Patricio - The Celestial Scribe




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
I suspect 1549 A.D.
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Medieval manuscript researchers studying how medieval mail art was produced insisted for me to join IUOMA for almost a century. Point is that mail art and IUOMA are seriously addictive and here I´m today dealing poorly with my fatal flaw. Hooked forever in this ego trip....a good one!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

The Celestial Scribe
Terrene Embassy
Republik van Patland
Caixa Postal 461

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  • carunana

    patience , i have some urgent work to do !

  • anamerari

    oi patricio esse é um modelo de uma instalação...isto é,como expor?tem local específico ou pode ser em qualquer local?

    tu faz jus ao nome escriba,tem um traço literário muito bom,amei as explicações e realmente é uma coisa" viciante"...

  • anamerari

    patricio mais algumas perguntinhas:

    #posso criar utilizando também photoshop como recurso?

    #fotografia é aceitável?

    # vc já criou um mail art book?


  • David Dellafiora

    Dear Patricio

    wonder I look forward to seeing it.

    best wishes



    Thank you, it was sent...

  • leci maria bohn

    Ok, Patricio. Muito obrigada!

  • crustacés tapes

    hi patricio!

    did you ever received my little package from montreal?

    anne-f aka crustacés tapes

  • Sarah Churchill

    Thank you for your warm welcome Patricio! I promise to send something to you very soon.

  • Patricia Alejandra Nuñez

    Gracias, Patricio

    Ayer escribí algo pero parece que no lo envié bien y no salió publicado. La página o su formato es nuevo para mí, lo que no tengo claro es de que manera envio "mí arte"... Virtual? Postal? Te comentaba también que no tengo un buen inglés, lo básico y simple. Espero estar a la altura de todos ustedes, todo lo que he visto en arte es realmente excelente! Saludos desde Argentina.

  • Rebecca Cook

    Your art gift is on its way and I do hope it arrives without mishap!

  • scrap-art

    Hi Patricio,

    thank you for your warm welcome! I promise to send you my Mail art right soon!

    Warm regards from Austria to Brazil! :-)


  • Marialba Corte Restitutti

    ola Patricio,

    Desculpa-me pelas palavras sem acento e tambem pelo "c" sem cedilha,pois estou com um notebook novo e ainda n~ao aprendi os comandos para a nossa lingua.

    Depois desse aparte, agradeco-lhe o carinho e delicadeza em me convidar para ser su amiga do Iuoma e espero tao logo for possivel dividir minha arte com voce.

    Adorei seu trabalho.

    Um grande abraco,


  • Sarah Churchill

    There is something on its way to you now!
  • scrap-art

    I'm ready and have already sent it!


  • Kim Stockton

    Thank you for the welcome!!  I am working on something now and will send to you very soon.  I look forward to my journey with this.

  • Nadie Alambrenlacintura

    Hola, gracias por escribir, es cierto, empezaré a enterarme poco a poco...

    te enviaré algo en cuanto tenga un rato. y espero vuelta !!! un saludo caluroso

  • eric thompson

     hello, Eric thompson, here , and the mail is already on the way............

  • Sarah Churchill

    Has anything arrived into your mailbox from me yet?!

  • Mail Rat

    Postbird's wings are tired from the flight to Canada.  What kind of leaf is that Scribe?  Thank you so much! Will put together something nice for you.  Mail Rat

  • Lais Castro

    Boa noite Patrício, tens razão, nosso contato foi pela IUOMA, eu foi que cheguei a IUOMA através do linkedin. Um abraço.

  • Patrice Keats


  • Jan Arnold-Blotz

    Thank you for the invitation to exchange mail art.  I would love to and will as soon as I get settled.

  • Mike Avina

    Very Good Patrcio--I will put you on the list!
  • Sarah Churchill

    Patricio, you are too kind :)
    I'm glad you enjoyed my little Venetian mask piece, and feel free to exhibit it however you'd like - my Mail Art is for all to see!
  • Willie Marlowe


  • Luzia Castañeda

    Olá Patrício, grata pela acolhida, estou me virando no site, aos pouco aprendendo a dinâmica. Enviarei um postal para vc assim que voltar de viagem neste final de semana.Como fico sabendo o endereço dos outros friends?

    O frio de sua terra me dá injeva, aqui em Campinas estamos derretendod e calor.

    Vou organanizar uma exposiçõa de mail art, coisa que nunca fiz antes, vc tem alguma sugestão ou indicações de sites que possam em ajudar? O tema será descapacidade e amor, para o festival da paz em setembro SP.



  • Daniela Amaral Quadros

    Olá Patrício.

    Estive fora por uns dias e só agora tive tempo de ler a sua mensagem. Agradeço o seu convite e enviarei algo para si. Vou ao site para perceber como as coisas funcionam. Mais uma vez, muito obrigado pelo convite.

  • Christine Newkirk

    Thank you for the warm welcome Patricio.  A collage is on its way and should arrive in your mailbox in a few days!


  • Arac

    Got the envelope full of goodies from the Republik Van Patland...thank-you so much! :)

  • Christoph Fuhrken

    Hi Patricio,

    Oh, thats no problem! I will send you a mail art card for PEACE today and invite you to the exhibition ART 4 PEACE as I invite all artist from the "end of the world" to participate, because its true art has to be beautiful to make it, there are no illusions in hell no distance from reality.

    All the best


  • Christoph Fuhrken

    Hi Patricio,

    I have had send my Postcard two days ago

  • gilberte vermeulen

    Thank you for welcoming me.  As soon as my celestial inspiration is back I will address you a snail mail.

    Funny that Vermeulen sounds familiar in Brazil !

  • Loud Apple

    Hi! Thank-you so much for the kind welcome, everyone here is so wonderful:) I would love to send you a piece of mail-art, I will mail it by the end of the week:) Thank-you for asking, and bye for now!

  • Stephen Boyling

    Thank you for your welcome ... will send something along shortly.


  • Peter Goudaman

    Hello Patricio...thanks for the warm welcome. Of course, there is something on the way to you...but it's coming by way of my mind, which can be a long way off at times. : )
  • Martha W. Bush

    OK.  I will get something going, celetial scribe....  May the light shine.... martha

  • Corrine Gilman

    Great welcome, thanks.
  • Martha W. Bush

    smiling, she said:  no comment right now.  Further, she said:  thanks for paying attention to moi.

  • Not Hi Ng

    This is a slow but friendly thanks for the friendly welcome. I will respond with mail art soon.

  • Sharon Renick

    Thank you for your warm welcome!  I've been away from my computer for several days.  When I get some mail together, I'll mail to you.  Thank you again.  :)


  • Not Hi Ng

    Since the bridge has been establish it's time to use it. I'll be sending something your way.

  • Arac

    I swear I only looked away from my mailpbox for 2 seconds and it must've been then that the heavenly messenger delivered my mail from the eternal garden. Thanks Patricio...very nice! :))))))))

  • Christine Newkirk

    Received your fabulous mail today....thank you!!!

  • Melanie Lucas

    thanks for the welcome.  I will get something out to you in the next week.  Working nights is killing me!!  Hope you are havig a nice day!!

  • Bea savellano

    Thank you for the cool envelop full of mail goodies.  I am wondering how to keep these and other mailart in a book? or ???...beasy

  • Terrie Purkey

    I'm glad you liked the p/c - the photo came from a book I have of world architecture and when I saw that I knew it had to go on a p/c to you. 

  • Sarah Churchill

    Patricio, your envelope has arrived finally in Pontypridd, via a beautiful hummingbird. Thank you so much! Posted here

  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Patricio, recibí tu Arte Correo del 22-02-2012. Es hermoso leer el texto y ver tan maravilloso trabajo!! Me alegraste el día. Muchísimas gracias. Abrazos.

  • L-aura Lili-th (Laura Barreiro)

    Hola Muchas gracias por la informacion, pronto te enviare algo y no me ha llegado nada hasta el momento tuyo.

    un abrazo y gracias.

  • Patricia Gayone

    En cuanto pueda te envio correo! Saludos! Y te envio mi convocatoria!

    PROYECTO DE ARTE CORREO: Tema "Oráculo" Envío de los trabajos con la temática " Oráculo " por correo postal. Técnica: libre (no audio, video o material perecedero). ... Tamaño: 13 x 18cm Detrás de la obra colocar datos (título, autor, dirección postal y mail, más todo dato que se considere necesario). Cantidad: Libre Fecha de cierre de recepción: 10/10/2012.
    No jurado, no retorno, no devolución, no comercialización. Todas las obras serán publicadas on-line en el blog: Todas las obras recibidas serán expuestas en diciembre de 2012. (Lugar y fecha a Confirmar). Se enviará certificado de participación vía mail, a la dirección electrónica provista por el participante. Se seleccionaran todas las obras recibidas salvo las que no guarden el criterio de la temática propuesta o atenten contra la dignidad de las personas. La participación en esta convocatoria es libre e implica el conocimiento y plena aceptación de las bases de la misma. Agradecemos su participación. Enviar a: Patricia Gayone "Oráculo" Pedro Goyena 1544 depto 2º A.