you are over 4' tall - it is not over your head. (random number I will admit) and I love the pic you put up. When you get mail that is "art" scan/photo it and upload. When you send out art - do the same. This is a no stress kind of place to hang out. Very nice peoples! Got the goodie box today - ok where did you get the wonderful stone/ceramic pieces? You know I have to make something with them. ty! hugs
Please join the Solidarity with Japan Group. It is an important IUOMA project linking Mail Artists around the world.
If you would like to exchange some Mail Art with me, send me something to 1 Rue de la Vieille Fontaine, F-11130 Sigean, France, and I PROMISE to mail you something back.
Laurence Roberts
Mar 28, 2011
Mar 28, 2011
Mar 29, 2011
Austin Wills James
Well, I was jus fixin' ta start workin' on a card for ya, Ma'am.
Mar 30, 2011
Valentine Mark Herman
Bonjour Laura!
Welcome to IUOMA.
Please join the Solidarity with Japan Group. It is an important IUOMA project linking Mail Artists around the world.
If you would like to exchange some Mail Art with me, send me something to 1 Rue de la Vieille Fontaine, F-11130 Sigean, France, and I PROMISE to mail you something back.
Regards, Val
Mar 30, 2011
Jamee Meyers
Apr 2, 2011