Sorry that you aren't 100% up to par...I know the feeling!!!!
I was at the printers today in Bonaventure. I picked up a proof of my book Postcards From the Garden. It's a go!!! The printers told me my book would be ready this week. I'll mail you one asap.
The Dream Time :-) - for sure - have a wonderful book on the Aboriginal Dreaming. Have made you something which I will post today. Yes, as winter draws in here and the shadows get longer, so the dreams get darker. Working in phases? - FOR certain! Where the wind blows :-) X
Good morning (here in the US). I am looking forward to becoming involved with this group of artists. I am a retired (early!) art teacher and painter who has been working on visual journals lately. I need to learn a bit more about how the IUOMA works and then will be sending off some mail (I hope).
Goede avond, Guido! Thanks for yet another great envelope, and he enclosed list of FRIUOR approved Mail Art projects -- I'v already responded to the Free Art and Great War ones.
I'll be sending you and Anne -- or you for Anne, or Anne for you -- something back next week. Ask her if she will be my Lost Sock princess, please.
Hi Guido, I'm told that's the trouble with Princesses -- they are a bit temperamental at times; Anyway when you two receive my card next week, and when your very own the Princess finds her lost sock, everything shoulod be OK.
Goede morgen Guido! Your output is incredible. Do you post out all of the stuff you make to lucky recipients like me? Or just post it on the IUOMA site? (Or a combination of the two?)
Regards, to you and Anne from Val and Anne
Jun 23, 2011
hi guido!
i saw above you said you were "fed up with receiving only copy"
i hope you reconsider.
whether or not you agree with me that copies are as good as the originals, i don't mind.
but i hope you at least consider.
to me, the art is what you get from it, and there is as much to be gotten from a copy as from an "artifact." in the same way you can learn from reading a message transferred over the internet as opposed to reading in a dusty old text with pages falling apart.
IMHO there is nothing inherently more special about the artifact than the encoded portion of art, reprinted, remanufactured, distributed on a large scale.
for me, lately i've been making digital-only works, which only exist in the realm of bits and bytes. the closest thing to an original is a print with my penmanship on the back.
is that any less art than something made wholly from tangible substance?
i hope to trigger some synaptic pathways, that is all! ;-D
Dear Guido, Of course you are crazy -- don't fight it! I'm sure that a large measure of craziness is a necessary but not sufficient prereqisition for membership of IUOMA. We're all crazy, as is mail Art, especially when you try to explain it to those to whom it is a new concept. I send a lot of stuff to international exhibitions, as I have (crazy?) pretensions to be an 'international arrist'. I also have individual exhibitions, whenever i get the opportunity.Unlike you, and this is what you might be critical of, I make up collages in batches of 6 or so: they are all subtly different pieces but neverthless part of a series. What I don't have anything at all to do with is email art: that's just not for me, although I can appreciate the artistic talent and effort that goes into it's creation. But, somehow, it's not real postal art.
Thanks for the info about MD -- she seems to have been a very special lady.
Regards, Hilton
Jun 24, 2011
i haven't followed the whole discussion, i will admit, but i've been thinking heavily on the pieces i grasped onto this morning when browsing through the comments; and i want to throw this out there:
your photocopy of the piece with ann's piano lesson has actuallu been one of the most inspirational pieces driving me through these last couple of months. i absolutely adore that piece (which i since sent off to someone along with my french homework. it is by far the favorite piece i've received from you, although i adore the envelopes, the piano lesson spoke VOLUMES, regardless or not whether it was a copy.
again, i respect your opinion, i just hope you'll take a second thought about the matter because there is a lot to be said for the art of the copy.
Jun 24, 2011
i can understand that, and it i've come across something similar in my own art calls when someone sent me a postcard completely unrelated to the mail call for Mail of the Living Dead. it was a promotion for their website and had nothing to do with zombies. i ended up posting it, but not with the zombies. i put it on the free art blog. but it certainly provoked some thought about what should i do with it? and if i accepted it, where should i draw the line.
i sent you a bunch of copies of my art, which were in fact for your particular mail call, i don't know if you've received them or not yet, but they were all inspired by your photocopy of ann and her mum. i have sent out multiple copies to others, but not to any other mail art call, just to individuals.
i think i agree with you on some level for the calls, it is somewhat disrespectful to make a reproduction and submit for various things which it may not even be related to, but on the other hand i think i can see leeway for acceptance of works which are done in such a way. it is art, afterall, and art rarely if ever "follows the rules."
thanks for the food for thought! ;-D
Jun 24, 2011
my main concern is that i am running more and more toward mass copies of art, but i don't want to lose friends!!! i love you to death, you've been a great correspedencer! but i've been consumed lately with the digital art, which as i said // has no original artwork // -- everything i virtual, there is no original! ;-D
i have been networking with the art, sending out TONS of copies to many people, in hopes they will respond and see what the free art thing is all about, but i spend far more time making the art than sending, i am certainly not just sending one piece! i make a digital piece, then immediately print out about ten copies to send. sometimes they go fast, other times they sit in a stack, waiting for addressing. some arts i make a bunch more, especially the one titled "if only hitler had known about FLUXUS, none of this would have happened to us," which i'll be sending out your way (as a mass-produced copy) soon!!!
i just want you to know that i cherish your friendship!
Guido, your envelope was waiting in the mail box this afternoon. I took it to the porch and poured over it. You captured the essence of the 'tornado'. I have seen them only on TV because when the sirens go off, we head for the lowest level.
Yours is the first envelope. It was nice to look inside. Yes, art related to peace and awareness i support.
Goede avond Mijnheer! Many thanks for your latest offering: "I like flying ktes at night". It's realy good, and I'm trying to guess exactly where the kites are and in which night-time sky you are flying them.
I am a hopeless kite flyer, so won't discuss that. Instead, I'll tell you that I'll be mailing you something back before the week is out.
Thanks again, and regards to you et la belle Ann, Hilton Val
Hi Guido, Thank you for the wonderful mailart received from you. Love your style, and Tarintina is really a beautiful cat. They say a cat chooses the people they want to live with. Take care Karin
ENVOYEZ-MOI UNE SIRÈNE Si vous avez passé vos vacances sur la côte, amenez une sirène avec vous et envoyez-la-moi.
Si vous l'avez vue, dessinée, photographiée, imaginée ou si la mer vous en a inspiré, même si vous l'a raconté
Et si vous avez passé vos vacances à la campagne, laissez voler vôtre imagination et
Grandeur: 10 cm x 15 cm Envoyer avant le 1 mai 2012 Toutes les travaux seront exposés à
Envoyer votre sirène à:
Carlos Botana Avda. Gral. Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º 15006 - A Coruña Spain
Jul 3, 2011
gander is like "browse".
like "look," but with a bit more energy behind it.
to pour over something.
Jul 3, 2011
roberto picked zombie tales v.2.
that leaves you with the options of:
the zombie survival guide by max brooks
best new zombie tales vol.1
the dead that walk
there is one other, but it is HUGE, and i can't afford so much postage!
Jul 3, 2011
oh, you haven't seen this book yet?
you will love it!
Jul 4, 2011
and if you like it, be sure to find a copy of World War Z, it is the ultimate zombie apocalypse scenario, giving viewpoints from all over the globe! ;-D
Jul 4, 2011
do you have a title for the piece with the peace train and bookshelves?
Wilma Duguay
Hi Guido,
Sorry that you aren't 100% up to par...I know the feeling!!!!
I was at the printers today in Bonaventure. I picked up a proof of my book Postcards From the Garden. It's a go!!! The printers told me my book would be ready this week. I'll mail you one asap.
May 10, 2011
cheryl penn
May 10, 2011
Marlene van Jaarsveld
Hi Quido...received your stunning mail surprise...just opened it as I write. Love the envelope and reading through your info right now.
May 10, 2011
May 10, 2011
part 2 of my nerdy girl series: nerdy glasses
is going out to mim's mail art call! thought you'd
like this!
May 11, 2011
Marlene van Jaarsveld
Thanks for the gorgeous mail art from you!! Something on its way to you soon from me!
May 12, 2011
Hi !!!!
Thank for you !!!
beautiful letter!!
May 13, 2011
Winged Heart
May 14, 2011
got your mail today!!!
super awesome!
i didn't know spiderman was involved in that.
i remember him not answering his cell, but i had no idea he was up to osamassinationing!
May 14, 2011
guido, your osama collage inspired me, so i started a new mail call going now until 9/11:
Remember the Patriot Act
May 15, 2011
Cernjul Viviana María
May 19, 2011
May 26, 2011
May 26, 2011
you're welcome!
i love the picture so much i can't get it out of my head!
May 27, 2011
May 28, 2011
if i was a woman i would have your babies! ;-D
i love you, guido.
May 29, 2011
May 29, 2011
May 29, 2011
full title is:
i could get lost in your eyes forever, and never find my way out; you are beautiful.
May 29, 2011
i will show my wife.
she's kind of pissed at obama for extending the Patriot Act! :-O
me, i don't vote because i know they're all evil anyways!!! heh.
May 30, 2011
btw, you're an excellent diver!
i'll send you a high quality print as soon as i have money.
this week sometime!
May 30, 2011
May 30, 2011
Judy Lazarus
Good morning (here in the US). I am looking forward to becoming involved with this group of artists. I am a retired (early!) art teacher and painter who has been working on visual journals lately. I need to learn a bit more about how the IUOMA works and then will be sending off some mail (I hope).
Thanks for contacting me! Judy
Jun 3, 2011
Jun 4, 2011
cheryl penn
Jun 7, 2011
and you have some ann mail coming your way, along with an invitation to rock from the NSA.
Jun 7, 2011
Valentine Mark Herman
Goede avond, Guido! Thanks for yet another great envelope, and he enclosed list of FRIUOR approved Mail Art projects -- I'v already responded to the Free Art and Great War ones.
I'll be sending you and Anne -- or you for Anne, or Anne for you -- something back next week. Ask her if she will be my Lost Sock princess, please.
Regards, Herman's Hermit
Jun 10, 2011
Valentine Mark Herman
Hi Guido, I'm told that's the trouble with Princesses -- they are a bit temperamental at times; Anyway when you two receive my card next week, and when your very own the Princess finds her lost sock, everything shoulod be OK.
Bon Weekend, Herman's Hermit
Jun 11, 2011
Lesley Magwood Fraser
Jun 17, 2011
Karin Greenwood
Jun 17, 2011
Valentine Mark Herman
Goede morgen Guido! Your output is incredible. Do you post out all of the stuff you make to lucky recipients like me? Or just post it on the IUOMA site? (Or a combination of the two?)
Regards, to you and Anne from Val and Anne
Jun 23, 2011
hi guido!
i saw above you said you were "fed up with receiving only copy"
i hope you reconsider.
whether or not you agree with me that copies are as good as the originals, i don't mind.
but i hope you at least consider.
to me, the art is what you get from it, and there is as much to be gotten from a copy as from an "artifact." in the same way you can learn from reading a message transferred over the internet as opposed to reading in a dusty old text with pages falling apart.
IMHO there is nothing inherently more special about the artifact than the encoded portion of art, reprinted, remanufactured, distributed on a large scale.
for me, lately i've been making digital-only works, which only exist in the realm of bits and bytes. the closest thing to an original is a print with my penmanship on the back.
is that any less art than something made wholly from tangible substance?
i hope to trigger some synaptic pathways, that is all! ;-D
look for some "prints" coming your way!
Jun 24, 2011
Jun 24, 2011
Valentine Mark Herman
Dear Guido, Of course you are crazy -- don't fight it! I'm sure that a large measure of craziness is a necessary but not sufficient prereqisition for membership of IUOMA. We're all crazy, as is mail Art, especially when you try to explain it to those to whom it is a new concept. I send a lot of stuff to international exhibitions, as I have (crazy?) pretensions to be an 'international arrist'. I also have individual exhibitions, whenever i get the opportunity.Unlike you, and this is what you might be critical of, I make up collages in batches of 6 or so: they are all subtly different pieces but neverthless part of a series. What I don't have anything at all to do with is email art: that's just not for me, although I can appreciate the artistic talent and effort that goes into it's creation. But, somehow, it's not real postal art.
Thanks for the info about MD -- she seems to have been a very special lady.
Regards, Hilton
Jun 24, 2011
i haven't followed the whole discussion, i will admit, but i've been thinking heavily on the pieces i grasped onto this morning when browsing through the comments; and i want to throw this out there:
your photocopy of the piece with ann's piano lesson has actuallu been one of the most inspirational pieces driving me through these last couple of months. i absolutely adore that piece (which i since sent off to someone along with my french homework. it is by far the favorite piece i've received from you, although i adore the envelopes, the piano lesson spoke VOLUMES, regardless or not whether it was a copy.
again, i respect your opinion, i just hope you'll take a second thought about the matter because there is a lot to be said for the art of the copy.
Jun 24, 2011
i can understand that, and it i've come across something similar in my own art calls when someone sent me a postcard completely unrelated to the mail call for Mail of the Living Dead. it was a promotion for their website and had nothing to do with zombies. i ended up posting it, but not with the zombies. i put it on the free art blog. but it certainly provoked some thought about what should i do with it? and if i accepted it, where should i draw the line.
i sent you a bunch of copies of my art, which were in fact for your particular mail call, i don't know if you've received them or not yet, but they were all inspired by your photocopy of ann and her mum. i have sent out multiple copies to others, but not to any other mail art call, just to individuals.
i think i agree with you on some level for the calls, it is somewhat disrespectful to make a reproduction and submit for various things which it may not even be related to, but on the other hand i think i can see leeway for acceptance of works which are done in such a way. it is art, afterall, and art rarely if ever "follows the rules."
thanks for the food for thought! ;-D
Jun 24, 2011
my main concern is that i am running more and more toward mass copies of art, but i don't want to lose friends!!! i love you to death, you've been a great correspedencer! but i've been consumed lately with the digital art, which as i said // has no original artwork // -- everything i virtual, there is no original! ;-D
i have been networking with the art, sending out TONS of copies to many people, in hopes they will respond and see what the free art thing is all about, but i spend far more time making the art than sending, i am certainly not just sending one piece! i make a digital piece, then immediately print out about ten copies to send. sometimes they go fast, other times they sit in a stack, waiting for addressing. some arts i make a bunch more, especially the one titled "if only hitler had known about FLUXUS, none of this would have happened to us," which i'll be sending out your way (as a mass-produced copy) soon!!!
i just want you to know that i cherish your friendship!
that is all.
Jun 26, 2011
Hi Guido!!!
I'm giving a short interview about the “mail art” for a PDF catalog of mail art, which will publish soon in
Could you please answer these two questions:
1) What mean the mail art in your life?
2) How you knew the mail art?
Thanks you, hug for you!!! =))
Jun 27, 2011
Alicia Starr
Guido, your envelope was waiting in the mail box this afternoon. I took it to the porch and poured over it. You captured the essence of the 'tornado'. I have seen them only on TV because when the sirens go off, we head for the lowest level.
Yours is the first envelope. It was nice to look inside. Yes, art related to peace and awareness i support.
I will send you something tomorrow.
Jun 27, 2011
Valentine Mark Herman
Goede avond Mijnheer! Many thanks for your latest offering: "I like flying ktes at night". It's realy good, and I'm trying to guess exactly where the kites are and in which night-time sky you are flying them.
I am a hopeless kite flyer, so won't discuss that. Instead, I'll tell you that I'll be mailing you something back before the week is out.
Thanks again, and regards to you et la belle Ann, Hilton Val
Jun 28, 2011
Juan Angel Italiano
Jul 2, 2011
Karin Greenwood
Hi Guido, Thank you for the wonderful mailart received from you. Love your style, and Tarintina is really a beautiful cat. They say a cat chooses the people they want to live with. Take care Karin
Jul 2, 2011
cheryl penn
Guido - your messages from the Rainforest arrived. WHAT A TREAT!!!! Thank you One of my favorites so far -
Too far upstream
Mountains take the shape
Of waterbirds
WONDERFUL! - Thank you again - I'm CHUFFED :-) X
Jul 2, 2011
i'm giving roberto first pick because he helped inspire this project.
you get second pick since you have submitted the most zombies!
please take a gander, and as soon as roberto has chosen, i'll let you know which ones you can choose from!
Jul 3, 2011
Carlos I. Botana
Si vous avez passé vos vacances sur la côte, amenez une sirène avec vous
et envoyez-la-moi.
Si vous l'avez vue, dessinée, photographiée, imaginée ou si la mer vous
en a inspiré, même si vous l'a raconté
Et si vous avez passé vos vacances à la campagne, laissez voler vôtre
imagination et
Grandeur: 10 cm x 15 cm
Envoyer avant le 1 mai 2012
Toutes les travaux seront exposés à
Envoyer votre sirène à:
Carlos Botana
Avda. Gral. Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
15006 - A Coruña
Jul 3, 2011
gander is like "browse".
like "look," but with a bit more energy behind it.
to pour over something.
Jul 3, 2011
roberto picked zombie tales v.2.
that leaves you with the options of:
the zombie survival guide by max brooks
best new zombie tales vol.1
the dead that walk
there is one other, but it is HUGE, and i can't afford so much postage!
Jul 3, 2011
oh, you haven't seen this book yet?
you will love it!
Jul 4, 2011
Jul 4, 2011
do you have a title for the piece with the peace train and bookshelves?
it is going in my FREE ART e-newsletter tomorrow!
let me know or i'll make one up! ;-D
Jul 4, 2011