Guido Vermeulen

70, Male



Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
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Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Communication in a global network
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

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  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Beatiful!! Very nice photos.
  • nice one, but you're a tad late on the whistle! ;-D

    i used what was on the back for the title.

  • i'm going to finish up the collage now (instead of doing french homework! :-O )then your zombie book should be in the mail tomorrow!!!

    hope you like the collage! i'm using the walking dead compendium pages for it!

  • your book is going to cost more to ship than it's worth i think.

    but i'm sending it anyways.

    if you don't feel like passing i on, i understand!

    enjoy it either way, i'm also sending some other stuff with it for you.

  • zombies aren't invented from movies!

    but movies certainly helped popularize them.

    i believe they are a carribean myth?

    not sure it is carribean, but i think so.


    and the frior got covered up with stamps anyhow, so no worries about icelandic zombies attacking you in your sleep!


    but yes, i did have a movie book for zombies, but it has been torn up quite a bit and used in collaging.

    i think it was titled "book of the dead"

    i'll have to see if i can pick up another copy when i have money.


  • frior guido!

    there is a chapter of your zombie encyclopedia on its way!

    don't let the icelanders intercept it from you!!!

  • Victoria Barvenko

    Dear Guido, I is happy that your letter has reached my mail box))), many thanks, fine work, I in admiration) will try to send more soon to you the answer), once again thanks)))
  • Bifidus Jones

    Pleased to meet you, Guido--regards, Bifidus
  • carl baker

    guido, good to have a friend,

    kind regards and send out MAILaert today.

    carl baker, canadada.

  • Frieder Speck

    Your envelpe arrived today, thank you very much! I will post it soon!
  • Julie McBee

    I received your wonderful art today!! Thank you so much! I love it and the photo!!
  • Frieder Speck

    so you know I´m answering quick! ;-)

  • glad it got there.

    now you'll have a fighting chance.

    when they come!!!

  • cheryl penn

    Naand Guido - hoe gaan dit :-)? - I received your FAB envelope - I have put it on my blog but will add it here tomorrow - its wonderful, and RELATIVELY in tact - thank you! How are your asemic pages coming along?  These envelopes will go on my exhibition next year.
  • cheryl penn

    Guido - you have to make 15 copies - keep on for yourself - 16 copies - and post to everyone on the list?? It is not an add and pass????
  • cheryl penn

    P.S. - thank you for the birthday wishes :-)

    P.S.S. For the asemic book, each artist will end up with 15 copies, plus their own and this will be bound in a book you keep.

  • cheryl penn

    Hey Guido - glad  we cleared that up :-) - all the instructions are in the asemic group? There is a format discussion as well as a full list of addresses - you are in Book 1 - the list of people to post to is in the address list discussion but I can copy and send to you if you are stuck? I blogged your FAB work - and its on

    Have a good rest of the week :-) X

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Thank you, Guido, I will send you mail art very soon ~
  • Thom Courcelle

    So happy to receive your friendship request!  Thank you! I hope to send you some art soon!
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Guido, many thanks indeed for your 'Lettere Amorose' inspired envelope -- really nice graphics there! I'll send you some photos in a little while, but not right now cos I'm busy organising an exhibition. Some of my mail art stuff will be in the post to you at the end of the week; Hope you are having a good summer, Regards, le Tour de Val
  • Frieder Speck

    Bonjour Thanks alot for your letter arrived today! I like it very much and I think I will ask for Ann and send you the results.
  • Juan Angel Italiano

    Today July 27 came your mail. Thank you very much for the mailing, very beautiful your project. This type of works dignifies the  mail-art. Strong and fraternal greetings from Uruguay.
  • Frieder Speck

    Your asemics arrived, Thank you very much black + white Vermeulen what a surprise but no disappointment! great work, love it!
  • DKeys

    Hi Guido!!! What a beautiful surprise to receive your aseemic chapter today. They are just stunning. The tribal primitive style is so distinctly yours I would recognize  it anywhere and the extra piece you made me is so  mystical and lyrical. Thanks so much--there is a reason I stalk my mailman:)  all the best


  • LaVona Sherarts

    Hello ! I will be having surgery on my eye next Thursday. Hope you will sing a song for me. Yes, I am smiling LaVona

    and i will be posting the zombies very soon on!


    you really made my day friour guido!!!!!

  • Victoria Barvenko

    Hello Guido)))) Curious Ann for your
  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Guido....thanks for the Friend request....
  • Gabriel Xiloj

    Hallo Guido, heb je toegevoegd als vriend.

    Ik hoop veel interessante kunstwerken te mogen maken

    en plaatsen hier en wie weet, wat adressen scoren om interessante post naar toe te sturen.

    Ik schrijf zelf nog erg graag, met vulpen, ik mis het sturen van echte brieven.

    Ik maak gebruik van allerlei kunstvormen in mijn werken, laat me niet graag beperken door middelen.

    Nou dat was in het kort mijn verhaal.

  • Gabriel Xiloj

    Hallo Guido,

    Je woont in de vinchotte straat !, zo heette Winschoten, waar ik woon vroeger.
    Het schrijven en kunst uitwisselen wordt zeker een geslaagd experiment, weet het zeker.
    Liefde en licht gewenst uit Winschoten/Vinchotte,
  • Karin Greenwood

    Guido, Just got your fantastic mail art today and i really like your photo aswell, thanx so much, take care Karin.
  • Lesley Magwood Fraser

    Stormy Weather at Black Mountain Rock is here! I love your acid green colours, the little creatures flying around - are they mountain rock people or do they live in the tram rail flowers in Brussels??? Lovely piece thankyou Guido!

  • Maria João Franco

    Good morning!
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Guido, I sent you mailart today, after working on a piece for The Book of Ann off & on for several days. It's not ready, but something (non-minimal, I might add!) else is on its way to you. There was no room to write "Hi" on it.  So, Guido, hi.
  • Lesley Magwood Fraser

    Oh Guido I understand those irish piskies well! I am from Ireland (many years ago!) so they have always been part of me. But I dont give them my whiskey, I keep it ALL to myself! Now I understand the rich acid greens you used too. :)
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Guido, she does look like a beauty, and I'm surprised I'd never heard of her.  She has recorded some very difficult composers, according to my google wanderings.  You're right about the "minimal" in music -- Philip Glass!  I listen to him a lot in my studio, and don't hear any rests.  Some Satie is minimal, I think, but certainly not all.  In fact I listen often to all three you mentioned: Glass, Satie, and Mozart.  There is one piece by Arvo Part that I would say is definitely minimal, and I love it.  I should listen to that while struggling to make minimal art!
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    First, good for you for refusing to imprison the art you own in a safe, a bad "what's the point" situation. The Arvo Part piece I mean is "Spiegel im Spiegel," do you know it? The only recording I've found it on is Part's "Alina"-titled CD.  I've rarely heard a more meditative piece and can barely remember life before it! I didn't know of Zurn ...
  • Rosa Gravino

    Hello Guido, I have received your envelope replete with art. I really love it!
    I have published it in my blog:
    I am be very grateful for your participation in "daily ecology" Very good work!
    Thank you very much!
  • Amy Irwen your Mail Art Envelope and Photo..."Mozart" is very thought provoking and the photo is very Whimsical with fabulous architecture!..thank you!!

    Could you message me your address...I think I have it right from the envelope but want to make sure.... : - 0  Amy

  • Amy Irwen

    Thanks it!
  • Karin Greenwood

    Hi Guido, thank you so much for the wonderful artwork you sent me, love it. I got a page with stamps on it, what am i suppsed to do with it? must i put a stamp on it , add my , name and send it back to you ? help !!! Take care and have a wonderful day.
  • mabb

    Helloooo, Guido!  Thanks for the friending.  That was a nice surprise.  You will see me in the mail!
  • Laura P (spopod)

    Thanks for the friend request, looking forward to trading mail art with you.
  • cheryl penn

    Hey Guido :-) - deadline will be posted later - the format IS a change from # 1 - I have posted an image in the main discussion - those are the size of the folded pages :-) X
  • Uncustomary

    Thank you for the purple mail-art envelope and the picture. <3