies today - weeee!!! Thank you so much! Will be posting images in the near future [working on TP button. Steph's is very cool!] Thanks again!

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Excellent choices. Your kids will not be scarred. You get mother of the year award. I lost mine the year I forgot to pick up my son from camp and he was the last kid there in the pouring rain and Ms Alicia was called by camp director  to pick him up.

  • stripygoose

    Hello DK - lovely surprise for me in the post today - thank you. love it. am guessing that card was once part of something bigger? can i still join trashpo if i have no trash only rubbish? :>)))

  • De Villo Sloan

    Diane, I mentioned that DKult has some similarities to the Church of the Subgenius.

    Do you know or know of MarK Bloch in NYC? Panmodern is a great site. He also did stuff on Neo, which has some ties to DKult. I thought the "open pop star" idea was tremendous: you invent an imaginary rock (though ma etc) and then different people can assume the identity. Anyway, if you have a chance Panmmodern isn't bad. Here's the Neo section:


  • De Villo Sloan

    The main Panmodern site is a better link:

  • De Villo Sloan

    Glad you took a look.

    Mark Bloch was a D-Koincidence - too much time in the Trashpo shared consciousness. I had come across a postcard he sent trying to keep ahead of filing stuff. Later

  • Cernjul Viviana María


  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Sandra Lefever

  • Svenja Wahl

    Pickle alarm in Heidelberg!!! Supercool mail you've sent me, Diane, I love the animail theme and can't believe you did this! Woowwww! Happy here in Heidelberg today - thank you!

  • Ana Karina

    Hi diane. glad cereal art got there in one piece. I've started writing down who i've sent mailart to now, lol, though i did want to send to you, i just forgot i had just sent you one a few days before! it translates to the sardiners, if that's a word, which means i guess the sardine men or sardine fishing men, something like that :D

  • Sarah Churchill

    You are more than welcome Diane. My first ever trashbook! The ticket stub was from a school trip many years ago, and seemed like a little treasure I should pass on. I am very glad that you like it! :)
  • De Villo Sloan

    Another DK masterpiece acquired by the Japanese MinXus-Lynxus Collection:

  • David Repunto

  • Arte Correo Correo

    Hi just passing by to say hi, I will be sending you something soon!


  • Arte Correo Correo

    I recived your mail,Thanks!!!! you will be reciving mine soon!  Any specific theme you are working on ?

  • Suus in Mokum

    Hi Diane, that card traveled really fast. Glad you like it. It is ginger Troels' first birthday today. He is such a cuddle-beasty.

  • Ursula Rodgers

    Thank you for the postcard! I will hopefully be sending you something in return soon (it's been so hot I haven't been in a very creative mood lately unfortunately).

  • Sarah Churchill

  • Sandi Wedemeier

    Damn everything but the squirrels! Erm...I'd love to be your friend. I would and I could and I will and I can!

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Diane...what a WONDERFUL idea for an Add n Pass !  I'm just going to show the back so far; don't want to spoil it for the next person :-)

  • Amy Irwen

    Thanks for that Diane...I will make sure that info is on the piece for everyone else....
  • Marie Wintzer

    Diane!!! Looooooooove it!!!

    Mailart project
    Doingpoetry: Poetry, Art, Society
    Free size, medium and technique
    No fee, no jury, no sales, no returns
    The show will be held in Pavia in 2012, October 19-21
    At Santa Maria Gualtieri
    during PAVIART POETRY Festival 2012
    Organization by O.M.P. and Farepoesia
    Documentation: all submissions will also be posted
    on the web sites under costruction in:
    Artworks should be sent by snail mail
    DEADLINE to be received
    2012, September 30

    send to:
    Via Torino 37
    I-27100 Pavia

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Just now watched your trashpo selection + creation videos--fantastic. And fun for the whole family! I remember to check videos about once every 3.5 months so am late, late, late. But they're great ...

  • Arte Correo Correo

    Have you recive any of my mail art?
  • Arte Correo Correo

    Yey I'm glad you got it !

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, DK!

    The BLUE trash pieces will be wisely used for trashpo!

    'Love the photos xxx Your packet was full of fun surprises! xxx

  • Arte Correo Correo

    oh I'm so happy they arrive, and  that you like them xD

  • yves maraux

  • Helder

    Hey Diane, many thanks for your nice words :) !namaste!
  • cheryl penn

    Svenja's Zine page :-)))

  • trick sensei

    thanks for the nice card!

  • De Villo Sloan