Guido Vermeulen

70, Male



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Communication in a global network
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  • Rosa Gravino

    Hello Guido, I have received your beautiful work for the project Daily Ecology. Thank you very much!
    I will send to you something for a book of Ann
  • goncayengin

    This is my first mail arts in my life! I am very excited! Thanks Guido!
  • chaosatlanta

    I received your wonderful painted envelope and photo tribute remembering Marilyn Dammann.  Thank you so much for your terrific mailart.
  • John Tingey

    Excellent - another successful delivery. Love the blog. Cheers, John
  • Svenja Wahl

    Dear Guido, thank you for your wonderful envelope (!) and the invitation to your projects. Especially "the book of Ann", the mythical femail, sounds great, I'll send you something as soon as I'll have seen her. I vote for the cardboard box, have a heart for insects ... Best, Svenja
  • Renée Wagemans

    Ha die Guido, morgen stuur ik jou een nieuwe Anna, ik hoop dat ie goed aankomt, want jet is een transparant plastic doosje. They found her in the freezer. Ik hoop dat je haar leuk vindt.
  • Cernjul Viviana María

    thank you for you beautiful card!
  • Svenja Wahl

    Dear Guido, Ann inspired me, so I'll sent you something today! Greetings from Heidelberg Svenja
  • Yvonne Neldel

    Dear Guido, thank you so much for your letter. The next days I will show your nice envelope in a blog. Also the idea of inventing Ann sounds very interesting to me.....AND: you are a criminal!! Only because of your note on the envelope saying:"Wild Is The Wind ( a Nina Simone Song)" I am spending my time by listening to her and a different version by David Bowie. THANK YOU!:) Yvonne.
  • oizy


    Merci beaucoup pour ton envoi, c'est superbe! me voila bien gatée!

    Par contre si tu peux m'envoyer tes appels en francais, je comprendrai bien mieux ce que tu me demandes.

    Biz a bientot

  • mabb

    "I'd like to be under the sea
    In an octopus's garden in the shade..."  - Beatles/Octopus's Garden

    Oh, yes, I remember that song!  Your envelope is so pretty!  It arrived here last Friday - many thanks, Guido!

  • Karin Greenwood

    Hi Guido, Thank you very much for the snake smelling the the roses. I am actually very scared of snakes as we often get them here. My son and husband catch them then take them to the Gorge and release them. Your snake is on paper so am not scared. I lie lizards, frogs and geko's etc. I must have been bitten by a snake in one of my past lives - thus the fear. Take care and thanx always for super art mail.
  • Renée Wagemans

    Ha die Guido, bedankt voor de droom die moeilijk te herinneren is.
  • Renée Wagemans

    wat leuk heb je een link daar naar toe?
  • Renée Wagemans

    Ik ben uiteraard heel nieuwsgierig, en ben meteen gaan kijken! Dat ziet er erg mooi uit en niet alleen jouw bijdragen maar ook een aantal anderen vind ik erg mooi. Ik zal me de komende tijd eens gaan beramen of ik daar ook iets mee zou kunnen en of ik daar dan ook de tijd voor heb. Want dat is vaak mijn grootste probleem, hoeveel tijd is er naast de tijd die ik met veel liefde aan mijn heel erg lieve partner wil besteden en de tijd die ik aan mijn full time baan moet besteden, en het feit dat ik zoveel dingen leuk vind en wil doen. Keuzestress heh. Nee hoor dat is onzin, maar ik vind wel heel veel dingen leuk. Groetjes Renée
  • BarnArt

    WOW Guido! We received your BEAUTIFUL envelope today, which I've posted above. What an incredible piece, thank you so much - the colors are fantastic. Thanks for all the great information too, we will have to look into the projects that you are working and try and contribute to one or many. It all sounds so interesting - thank you and see you in the mail very soon! Much love from NC, USA.
  • Svenja Wahl

    Dear Guido, I received your wonderful envelope, thanks a lot! Best, Svenja
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    To receive your Tabula Rasa painting, tribute to Arvo Part, is a big, unexpected pleasure, Guido. I'm really touched that you sent it--thank you my friend. I love it + what you wrote on the back. Yes, tabula rasa, strangely necessary for connection! I am going to post this on my blog, which is behind, but should be in the next 4-5 days. More soon.
  • cheryl penn

    Animals of Democracy arrived - MAN! Its FAB!! 

    "Man hopes for the animal

    They throw warmth in the arms"

    Beautiful :-) X

  • Caroline Krabbe

    Dear Guido,
    Your art postcard "A tale told to children only", has arrived today. It looks great! Thank you very much for participating in our project. Regards from Spain.

  • chaosatlanta

    Thank you for the lovely work.  Always a treasure!


  • Uncustomary

    Thank you for your wonderful mail art envelope. I love it. I'm going to try to make something for this call. Have a great day!

    Que prazer encontrá-lo por aqui, querido...


  • Jim SantAmour

    Thank you for the "Wheel of Fortune/Devil in Disguise" piece!  It is wonderful.  I've got an idea for the Book of Ann - be on the lookout. Take care - Jim.
  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Thank you for the lovely work.

  • Erica Durante

    Hi Guido! I loved the envelope you sent me! I sent you a postcard a few days ago. I hope you like it!
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Your Asemics #5 pages arrived to me today, Guido, and they are, not surprisingly, wonderful! I'm really enjoying them. Thank you very much ~
  • Karin Greenwood

    Hi Guido, Thankyou So much for the wonderful art which arrived. As always very creatve and colourful art. Thank you for the extra card. It'slike getting a surprise present. Sending to you today !! Take care, Karin.
  • BarnArt

    Hi Guido, 
    We put something in the mail to you this morning to return the exchange. Hello from North Carolina and I hope you enjoy! See you in the mail soon, "BarnArt" Sarah & Nick
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Excellent, thanks for that info, Guido--I knew there was rhyme and/or reason involved but wasn't sure how.  I will figure it out and read your poem.  Fado:  sounds like I'd love it, yes?  Would it be available here? I will check.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    p.s. I'm nearly done with the latest Ann. Should go out tomorrow or Wednesday. There are no asemics involved! Which was shocking until I realized my desire was to be straightforward about her in this piece (among other things).
  • Lesley Magwood Fraser

    Thankyou Guido - your Asemic #5 arrived today. I love the simplicity of it, and of course the Irish Celtic images - remember I'm Irish! Nice statement too - In Braga stars sing Fado to the moon.... Love it! Romantic.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Much obliged, Guido. You are becoming an important music guru for me. Book of Ann piece went out to you yesterday.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Lots of Fado on YT, thank you, Guido! Now I can really hear it. And am liking it very much; it could be good to listen to while working. Melancholy works for me. I especially like Branco, but appreciate the others too.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Found it! Took a while because Amazon did not know it as having to do with Slauerhoff, but googling got me the name of the album where she is singing his poems. Thanks, Guido. I have ordered it. Yesterday YouTube was working great for me; today I cannot get it to play. Drives me crazy. I wanted to send you a link to my favorite video of her on there.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    It's funny you should bring up Malraux. My halfway thesis in college was on his "Man's Fate"!

    What a fantastic exchange, all that music, good work. Have you heard much Brazilian? I'm awaiting the Branco fado CD, due to arrive within the week.

    What you wrote me about Strauss's "Four Last Songs" was disturbing, I'm still thinking on it and trying to find out more.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Guido! This is a most intriguing and fantastic painted envelope!

  • Louise Kiner

    Hello Guido!

    I just wanted to thank you for the really fabulously colourful  painted envelope! Thank You!


  • Svenja Wahl

    Thanks a lot, Guido, fort the wonderful envelope an picture!
  • yves maraux

    je ne suis pas aussi indépendant de l'économie capitaliste pour prècher sa faillite , je ne pense pas que l'opposition hédoniste réponde aux necessité du temps , et ceux qui se foutent de ci ou ça le font souvent à crédit ; IUOMA est aussi un parti dans le grand parti mondial de l'art qui devrait élir ses représentants à la comission et au parlement européen ; meme en france le parti artistique européen devrait avoir son candidat à la présidentielle ! il a souvent des activités et des représentants là ou aucun autre parti n'a une permanence !
  • cheryl penn

    King Guido - long may you reign :- ) X
  • yves maraux

    ( la main , s'il n'y a rien d'autre ? et le chapeau ;;;? ) d'une autre maniere donner la canne à peche plutot que le kg de poissons et là , les choix ... les options ....
  • yves maraux

    suggestion :attaquer un syndrome par antiphrase : tuer ou ne pas tuer le facteur mordu par le chien !
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Guido, I am really crazy about your Heartbreak Hotel. Love it *a lot,* thank you special. Branco arrived while I was in upstate NY and is singing today, all day. Love it a lot also. More very soon.
  • yves maraux

    oui mais que faire s'il est mordu par un chien errant ou pas ?
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Hi Guido, I too ordered another Branco (Murmurios), Gorecki's 3d String Quartet (you recommended), & Yo-Yo Ma's Bach cello suites (1st set is wrecked). Your cat may know something about art that you don't; maybe give him a shot at it more often, haha. Your experience tempts me to put my so-so works on the floor and let the cats do what they will. I hope your big work is salvageable!
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    It wasn't The Secret(s) of Hurricanes that got swamped, was it?! I've been admiring the photo you sent of it.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Thanks Guido, and the pawprint inkspots make me envious even though they must be a pain in the.  Guess what?? The original Book of Ann piece is set to go back to you tomorrow. Bet you thought you'd never see it again.
  • cheryl penn

    MANY thanks for DeskTop's - FAB!!!! Ensor and Basquiat would be thrilled!!! As am I - and the envelope - maybe its like that? :-) X
  • yves maraux