Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I love handmade cards, letters, snail mail in general, plus trading art via mail. The immediacy of art in hand makes our virtual world pale by comparison. I believe in handmade as a rule, even when I like using PSE for generating more fun online. (Okay, so some of what I do here came digitally. I like to add touches anyhow) And I've been meaning to check into this type of group for a long time. Happily, I saw the link over at Little Cricket Art Shack!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
We are in the process of reassessing our positions as team here.
Please forgive the radio silence.
And to anyone who previously sent mail-art in my direction after first introducing yourselves, you have my thanks. I will do my utmost to send out your replies ASAP.

Take care, all.

Comment Wall:

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  • Em

    did I already send you some mail art?

    if you'd like something, let me know your mailing address. . . .

    so glad you like the blog.  (I think you meant the blog?)


  • Em

    ah, yes the owls.  I am a bit addicted to this OwlCam:

    so meditative to watch them.

    and I will have a few of the owl collages in the Gilpin Co Show this summer: up in Central City -a fun place to visit.  I also have a couple up at the Georgetown Mt Art Gallery, another fun day trip to the mountains - lots of great Colorado artists there as well.

    Ever go to the CORE gallery ATC trade?  2nd Saturday morning, I have never been but every month mean to get there. . . . . I hear it's awesome.

    anyway, enough Colorado stuff . . . . back to mail art.



  • Carla Cryptic

    I'll keep my eyes peeled Rose. :D
  • Em

    have we traded before?  I don't want to send repeats. . . .

    I will send 3, you can send whatever works for you!


  • Karen Champlin

    Your ATCs came yesterday!  They're so WONDERFUL!!!!  You made me very happy. THANK YOU!
  • Piccadilly Post

    Your wishes for spring arrived safely yesterday.  The textures and fibers are wonderful!  Thank you for sending such beauty to my mailbox.
  • Susanne Müller-Baji

    Dear Rose,
    all is well over here. Sadly no access to the other computer (the one that does the links and the secret messages, too). Read about Carla Cryptic's golden rabbit call, but also need to get to the other equipment to join...
  • Susanne Müller-Baji

    Yep, you're right. Anyway the next bunch of cards I am going to send out include a rabbit... Besides, one will go towards Boulder. But I just realized I don't have your snail mail address...
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonsoir Mme Rose. I haven't received it yet. I'll let you know as soon as I do. Bon weekend! Scrambled Bake Beans
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Encore bonsoir! Change of hats, and change of drinks. From red to pastis (and later to rosé) Au revoir Roséy
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Dear Possums, Sadly, the Postman didn't leave anything from me in my postbox today (Saturday 26 March). Perhaps he's eaten it.

    Meatloaf (for supper tonight, not the singer)

  • Susanne Müller-Baji

    back and stressed out...
    What I wanted to ask: You live in Longmont and the studio is in Boulder - or vice versa. Know both places, L. only from a stop-over, though....
  • Susanne Müller-Baji


    I tend to be so forgetful when it comes to addresses... ;-)
    Thanks for the ideas what to see art-wise in Boulder. Don't know when and where the family will come together next time. But if I should make it to Colorado again I will definitely have a look.
    By the by: A piece is on the way to you.

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour! Snail mail arrives .... eventually. The French eat snails (ugh) with garlic (double ugh). Possum mail has not arrived yet. Have you eaten your possum (with or without garlic)? Regards, Val
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Typical Secretary of State-type reply post Kissinger -- blame the French! Remember New Orleans! (I've forgotten why). I blame Detroit, post-Nader: if you yanqui imperialists had stuck with good ole pollutin' gas cars that looked like Wurlitzers and not tried 'alternative' (ha!) energy vehicles, like possum power, I would have gottten my Plush offering already. About the only thing I can suggest is that your Post Mistress tries pigeon -- with shallottes and white wine. Jean-Pierre-Ralph-Henry and add a knob of butter
  • Carla Cryptic

    Thanks Rose!
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonsoir! When do you accept that it's got lost and send me a replacement? Or a voucher for a Big Mac(Guinn?). Red Martini, with a slice of lemon, a dash of vodka and some crushed ice.

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Purple. Yellow.


  • Susanne Müller-Baji

    Hi Rose,
    sorry. I am so busy with last things: In a few days I leave for Boston and things are crazy now...
  • Susanne Müller-Baji

    How nice of you!
    Sometimes I feel like Samwise in Lord of the Rings, really: If I make another step I will be further away from home than ever before....
    Will send you updates, though.
    As for the mailing address: I won't be long enough in one spot to receive mail – probably a little bit of a vagabond anyway. But friends take over the house and guard my dear little mailbox, so this address is best...
  • Piccadilly Post

    No worries!  I can't seem to keep up with both the sending and the posting: if I'm on the web then I'm not creating!  We finally had some springtime warmth here yesterday--a beautiful, breezy day to play outside!  Today, rain.  Maybe I'll play with paper!
  • stan askew

    i use  a lot of vintage photos in my mailings ... the one i chose from your site appears to be a portrait photo of a brother and sister taken in the late 1800s or early 1900s. thanks so much for making vintage images available!

    best, stan

  • stan askew

    have no idea what that would be about ... i'll check it out. you can try and google stan askew, and you should be able to find links to my website and the work i have posted on flickr. please let me know how it goes.

    thanks, stan


  • stan askew

    well rose, you are absolutely right. i've no idea how that occurred or how to change it. haven't a clue what site sculptor is or how it managed to interface with my website. will definitely try to figure it out. thanks for trying to visit the site. 


  • stan askew

    thanks, rose. unfortunately i did a bit of venturing last night ... hopefully not enough to do serious damage. will be contacting my web tech this a.m. to discuss. your cautionary advice is much appreciated.


  • stan askew

    hi rose ... mystery solved. my web tech is working on a new version of my site ... a much needed update. what we are seeing is the system he is using for that purpose. not sure when he will complete the new, improved, but will let you know when the site is up and available for viewing.

    breathing a sigh of relief out here in pasadena,


  • stan askew

    thanks for your thougtful comments, rose. per your feedback, protections are in place and website is safe, as is computer. you are correct ... one cannot be too careful these days.

    with warm regards,


  • Mail Art Martha

    Woth all my heart.( methink is time woth dropped the inverted commas, what do you think?)

  • Mail Art Martha

    yes! great fun! paper dolls it is. Postcard size? Self assembly or ready made? I am inclined to leave all the details to each artist. Main requirement, to be light and easy to pack flat. What do you think?


  • Mail Art Martha

    I was all set to send you a doll, once it is made, and realize there is no snail mail address available. i shall take a photo and send that to you instead in a few days.

  • Mail Art Martha

    Forgot to say I love your blog, and very nice of you to give freebies to everybody.
  • Laurence Roberts

    oh THANK you ! much apprecaited (though tbh I think the computer screen somehow improves it ! :) Don't tell no one !
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour! Your comment has probably gone the same way as your missive to France. (What is it about the Possum's communications that they get lost all the time?) I've added your name to the mailing list, so you are IN the project. If your comment was important, I suggest you send it four more times (making 5 in all). Or not. Regards, Val
  • Laurence Roberts

  • Mail Art Martha

    Hi sorry for the delay, very busy with other things but also
    I wanted to give the doll a good deal of thought. What do you think of a paper
    doll with a pocket/bag/envelope in which a small piece of Mail Art can be
    slotted? The persons who receive the doll keep the art and replace it with one
    of their own, artist trading card or stamps as they are small enough. The doll can
    be anything, a postman perhaps? And no bigger than A5. What about starting a
    group so when people receive the doll they photograph it and put the photo in
    before sending it on its way?

  • Mail Art Martha

    i forgot to mention that I am thinking of only one doll doing the rounds of the community of Mail Artists. I wonder what you think of this.
  • Nikki Soppelsa

  • Laurence Roberts

    Streampunk ?  I am learning !


    many thanks.  It's very engaging.

  • Nikki Soppelsa

  • Mail Art Martha

    oh please no excuses needed for thinking! yes perhaps it will be better to let others join in the fun. As to my ideas that you like so much, thanks but ... once I was told that ideas are a penny a dozen, the interesting thing is what one does with them. And right now I am rather confused as to what are we doing, apart from talking that is!
  • Mail Art Martha

     I will have to summon up all my 'wisdom' ( many will not agree with your kind comment believe me!) but one thing is becoming clear in my mind: if we start a new group in IUOMA for the roaming doll, then individual artists will upload their photos or what have you and we just sit and admire their work, giving everybody plenty of feedback. That is becoming more and more attractive the more I think of it. We can put a call saying make your own doll and send it around,and please upload photos of your dolls.  We make our own as example and send them to each other and put a photo in the group to start the ball, or doll in this case, rolling. How's about that?
  • Mail Art Martha

    no mail art attached to the doll, the doll is the mail art. Simple is better, everybody design their own but we can give guidelines
  • Mail Art Martha

    I like the super title but perhaps 'travelling' may look bad as it is already used in 'Travelling Toys' ? We can use roaming, touring, wandering, etc.
    If we limit the interchange to the group members to start with it will only be us two so perhaps it can be open to all in IUOMA. They have to be members to join the group but of course it could be new members.
    The parameters could be;
    "Send a paper doll to your friends and ask them to keep it on the move, taking photos of the doll in location and uploading the photo/s on this site and then send the doll to another friend in this group or in IUOMA. The doll must fit easily in a standard A5 (23x15 cm) envelope."
    This is as simple as I can make it. Please feel free to change it and also correct the grammar!!!
    I wonder what are we getting ourselves into ...I may have to send my husband to work to pay for the post...
  • Mail Art Martha

    Clever Possum! very good idea asking Andy if he would mind. I think it would be a good thing for the site as there is not much movement.We can approach them as a friend to introduce the idea to him rather than doing it publicly within the group. So sorry but I have not heard of the film you mention, now it makes sense so we go with it and if the doll project will be included somehow in the Travelling Toys site it makes double sense. If Andy says no we can always start another group; nothing lost with asking.

    First we have to arrive at a clear invitation, could you add, change, improve the one I sent you? When we are both happy with it we tell Andy.

  • Mail Art Martha

    Of course not only photos but all artistic media should be acceptable, good point!

    Please add to invitation.

  • Mail Art Martha

    "Send a paper doll to your friends and ask them to keep it on the move, taking photos of the doll in location and uploading the photo/s on this site or a video,story, drawing or any other means of recording its adventures. Please do not alter the dolls you receive only record information on their adventures. Then send the doll to another friend in this group or in IUOMA. The doll must fit easily in a standard A5 (23x15 cm, about 9in by 6 in ) envelope or smaller."
    I have altered it as per instructions, madam. I did think you sounded a tad strong on the ALTER ONLY YOUR OWN DOLLS bit. We must remember artists have a fragile ego, but anyway we must be prepared to accept that some artists will not obey rules, no matter what we say. I am told also that we should never use capitals in emails as it is the equivalent of shouting at somebody.
    I am having second thoughts about putting it in Andy's Travelling Toys, it seems too elaborate to sit unobstrusively there and we may be seen as taking over the site. It would be easy to create our own group, don't you think. Also if Andy accepts he will in all probability want to change the project, it is natural, and that means three of us to come to an agreement, think of the time it takes with two! But it is your idea so why don't you propose it to Andy? I will go along with anything you two agree.
  • Mail Art Martha

    gosh! I did not felt shouted at, I know you did  not mean to do so, i merely made the comment because in an invitation some people might interprete it as a bit harsh. Please do not feel bad.



  • Mail Art Martha

    I did not 'feel', I am loosing my grip on grammar...
  • Mail Art Martha

    That is fine I also have to get on with non mail art things, so we take a sabbatical.
  • andytgeezer

    Hi Rose and Martha 


    Apologies for the slow response, but of course you may already know, I've just been on my honeymoon and hence mailart has taken a back seat (gasp!) for a month. I'm sure I can be fogiven on this one.


    With regards to the idea - it sounds like fun. I'm wondering how it differs from travelling toys, other than in the fact that you'll be sending paper toys? More than happy to play and for you to use the travelling toys group or set up a group of your own. I do suspect that this is a branch/subgroup of travelling toys though, and think it would be rather nice to host it on travelling toys if you think it would fit.